Part 17 ...

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Sushi goes to her desk and and start writing over the page where PROLOGUE is written , she wants it to be simple but yet creating an impact over the people reading it , she started typing down ,

" when I first saw you in the crowd ,

I said a prayer to never make me talk to this idiot .




now , after years of knowing you ,

I still say a prayer to never let this idiot go away from me .




It's a blessing that we met .

STAY , okay ? "

She wrote the lines down and she remembered how much she hated darshan without even knowing him or meeting him . Their fights are unforgettable . And he's not changed at all , still throws off his attitude over her . But somewhere he forget that his absence has changed her , he observed it and now he wants her to be his sush again . Sushi got to her bed , sleep was far away from her , the things which happened today were somehow like their past incidents playing back again . Like her life was paused when darshan was not with her . The hugs are most special . That stay with her , in all their warmths , in all the feelings andheri in all their care . They've just feel like home , like which can never be enough .


He drive back to his apartment , and today's events are just making him smile widest . He gets inside his room and find Kritesh , he catch his hand and start dancing like an idiot , after a moment Kri shrug of his hands

Kri - what's wrong with you , have you went mad

He fell on the bed backwards - yes , in her love

Kri - oh god , kamine where were you ? You told me that you are coming in 1 hour and you are coming now when it's just 2 hours left for morning

Darsh catch him and show him the way out of his room and fall off on the bed . He just can't get over her , the way she is . She has changed but in a better way , he knows she is somewhere still broken and this too that he doesn't like that . But after many adventurous things the best way thing that'd happened is , " my writer started writing . I'll be seeing her name published over a book cover . Miss Susmita Rathod , or may be Raval " . With the same thoughts in mind , he sleeps


The whole night she didn't slept , thinking about him . At morning 5:30 she just thought to go to marine drive and clear up her mind completely . She wore out a white spaghetti , blue shorts and a shrug over it and her hairs were left open , she got out of her room and taking her car keys she went outside the house . Seeing darshan there , was no more a surprise for her . He went to her

Darsh - morning

Sushi - how many sleepless nights you can cross on

Darsh smile - I slept , but just for an hour may be

Sushi - take care of your health , their are millions who live for you

Darsh - and I just want one to live for me , but for now she is bit angry on me . And if about sleeping then you only stole my sleep yesterday by giving me so many heart warming things together . Leave about me , why you didn't slept ?

Sushi open the car door and sit inside showing that she didn't heard him . Darsh get inside

Darsh - you wanna know everything about me but don't want to spell out anything about yourself

Sushi is hearing his each word still pretending that she don't bother with his presence around her . She start the car when she felt his touch over her hands . She looked to him and found him getting up from his seat . He leaned to her , his one hand was over hers on the staring and the other over the seat . His face was just an inch away from her . Her grip over the staring tightened . Darsh removed his hand from her and pull out the seat belt , and getting back lock it . Darsh kept staring at her , the way he affects her , the way his closeness makes her go still . She acts strong and brave enough but she loose the count of her heartbeats , her breath get heavy . After a while darsh lean back to his seat

Darsh - Miss Susmita Rathod , the seat belt is fixed . We can start our save drive now ( he said looking straight with a slight smile on his face )

Sushi get back to senses with his words , she don't get why she zones out whenever he comes close to her . There was complete silence till they reached marine drive , but Darshan's eyes were stuck to her and it was affecting her in indescribable way .

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