Part 55 ...

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They have their dinner and leave for the house , they reach up . Darshan turn to sushi's side and see that's she's asleep . He smile looking at her , everytime the distance between them had made them come closer to each other more than previous . How simply someone's presence changes everything for you and how their absence just make you lost with yourself too . He saw his heaven , the smile that makes him believe in love , more , with each passing day . People say we fall in love once , but everytime he looks at her , he falls in love with her all over again . The way their souls connect with each other , that made this love stronger . As said , " beautiful things take time " , and the time , separation , pain everything was worth it . Darsh pick her up and lead her to their flat , and ring the bell . It's dark when he enter and he doesn't even know who opened the door . And then boom , lights and party poppers ; sushi wake up hearing the voice . Darsh put her down , and crease her back as the sudden noise made her stun . Adi and Kri walk up to her

Kri - we are so sry , we didn't you knew must be asleep

She sits on the couch - it's fine Kri , I'm okay . It's just I was in sleep and then such boomers made me stun . That's it , relax

Adi hugs her - sry

Sushi slap his face playfully - I don't need your sorry , what's all this

Dhruwal - our memories , thought to surprise you guys

Darsh keep his hand over Dhruwal's shoulder - that's so sweet ( and kiss his cheek )

Dhruwal wipe his cheek making a disgusting face - bhai you have a girlfriend to kiss over , abhi toh baksh de humko

Darsh - sry , but that's not gonna happen

Sushi - Mr.Director , you seriously think this moron will change ( they all burst in laughter hearing her call him moron ) okay , guys . I'm sleepy , so you all can continue , I'm going to sleep . Bye , love you all

She gets up from the couch and nik call out for her Nik - sushi you forgot something

Sushi looked at him confused - what

Kri - tumhare would to be hubby ko goodnight kiss nahi dogi

She just ignore them and walk up to the bedroom and sleep

Next day sushi got up and kept up the invitation cards on their respective bed side tables with hot coffee . Yes the invitation card , to the book launch

" Miss Susmita Rathod
Unveiling her first book ,



Date - 18th October 2021

Venue - Bombay to Barcelona library cafe "

After every hour one person was getting up and coming to her . Hugging her tightly and congratulating her . The best part is to see your people happy when you make your dreams come true . Each of them was busy discussing the things they want prepare for her and do for her on her special day , while darshan was the last one to wake up . He walked up in the hallway , they all expected him to again go to sushi and kiss her . But indeed he silently walked up and sat on the couch . Everyone was looking at him , with cold faces

Darsh - guys what's wrong , why are you all looking at me that way , sush can I get a coffee plz . And I'm sry I got too late to wake up

Sushi - it's okay ( she said with a completely cold face ) I'll get the coffee

As sushi left , all of them walked up to him and started beating shit out of him

Darsh screamed - stop it guys , what happened . I just woke up , and you're behaving like I committed some crime . Can you all stop behaving childish and tell me what is it ?

Nik - didn't you check your bed side table

Darsh - no , so what

Kri kick his ass - just go and check it

Darsh - wtf , fine . I'll just be back , stop kicking my ass you fools

Darsh get inside the room , and take a look on the bed side tables but there is nothing to be found . He again come back

Darsh - guys are you like kidding with me , there's nothing kept in the room

Sushi - your coffee , and sry abt them . You didn't get anything because there was nothing kept

They all look shockingly at sushi and spoke in unison - then why didn't you stop us while we beating the shit out of him

Sushi - it was fun to watch you guys that way , and I kinda loved to see how much you all love me . And darsh , get yourself a shower and then we will talk

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