Part 31 ...

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The next day everyone came , and they were waiting for sushi to come for the rehearsal . Kri called her and she said that she's on the way . Sushi entered

Sushi - I'm so sry guys for being late , but actually I went to the airport to pick up someone then getting fresh and come here , it just got late

Kri - pick up karne , airport , kise ?

And a voice comes over - hey everyone

Everyone's eyes almost popped out looking at him , masculine figure , wearing and tee and pair of ripped jeans , his abs were not seen but he must be having them . His accent was half American and half Indian

Sushi - he's nik

Everyone else was happy seeing him but darshan didn't give a damm . They all were busy meeting him when darshan shout out

Darsh - guys meets can happen , can we rehearse plz , its already late

Sushi - nik just

Nik cut her in mid - relax sweetheart I'll be all fine

Sushi smile at him and go and stand beside darshan . She look at him but darshan averted his gaze . She didn't liked his ignorance , like yesterday he was all concerned and today he's not even looking at her . She tried to approach him , but he didn't even look at her . It was lunch time , they took the break , everyone went out , susi stood near the door as darshan was still inside . As everyone came out , sushi got inside , darshan was abt to get out of the room . Sushi closed the door behind her

Darsh - what's wrong with you open the door

He moved forward to open it , but sushi pushed him back to the wall . Darsh was stunned with her action ,

Darsh - sushi

She put her finger over his lips - what is wrong with you , when I was ignoring you , you were running behind me . When I was pushing you away , you were getting more close to me . And now why the hell are you ignoring me , from morning I'm observing , you are not even looking at me . What's wrong darshan , speak up

He was just lost in her touch , he heard her . She didn't like his ignorance and darsh was happy
knowing that . Darsh signal to her , to his mouth , she looked down and found herself so close to him and her finger over his lips . She remove her hands and look down , she felt awkward

Sushi - I'm ... I'm sry

She was abt to move back when darsh hold her by her waist , and pull her closer . Her breath got deep with his closeness and heartbeats faster than normal

Sushi - leave me , I said I'm sry

Darsh - why is it hurting you , my ignorance ?

Sushi - just forget whatever I said

She spoke and got out of his grip , opening the door she left . Darsh stood their smiling , he knew that she was trying to push him away , but today she told it herself . Darsh left behind her , she went to the canteen

Kri - here she is , you saw darshan

Sushi instantly - nope

Dhruwal - shaitan ka naam liya shaitan hazir

Darsh hear what he said , he came to him and beat on his head . Sushi sit next to nik , and darsh pull out a chair and sit beside her

Kri - darsh , you both were together

Darsh start coughing , kri give him water

Darsh - why ... Why would we be together

Nik - sushi have this

He speak and feed her , darsh look at them and same time sushi look at him . She avert her gaze ,

Sushi - nik , I'll eat by myself

Darsh smile , sushi make an excuse and move out . She sat at her usual place ,

Darsh - hello

She got scared - what's wrong with you

Darsh - can I ask you something ?

Sushi - hmmm

Darsh - what's between you and nik ? ( sushi started laughing ) what's wrong

Sushi - you seriously think theirs something between me and nik , you thought so because he called me sweetheart and then now he was feeding me

Darsh shrug his one shoulder - yaa

Sushi - darshan , he's just my friend . And he calls me out sweetheart , bcoz from the day I met him he says that he has not seen a sweet person like me ( darsh cough hearing her , sushi shoot him death glare ) I know what was this for

Darsh - it guess someone should open nik's eyes , you and sweet . Doesn't match up

Sushi clutch his collar - what do you mean , I'm not sweet

Darsh - I don't know that yet

Sushi - as in

Darsh smirk - I don't know how you taste

Sushi gulped hard , and leave him ,

Sushi - the lunch time is finished , I guess we should leave

Darsh - you don't want to revert back to what I said

Without speaking anything , she left . Darsh smile and leave behind her

His words were still ringing in her ears , she just don't know why she loosed it today , if she haven't spoke all that then this would not have happened . But his ignorance was hurting her insides , and in that she just lose control over herself . Her trance broke with her Kri's voice

Kri - so guys , we gonna go to goa after the fest , and sushi and nik , you both have to come

Sushi - Kri I don't think dad will agree

Darsh - we all will speak with princi ( sushi raise her brows in anger ) oh god , sry . I meant principal sir

Sushi - but

Kri cut her in mid - no if's and But's

Sushi - fine , we will be there

Kri - so ready for the performance

Adi - Kri , my buddy ( patting on his chest ) gonna kill it

Kri - oh one sec , my bestie gonna kill it ( and wink looking at sushi )

Nik speak in between - guys I guess , neither sushi nor darshan , if they both togetherly did it then it would be magical

Sushi - true nik

It was just one day for the performance , the next day they practiced the full day , sweating the blood out of them . Darsh was excited to perform with her , he was looking forward to the next day and he knew that sleep will far away from him , he also decided to propose her when they go out to goa . The other side sushi stopped struggling hard between her mind and heart . She thought to let things flow , she will accept wherever the destiny leads her . May it be with darshan or without darshan , she was ready to face challenges and fight for herself . She was excited for their performance , bcoz as nik said it was togetherly darshan and sushi , none of us can shatter or else everything will be in vain , sleep was far away from her . Darsh got to know one thing , she's difficult person to be with , but it would be more difficult without her . And sushi got to know that he would stand out for her no matter what the situation is . Their love was growing like , " someone knowing more about you , than you yourself do . Because the person listens to you even when you don't speak " . They were waiting for the next morning , and with those thoughts they rested their heads on their pillows

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