Part 13 ...

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They broke the hug , and she looked at me , and till then Kri tells me everything what you actually happened and how she entered in . She went to my wordrobe , opened it and pulled out a tee and she walked to me . They all went out of the room , leaving both of us

Sushi - wear it ( she turned but he held her hand ) may be your fangirls will be more interested to see your like this than me

Darsh - thank you

Sushi - for

Darsh pulled her over and her lands up on his chest - for coming here and showing your right over our house

Sushi back offed - you are mistaken , I came here to ask something to you

Darsh - what

Sushi - I want your phone

Darsh - one sec , what ? But what you gonna do with my phone Sushi slides her hands inside his pocket and take his phone

Darsh - it has a pass ( but before he could even complete she unlocked his phone ) how do you know the password

Sushi - I don't know the password I know your love

Her words make his smile reach his eyes , she on the recorder and hear out our conversation a few time ago . She remember that I keep my recorder on , so that if something comes up in my mind I don't miss it out . But she was hearing a few lines again and again that just left from my mouth in that hit of the moment


She continously heard it , and after some time , handed my phone back to me . I'm was confused , like she came here just to hear what I spoke .

Darsh - wait , where are you going

Sushi - and what made you think I'll answer you

Darsh - you just came here to hear that recording

Sushi - ya , darsh plz wear your tee

Darsh - what was so *ucking important in that audio

Sushi takes the tee from his hand and rising up his arms , puts the tee over his body .

Sushi - you are not a kid anymore , you are heartthrob singing sensation . And your fans know that you are not at all the way you look , this bhola bhala . So stop acting like the most innocent person on this planet , and why can't you just listen sometimes

Darsh - what else am I doing from so much time

But without even hearing him she just leaves from his house

She gets freshen up , and when she comes out the coffee smell attracts her . She go the back yard and find everyone their having coffee , she take her steps towards them when she feels a pull and gets slided to the door , with two arms locking her

Adi - where you vanished

Sushi - adi , are you fine . Why are you scaring me like this , I , I went to Darshan's house

Adi almost shouting - what

Sushi put her hand over his mouth - we don't have to tell this to entire Mumbai , right ?

Adi - why you went their

Sushi - wanted to speak something with darshan

Palak - you guys can carry on your romance in the room

They both look at palak , it's not her fault bcoz the way their posture is and their closeness anyone would have mistaken

Adi without moving away from her - concentrate on abhi , and these are friendship talks , none of your business

Palak - just friends , but just friends don't look at someone like that adi

Sushi - stop stop stop , guys I badly want coffee

Palak hold her hand - till when will you run from this topic

Sushi - palak , the world doesn't talk like him , doesn't smell like him , look like him or may be theirs no one who can make me feel the way he did . I'm not running from this topic , I'm simply not wasting my time over stupid things . Theirs no point talking about it , and adi know it better than me

Palak - will you tell who that person is , how can someone be a fool that he left you

Sushi - he didn't left me , and that is what the real problem is that he still didn't left me

Palak - oh god girl , just come out of him and turn around , don't you see he loves you

Sushi turn to adi - do you love me ?

Adi is confused than shocked - what ?

Sushi sigh - do you love me ?

Adi - sushi ,

Sushi - he don't even have guts to say it , and you know why palak , bcoz he won't let his love ruin his friendship

Palak - and you are taking it for granted

Sushi - I'm not talking about our friendship its about the friendship between adi and him

Palak - adi knows him

Sushi - you can ask him and excuse me bcoz I badly want coffee and adi u have something to tell her

Adi ignore palak and go away from her bcoz he didn't wanted to answer her questions

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