Part 37 ...

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Nik - have it , you ate olives already . Take the medicine or else your hiccups will start and won't stop

Sushi - did I really ate them

Kri - girl , I guess it happened because your heart is somewhere else and I guess it's there

And he points out at darshan who's sitting in front and is busy with dharal explaining her that he was just kidding and not to take it seriously . As three of them where staring at him , he looked up at sushi and moved his head in asking ' what ' . She smiled and moved her head in ' nothing ' . Kri nudged her

Kri - anything wrong abt which you would like to talk

Sushi - I'm fine

She excused herself and went to her room , she didn't take the medicine . And after getting in the room her hiccups started . As she went off , adi , nik and Kri asked darshan to get to her . He took the medicine from the nik and went to her room . He just entered in without knocking and saw her eyes filled with tears bcoz of hiccups . He went to her and started rubbing her back , she got a hold over his other hand tightly . He wanted to give her the medicine but she wasn't ready to leave him . He managed to make her look at him ,

Darsh - relax , I'm a just here , with you

She was looking straight in his eyes , which hold on many emotions in them , specially love for her . His eyes were door to his soul , innocent , true and real . When he spelled that he's with me , it just seemed like I need no one else if I have him . He came up closer to me decreasing the distance between us , our eyes were not even blinking . He stopped just an inch away , and after a while I realised that my hiccups stopped . And when I realised that , I moved back and left his hand . He took a glass of water and gave me the medicine

Darsh - take it , while you're pushing me around I won't be with you everytime you need me

He spoke and left the room , I looked at the medicine in my hand and left it over on the table . Darsh went to beach side and sat there , he wasn't able to handle her . He was lost in his thought's when nik approached him

Nik - wanna know the reason behind sushi's behaviour Darsh looked at him and nodded

Nik - let's start from the start , sushi is a very ambitious person darshan . Her passion for her dreams is something to witness . Passionate about whatever she does , though her heart lies in it or not , like studying a thing which she hates the most . She has grown up without her mother and seeing her father loving her her unconditionally , uncle never ever made her feel the void of her mother . He used to treat her like a princess and he still do it . Sushi has never challenged his decision darshan , bcoz he's the only person in her life that is important to her more than her life . She can never disappoint uncle for anyone , let me repeat for you , or anyone . The performance day , you were holding her hand , and uncle saw that you kissed her cheeks , not only that but he knew you both were alone before the performance and after the performance too . You made sushi listen to her heart for the very first time , but uncle got his eyes over it darshan . Last night he asked sushi to stay away from you , and she's just obeying a order . Uncle don't think that you're a bad boy but he feels that music can't be someone's career option . First time sushi opposed , she firmly told that you will be a singing sensation , but uncle cut her saying that it's just a dream that she sees , which never gonna come true . Darshan I didn't came here by my choice but uncle called me to take sushi back , bcoz somewhere he feared that you'll make sushi what her heart wants , and if she does this , she will get away from him . You're the first and probably the last person who can change sushi's mind , and I want you to do that

As nik spoke those words Darshan's head jerk to him - you want sushi to disobey her dad

Nik smiled - nope , I want her to listen to her heart and live for herself

Darsh - why you think I can do that ?

Nik - bcoz first time sushi is loving someone , and I know that she won't fall for anyone else . Her heart is pure , and till the end of her life she will love you unconditionally though you're with her or far away from her

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