Part 46 ...

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Their hearts brought them together once again , but their lives changed . Wants and needs make the slightest difference . Darshan revealed his relationship to his fans , because he didn't wanted any sort of problem for sushi . She was spending most of her time with him , and in all that somewhere she loosed the thing that was more than important to her ; her book . After that day whenever she wished to write , she got busy with darshan . And then his travelling tours , because he was not ready to go without her . Fans loved her the way , they love darshan . And she never become a barrier between darshan and his BLUEFAMILY . From three days they were travelling to different cities , and finally after his performance they got into the room and sushi jump on the bed and hugging a pillow she spoke

Sushi - how come you do this , like I'm tired like hell . And pretty sleepy

Darsh walk up to her and sit on the edge of the bed and as he sits she put her head on his lap . He smiled , and started creasing her hairs

Darsh - the people waiting there are my strength sush , and when I hear them shouting for me ; there's no other peace than that

Sushi - and this is my where my peace is

She turn around opening her eyes and look up to him , wrapping her hand around his neck and pull his face down , pecking his lips . Darsh eyes widen with her move , he was abt to speak something when they hear the door bang . Darsh open the door and see that Hardik came up to call them for dinner . Darsh just nod , and then both of them go to have dinner . After dinner , sushi jump back on the bed and till darshan comes to the room she's fast asleep . Darsh put the blanket over her , plant a kiss over her forehead and sleep on the couch . Sushi wake up early and see that darshan slept over the couch . She goes to him and adore his sleeping figure .

She's worried abt the fact that how will he react wen he gets to know her decision . She made her mind to tell him but she's a bit scared of the way he will get to know her decision . But also she knows that he will understand her . She gets up but his touch stops her at her place

Darsh pull her over him and wrap his hands around her ,

Darsh - I know I'm handsome and you can't resist over me , but that doesn't mean you should just keep staring me while I'm sleeping

Sushi get out of his grip and sit over the table in front - if you were sleeping how come you know that I was staring you

Darsh - I was sleeping until you ruffled my hairs

Sushi - such a liar you are , chuck it . I'll get freshen up , finally will be going back to home

Darsh - ya go ahead

Sushi - darshan the way by mistake you trimmed your beard , don't you think my mistake someday you should bath

Darsh - I took bath yesterday , remember it was show . Now don't ask me to take it until the next show

Sushi hit her head , she don't know why the hell she bangs her head over the rock . She got fresh and after some time they left for airport . And after travelling for hours they finally reached up Mumbai . Sushi wanted to meet adi , as its been many days that she didn't spent time with him . And she want to tell him her plan , darshan asked her to rest for the day but she ignored him . He got busy with his studio session and she went to meet adi in the cafe he called . They hugged each other and settled on their seats

Adi - okay sry , but can I spell my beans first ( sushi smile and nod ) I got a job , but

Sushi - but , what ?

Adi - sushi plz don't get angry on me okay , but the job isn't in India

Sushi - one sec , you're going somewhere and you didn't even bother to tell me

Adi - see that's the reason I didn't tell you , sushi I know you need me but

Sushi cut him in mid - no adi , you're getting me wrong here . You have already done so much for me , and I'm happy for you . And you didn't thought to share it with me that's my problem . Congratulations , now can you tell me when you're leaving and where

Adi - next week , Australia

Sushi - good , that means you can do my work

Adi - your work ? ( and raise a brow at her )

Sushi - pehle promise me that you won't get angry

Adi - is there something that I would get angry

Sushi shrug her shoulders while speaking - may be

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