Part 44 ...

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Sushi and darsh look around , leaving Siddharth everyone is slept at the place where they were sitting . Adi on the chair , Kritesh on the bed and Dhruwal and Hardik over the bean bags . They look at each other and start laughing ,

Sid - I guess we need to continue the story afterwards , I'm curious to know what separated you guys , like the spark of love still exists and your eyes shows it

Sushi - sid bhai , love exist and it will always do . But somewhere still the betrayal hurts , we both did mistakes and I guess we don't know how to solve them out

Darsh - or may be we don't want to solve them out

Sushi look at darsh , she knows why he is saying this . It's not that sushi don't want to solve it but she's afraid to loose him again ; to love him again like she used to . USED TO , she still do actually but don't wanna accept it

Sid - someday everything will make sense , so for now laugh at the confusion , smile through the tears and remind yourself that everything happens for a reason . Darsh you always say , " everything is written we just follow " , then may be this separation will bring out the best in you guys . And believe in yourself that love will find its way

They both just nod , sushi ask Adi to get over the bed to sleep . And shows out a room to Dhruwal , Hardik and Siddharth to sleep . Darshan was going back and forth with her , she asked him whether he wants to sleep but he denied , sushi go the kitchen and darsh follow

Sushi - coffee

He nods and watch her while making it . She pour the coffee in two mugs and take it to the backyard . She sit on the chair and darsh sit opposite to her . They both are silent , and sipping there coffee . It's full moon night and because of hovered cloud's it's hiding itself . But that's what is making it look mesmerising . Her eyes are stuck at the moon and his on her . He wants to speak his heart out , but he don't know how exactly to start the talk . Darsh is licking his lips and sushi looks at him or and she knows he's nervous but why is the question . The way travelled down the memory lane , of all the the happy moments . It's hard to believe that they aren't together .

Before sushi leave from there , darsh sit down on his knees and take her hands in the his , sushi let him and look at him , but his eyes are stuck to ground

Sushi - darsh , look up ( she remove her one hand and put on his chin and make him look up into her eyes , but she gets shocked to see his moist eyes , she sit down on her knees ) darsh , what's wrong , why are you crying

Darsh - why can't we sort it out

Sushi - what

Darsh - you and me being us ( sushi drop her hands , but darsh again hold them ) sush what went so wrong , it's not beyond repairable right . I know we can do it togetherly , just one try to our love

Sushi - darsh stop it , if just don't want to go through all that pain again . I'm still not completely out of it , somewhere it still hurts me darshan . I don't want us to lead through the same path again

Darsh - why the hell you think we will just get pain , we can be happy

Sushi - love brought up hopes and love itself crushed them

Darsh - broken hearts are mend to be healed

Sushi - but the hearts are made to be broken

Darsh - sush

Sushi cut him in the mid - I know we can do it togetherly , but I don't know . I'm afraid to loose you again , I won't be alive anymore if that thing happens again . I love you , yes I do , but , what if life takes you away from me again . What if we are meant to be together ? What if

Darsh stop her words my pressing his lips to her lips . Its like history repeating itself , their fights
, love , change of opinions abt love and finally being one . But just this time sushi respond him , their kiss carry there passion for each other . Distance separated them , but it failed to separate their hearts . It's just like , " whatever our souls are made of , his and mine are the same " . This time it was abt losing his the pain in exist in each others soul and leaving behind the love that they still carry for each other . Darsh break the kiss , and they both are panting for breath ,

Darsh - I love you , sush why think of something that might never happen . I know it's hard to get through it but this is all that we want , us . You and me being we , we both need to work over it and I know we will make through this darkness towards the light

Sushi - don't you have other ways to shut me up

Darsh laugh at her sentence - I'm sry , but you never listen and speak too much . So I don't know what else to do ( he rub his neck ) but it's the best way I guess ( and wink )

Sushi - ya I'll show you how

She take the pillow from the chair and hit him , but her bad that darshan block it . And he keep it over the chair . Darsh grab her hands and lock them behind by pulling her closer

Darsh - millions are mad behind this face , and you're hitting it

Sushi - they are mad for your voice , not your face

Darsh - oh hello , itna hot and handsome ladka tumhare samne hai and you're hitting him . Not fair

Sushi - ahan , so what do you think is fair then

Darsh - their is long list , but right now a kiss will work

Sushi - I haven't yet said a yes Mr.Raval , that you're assuming I'll kiss you . Just leave me , I don't have time for your long and short lists

Darsh - sush , plz . One last time , I know we can't love each other the same as we used to . And I guess that love not being same will be reason to love each other newly

Sushi - but darshan I

Darshan - sush , listen to me . Warna you know my way to silent you , sometimes the cold breezing air , the earthly smell , the drizzle and the surrounding used to make me think of you , and now when you're here with me , so close yet so far . I'll do anything to make you believe in me again , in our love again

Sushi - you don't need to prove it darshan , I just need some time to get through all these things . Just give me some space

Darsh leave her and take a step back - this much

Sushi move her head in disbelief - are you serious ?
Darsh take one more step back - okay , this much . Not more than this , plz ( and make a gabbu face , sushi smile and pull his cheeks )

Sushi - fine , but now let's get inside ( when she speak , darsh take a step forward to leave but sushi catch his hand and taking a step towards him kiss on his cheeks and run inside )

Darsh mouth falls open , and he run behind her but she got inside her room and locked it

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