Part 21 ...

128 11 1

After having their dinner they all go to darshan's house . They enter in and sit on the couch crossing their legs and opening their arms

Hardik - darsh bhai water please

Darsh - kamine , just get up and take it

Sushi - wait I'll bring

Kri - have some manners darsh , look at her

Darsh - she's just completing incomplete duties of her would to be husband

Sushi slowly slowly empty the glass of cold water over his head

Darsh shout - are you out of your mind , wtf are you doing

Sushi - opening up your mind , my would to be husband , right ?

They all burst out in laughter seeing darshan's condition . He get up and go inside his room , and sushi give water to them

Dhruwal - he must be angry , I know you will handle him but yet . I hope I don't need to tell you what you should do ( and winks )

Sushi - I'll just be back in 10

Sushi is waiting outside his room , she is about to open the door when he opens it . While closing his shirt buttons he was coming outside and he bump with her . Darsh look at her , and ignoring her move forward when she puts her hand in middle to stop him . Darsh sigh and get to another side , when she do the same . Darsh stand their crossing his arms and giving a what look . Sushi look at him and push him inside the room ,

Sushi - I'm sorry

Darsh - for what

Sushi - if you're aren't angry on me then whys the hell are you ignoring me

Darsh - my choice ( and he turn his face )

Sushi step up closer to him and wrap her hands around him , and place a kiss on his cheeks . Darsh melted but still he succeed to maintain his posture of being angry on her

Sushi - is it necessary to post a pic with shirt buttons open

Darsh - so this sweetness was for knowing that

Sushi - just speak up , just look at comments . It's just sushi's right on you

Darsh smile - so Miss.Susmita Rathod is jealous

Sushi - jealous my foot ( she clinch his collar ) don't you dare post such pic next time

Darsh put his hand over her waist and pull her more closer - you said it right that just sush has right over her darsh . But sush you don't judge anyone without knowing them , and I guess you shouldn't judge them ( he lean to her ears ) one more reason why I think we gonna end up together . I love you ( and kiss her cheek )

Sushi freeze why can't she control when he's around . Darsh catch her hand and wink , and take her with him

Darsh - let's make you both meet to my people , blue fam

Darsh take her out and they both sit on the couch side by side , and he also ask adi to come up . He go live through his page . Comment starts popping up and most of likely with , " hi " and " how are you " . He reverts back to them , he read up a comment

Comment - who was the girl with you

Darsh - the girl with me , actually I just came live to tell you all who she is . Bcoz I saw many comments asking up the same thing . So here she is ( and he take her in the frame ) so she's sush ( he lick his lips ) sry susmita and ( he take up adi in the frame ) he's my buddy , Aditya . We were together in the clg , and we all are meeting after 5 years

Comment - your sister is beautiful

Sushi laugh , and darsh shoot her death glares - she's not my sister guys

He handover the phone to her - you all talk with her I'll just be back in a while

Comment - what you miss from me your clg days

Sushi - guys there are many things but one thing that overpower everything else is when we used to sit on the road sides for our jamming ,

Comment - you are Darshan's sister na

Sushi make out a face of thinking - I guess darsh gave the answer to this question

Comment - welcome to the blue fam

Sushi - thank you so much , or am I supposed to say spreadlove

Comment - one thing about darshan that we don't know

Sushi - let me think , it would be the love he carries for his blue family . He just shows one cent of his love to you guys , and remaining is what he uses to make the songs for all of you and importantly himself

Darsh was hearing her from a distance , he comes and join her with a wide smile on his face

Comment - your favourite song among his songs

Darsh - guys she's has an amazing voice , so she will sing it

Sushi look at him - one sec , I'm not going to sing and all , ok

Darsh get back over the couch and turn the camera to her - one two three , chuck it

Sushi - tumko na agar
Humse ishq tha
Toh keh dete ,
haan keh dete
Koi aur dil mein tha
Toh u subah shaam
Humko na milte ,
humko na milte
Ye Jo hua mere saath
Woh na ho kabhi tere saath
Warna yaha iss jahaan mein
Na koi karega pyaar , pyaar

She sings it looking straight in his eyes , her eyes got teary . She can see his too , a tear make its way out from her eyes to her cheek

She look at the camera - sry guys

She get up and leave , darsh look at her . He turn the camera and paste a smile on his lips

Darsh - okay guys , time to go now . Goodnight , take care and spreadlove ( and blow a flying kiss )

Adi - I'll check her

Darsh - adi , may I ? Plz

Adi nod , darsh see her standing in his balcony , and observing the sky . He make his way to her

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