Part 39 ...

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Sushi went blank , she didn't expected him to say all this . She was not able to frame his words in her mind , just the innocence in his eyes while speaking it was visible to her . The love and respect , what a girl expects was seen by her . The trust that he will never leave her was portrayed through his eyes . She didn't knew how to react , but for sure she knew that she will never be able to tell him that how much she loves him . Darsh kept staring at her , when she didn't respond he tucked her hairs behind her ears and she felt the warmth of his hands . She looked at his hands that were moving through her skin . She looked back at him

Sushi - leave me

Darsh got confused - what

Sushi snapped out loud - darshan leave me , why don't you understand that we are not meant to be one , just stop yourself from letting this feelings surround you . Stop yourself before it gets too ...

Darsh was hearing her , but her words didn't affected him . Indeed he just wanted to shut her and before she completed he seized her lips . He wanted her to respond on his action but she stood still unmoved . He felt her tears against his cheeks as they made their way out from her eyes . He moved back and looked at her , and seeing her cold face , he got worried , thinking that whatever he did , was it right ? Her eyes wanted to leave the laod of those tears which she was trying to hold back . He wanted her to pour her anger on him , so that she is just left with love .

Without looking at him she speak up

Sushi - you can sleep on the couch , you said that dharal is in your room , so . It just need some time to process the things that happened ( darsh take a step forward but stop seeing sushi's hand which held out ) darshan , stop . We'll talk in morning , right now I just need my own time

Darsh - I'm sry

Sushi - don't be , you have done nothing wrong . It's just I wasn't ready for all this , all of a sudden . And I don't know what to say , I just want to sleep

As she laid on bed , darsh covered her with blanket . And he laid down on the couch but his eyes still on her . When she saw he slept , she got up and went to the beach

It was dark , and silent . Sometimes silence speaks up more to us than people will , listen to it as it has so much to say . She was looking at the waves and her eyes built up tearline but she holded them back not shedding them . She felt a hand over her shoulders , she shrugged it off violently and then looked at her side

Sushi - I'm so sry Kri , I just thought its darshan

Kri - that's fine sushi but why are you so scared , like what if it was darsh

Sushi - I feel he has lost his senses and that's why he did all this

Kri - aisa kya kiya hai darsh ne

Sushi - he ( she paused , and then slowly she spoke ) he kissed me

Kri surprisingly - wohhhh , finally ( sushi shoot him death glares ) what , why are looking at me that way . Sushi leaving you and darshan everyone knew that there is something between you two . And me , adi and nik have seen it , so it obvious that you guys gonna propose each other . And if darsh has taken the step then why are you

Sushi cut him in mid - Kri stop , I know I like him ( Kri raised his brows at her , she sigh ) fine , I love him but , we are not meant to be together . You guys have no idea what things are going on , Kri not everything you see is true . Sometimes emotions are not shown up on the face that are eating you up from inside . You all are just seeing what is shown to you , and you don't even want to see beyond that

Kri cut her - one sec , what do you mean by all this

Sushi - you think nik is here to explore India , no , he came here bcoz my dad called him to take me back . Nik is the person I trust blindly on and I know he will never lie to me , so as soon as he came he told me everything . After the semester exams next month , he has booked my tickets back . And in all these you want me to go to darshan and tell him that I love him , like a mere stupidity . He has his life and he has a right to spend it with a person who has stand with him with his every ups and downs , not not a coward like me , who is going to leave the country without telling him

Kri - you not gonna tell him that

Sushi - I just don't know , why the *uck you guys think that I'm pushing him away

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