Part 25 ...

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The fight between darshan and sushi was increasing with the each passing day . But the fight was always proceeded by sushi and darshan was the one to end it . Not bcoz he didn't wanted to get involved in fights but bcoz his heart was slowly leading him to her , but she never saw him the way he wanted her to see him . He always think about what's wrong with her , why the hell she hates him . Dharal have known with the feelings of darshan towards sushi , at first she felt bad bcoz she have always liked him indeed to say loved him but now she has explained her heart that his happiness matters the most to her . Sushi was ahead of everyone not just in studies but in mischiefs too . Now it's almost known to everyone that she isn't how she looks . She didn't had friends , not bcoz of her nature but bcoz she hated people who use others for benefits . She knew that people rush to her just bcoz she is principals daughter . But yet she gained a friend , a person she can truly rely on . A person she can truly trust on and can tell that he is the one , no matter what but will surely be with her . That person was none other than Kritesh Patel , one sec you got that right , Darshan's friend was now spending time with her . But they in the true sense got connected . Darshan hate him for doing so , not bcoz he is friends with her but bcoz he is close to her . But the day Kritesh said him that it feels like he has got a small sister in her , he felt relief . Darshan was very well known with thoughts of adi , his bestest friend , that he likes her . And it was almost that she hated darshan not any of his friends . Adi too knew what darshan thinks of her , but he always thought that they both fight always so the feeling of love can't emerge in them . Indeed he decided to tell her that he likes her from the the very first day but he never got a proper chance to speak . But who knew that tables gonna turn , and the game will be totally in Darshan's court . It was another normal day for them in the the clg but who knew that it was gonna change sushi's and Darshan's life completely .

The clg finished and sushi was waiting for her dad too come , she was in the classroom pining down something in her book which was a secret to all . She was not just writing but humming the written words in a tune . She was lost up in the words when a voice reached up her ears . She closed the book and packed her bag . She followed the voice and reached up the music room , she stood outside hearing the voice . After a while when the voice stopped so she stepped in and her eyes followed up to the stage . Her eyes came out of the sockets , seeing darshan their . Darshan look at her and he too is shocked , abt what she is doing in the music room . Darshan's friends who were waiting for him , closed the door of music room , just for fun . Darshan took his guitar on the shoulder and walked towards her . First time her eyes didn't showed hatred but something different that darshan always wanted to see . He stopped in front of her

Darsh - what are you doing here ?

Sushi's trance broke as she was completely lost in the his magical voice - actually , woh

Darsh - why fumbles miss.susmita rathod

Sushi - I'm not fumbling , I was just waiting for dad and heard your voice . So I just came to see who it is . As this music room is always closed , and dad taunts me saying that I forced him to make this music room and not even a single student enter here

Darsh - so you love music

Sushi - more than myself

Darsh - finally their is something you love

Darsh keep the guitar aside and start walking towards her . Sushi look at him , and she walks backwards . She bumps with the wall , she look back and then at darshan . Darsh smile , he lock her between his arms

Darsh - why you hate me so much

Sushi - I don't hate you

Darsh - so you love troubling me

Sushi - ya

Darsh - okay , can I do what I love

Sushi - you can

Darsh listen her and then lean forward , sushi's face expressions change . He observe it but still didn't backoff . Sushi look at him with a stern face

Sushi - darshan

He put his finger on her lips , and lean to her right cheek . His breath touched her bare neck and here she started losing it . He placed a gentle kiss on her right cheek . Sushi's eyes gets closed and darshan didn't stop , he placed a kiss on her left cheek too . He can feel her breath got heavy and her heartbeats are racing faster than normal . He back off and sushi open her eyes , she move to the door and find that it's locked from outside . She look at him

Sushi - so it was all planned

Darsh - what ?

Sushi - the door is locked , you planned it . Didn't you ? To trouble me like this , using these cheap tricks

Before darsh could speak his friends open the door , Kritesh see that sushi was inside . And they all were unaware of it . Sushi leaves from there , anger boiling inside her

Kri - what was she doing here

Darsh - who locked the door

Dharal - I did , but darsh we were not knowing that she was inside

Darsh - thank you so much dharal for helping me out , you poured on more anger for me in her

Darsh too leaves , he is angry because he is trying his best to go close to her , and here his friends are digging her anger more deep . He goes insider the room and locked himself in his room . He is thinking abt the events happened in these last months from the the time she entered the the clg . He never left anyone who tried to trouble him but with sushi this scenario changed . Sushi too lock herself and is thinking abt today's happenings . It was first time ever she got attracted to someone's voice and why that person has to be darshan . The way he looked at her was bothering her . She isn't getting why the hell her heartbeat raised and breaths got heavy when he came close to her . Darsh want to sort the things out , he decided to talk with her patiently . And sushi never ever wanted to face him again . With their heads full of doubts they both slept , to start a new day with new hopes and their relation growing up more as friends and not enemies anymore .

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