Part 56 ...

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Darsh - ek surprise ke liye nahana padega , not done sush

Sushi - fine then , I won't tell you what it is . And mind with you all , if you speak a word I'll kick your asses out of this house

They all zip up there mouths and resume with their respective works

Darsh - oh god , fine . I'll go

He take sushi's hand in his and drag her with him

Sushi - what's wrong

Darsh - nothing , just taking a shower

Sushi - why are dragging me

Darsh turn to her and lock the room door - oh baby , you know me well right . Still you are asking me why I'm dragging you with me

Sushi - *uck you

Darsh - that's the plan right ( and wink )

Sushi push him back and he falls on the bed , she unlock the door and before closing it speaks up

Sushi - in your dreams baby

As she leaves , darsh is laughing rolling over the bed remembering her expression . After an hour he comes out getting ready , and everyone is ready to have lunch . As darsh comes , his hairs were set perfectly . Sushi walked to him and ruffled his hairs

Darsh - it took almost half an hour to set them , why the hell you guys love these messy hairs

Sushi - because you look cute

Darsh - cute

Sushi pull his cheeks - fine mere hottie would to be hubby

Darsh - one sec , let me make this clear

Sushi cut him in mid - that you won't marry me , so soon . I know that , anything else

Darsh - yes , that I didn't yet gave you a marriage proposal

Everyone look at him shockingly and they speak in unison - wtf you mean by that

Sushi with such a calmness on her face - thank god , I need not to handle you for my entire life

Darsh - I didn't say that , and I'm not letting you go away from me ever again . And don't even think of it , it's just its not the right time to ask you for marriage . Because I don't think so after seeing this you would want to stay with me in Mumbai for few years

Sushi - what is it ?

Darsh - admission in the University of York for literature

Sushi - darshan I'm a

Darsh cut her in mid - you fulfilled your dad's wish , its time to live your own dream . It's time for you to say up " DREAMS DO COME TRUE "

Sushi hugged him and all of them joined in

Darsh - now tell what was the surprise for me

Sushi keep the invitation in front of him , and look at him with a sparkle in her eyes . He opened it , and read it calmly and at the end a note was written for him

P.S - " check your wardrobe , there's a surprise in there too "

Darsh got up and went towards his room direction , and opened his wardrobe . There's a box wrapped up in blue paper ,


written over it . He smiled looking at it , and took it in his hands . A note at the corner

P.S - " sit down Mr.Raval , warna gir jaoge and I can't afford that "

Darsh laugh a bit , and walk up to the bed and sit down on the edge . He open the wrapped paper so systematically and with calmness . A paper at the top

" Darsh ,

Some accidental meets become our everything , meeting you was an accident but I guess the one which really turned my life upside down . I was happy with my life , but never got to know that I wasn't truly living . I started living my life , after you entered in it . I know you would not expect me to say all this , but it's all true . Though we weren't together but not even for a moment you left my heart . Thank you so much to tell me that dreams are just not meant to see but are meant to get fulfilled .

I was a dreamer
Neither lost nor found
Waiting for a story worth
Dreaming forever

And I found my story in you , the people who entered and left were just the mere parts of my story . But you , you stayed and that is where I knew , YOU'RE THE ONE , I wanted to write my story with . I didn't knew whether it would have a happy's ending's , but I was ready to accept anything , but just with you . Our separation made me think that it was the end of US , but that end turned to a new beginning .

I was a dreamer
I spun my tales in
Between worlds
In between tears and smiles
In between faith and doubt

I love you so damm much idiot , and here's the first copy of my book . For the one whom I dedicated this book to , don't you dare shed that tear . Love found its way , and now it's not YOU and ME , but US . LOVE YOU


Your's , Sush "

Darshan looked up after reading the letter and there stood his love leaning to the door with tears filled in her eyes . She walked up to him , and even before she could speak anything he hugged her . The tears that he was holding made their way through his eyes . Sushi creased his hairs ,

Sushi - what happened , why so emotional

Darsh looked at her face still holding her waist - remember the day you shared you wanted to be a author , and I asked you that how many people know this . And you replied to me that I'm the first one whom you told this . And today is the day when you are giving me the first copy of your book as a author . What else you expect from me

Sushi - to read it

Darsh left her and made a pouty face - you want me to read it , you gotta kidding me sush . Itni moti kitaab , no , like hell no . I'm not reading it

Sushi - but darshan

Darsh pulled her on his lap - you can read it , I'll listen ( and traced the back of his hand over her cheek )

Sushi - sry , I'm not gonna do that . You need to read it on your own , and not the end chapter

Darsh - one sec , you want me to read the book without knowing the ending of it

Sushi - yup

Darsh - and why though , like it's our story . So I know what's written in it

Sushi - nope , you don't know what's written in it . And I want to see if you can guess it right , and one more thing . This book cover is just on the few copies , the characters for the world are fictional . No one would know expect our people that it's our story

Darsh - that's quite impressive . Okay , after the book launch , I promise I will read it . Okay

Sushi - okay ( she says and cupping his face in her hand kiss his cheek )

Darsh - what was that for

Sushi - for being a good boy , like agreeing to read the book

Darsh - ahan , I can be a very good boy miss.susmita rathod , if this is what I get in return or may be some more ( and wink )

Before sushi could revert him back , everyone said in unison - we are getting inside love birds

Darsh sigh , sushi was abt to get up and sit on the bed when he hold her by her waist

Sushi - leave me

Darsh - nope , if they want to be kabaab mein haddi then that's their problem not mine

Sushi give him a fake smile , and they all enter in and settle down

Sid - I want to know how you guys separated , now , because after a few days it's the book launch

Darsh - okay , so it goes this way

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