Part 66 ...

124 11 0

18th October 2021

Sushi went up to the venue in morning to check all last minute arrangements , and if everything is just the way she wanted or not . Dhruwal , Hardik , chinu , sid , adi , Kri and nik everyone is busy with helping her . Adi comes to her and look at her from top to bottom

Adi - wtf , why aren't you ready yet

Sushi - I just came to check everything

Adi - tbh , what are we here for . Now turn your way and leave , and get ready

As sushi leaves Dhruwal comes to adi - what was she doing here

Adi - she came to check everything thankfully I saw her or else it would have caused us trouble . And all the surprise would have gotten disclosed , and darshan would have killed us

Dhruwal - killed , buried us alive . Get back to work now , or else we will get late

They again go back to work , and start preparing for Darshan's proposal . He has been preparing to ask her from so many days , though he know the answer yet he just want to do it . Marriage would a big step for both of them , a commitment . Sushi gets home and no one is there , she thought that may be everyone left . She pushed the door , and there was a gift wrapped up on her bed with a note and she got that why there is no one in the house . She got to the bed and sat down at the edge and took the gift and note . She opened the box first , and found a red gown in it . She took the feel of it and then took the note ,

" Sush ,

I want you to wear it , but more importantly your smile than nervousness . You will just drive me crazy after I see you . And when you will wear it it will add more sparkles to the dress . Just be yourself sush and everything will fall in their place . I want to see that girl again who I saw the first day , carefree and the one who cared about herself than the world . I love you "

A smile crept on her face as she read the note , darshan was adoring her from a distance , and he smiles seeing her smiling like idiot . Actually he don't want to miss any , he's nervous knowing she will be saying a yes but yet it he feels butterflies in his stomach just thinking of it . Sushi take the dress and goes to change . And darshan goes to set up next surprise .

She got ready and when she looked at herself in the the mirror , she was shocked to see herself . She walked up to the door and opened it , and rose petals falls over her . She looks up and her smile goes wide seeing everything . And then her breaths stop seeing darshan in front of her , in formals . He was standing a distance , smiling at her , with his adorable smile . The white shirt fitting his body perfectly , and first time in history all buttons closed , as he was wearing a tie .

His hairs were not messy but perfectly set , and his rings adoring his fingers . The watch in one hand and cuffs open and slightly folded . Seeing him sends shivers down her spine , he's not looking less than a Greek god . She can admire him this way her entire life , he walks up in her direction . She was wearing the red gown that he gave her , it was perfectly hugging her body and showing her beautiful curves . Her eyes were adorned with slim black eyeliner , and smoky eyeshadow . Her lips looking more tempting with red matt lipstick and hairs were curled . She looked up at him and his gaze was intense . He stepped a little closer to her , and whisper in her ears brushing his lips to her earlobe

Darsh - you look smoking hot

Her heart started beating fast , and he could hear her heartbeats . Her body got shivers with his lips touch , and she felt butterflies in her stomach . Darshan stepped a step back and his face carried a smirk seeing his effect on her . Even his breathing got uneven , its taking every ounce of him to control his urge to kiss her . He felt like its cruel to not kiss those rosy lips , and her appearance is making it even harder for him . Before they both lose it in the moment , he spoke

Darsh - I guess we should leave before I lose control over my own self

Sushi giggle hearing him , and darsh shoot her death glares and her smile immediately fades . And darsh wink , and sushi look here and there and move forward to go . He gasp seeing her and before she go darsh catch her and pull her back , and her back hit his chest

Darsh - *uck , I didn't see that coming ( his voice was low and husky )

Sushi was confused and the closeness affecting her differently - what exactly darsh

Darsh close his eyes with a pressure and opening it speaks up - ummm , nothing . Let's just go

Sushi nod confusingly , and go up to his car . After sitting inside , darsh start the car and the whole drive was silent with a few John mayer songs playing in background . He stops the car in front of the cafe ,

Sushi take a deep breath - don't you think we are over dressed for this

A small chuckle left from Darshan's mouth - after we get inside you won't think this

Sushi - I'm nervous

Darsh keep his hand over hers - it gonna be the best

He speak and leaving over he plant a kiss over her forehead . He get out from the car and open the door for her , and then they walk up to the entrance . Everyone is already waiting at the entrance , she look over at everyone

Adi - ready for your big day

Sushi - yes I guess ( she speak nervously , and Adi hug her . Darshan was holding her hand and he immediately withdraw it and sushi hug him tight ) thank you adi , to always be there

Adi broke the hug - you are wlc , I'm not your friend na , isiliye ye sab bolti hai thanks and all

Sushi - nope , kuch toh buri aadatein adopt hongi na Mr.raval se

Adi stand up in between them - that means you guys should keep up a distance between you ( Adi looked at darshan ) I don't want my friend to get spoiled living with you . Better keep up a safe distance

Before darshan could react the manager came up - we are ready , I guess we should proceed

They all get inside , and seeing so many people around sushi got nervous , darshan saw that in her eyes , before the nervousness takes over she felt a touch on hand , she looked and found darshan looking straight yet intervening their fingers . She smiled , he definitely knows how to handle her . Everyone was at their decided positions , and darshan and sushi waiting to go over the small platform that was build up . Sushi's name was announced

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