Part 41 ...

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While they were in the the club every girls eye were on darshan . And sushi was busy with adi and Kri , nik with dharal , and others dancing . While darshan was sitting on the couch a girl approached him , and darsh went on the dance floor with her . Sushi was busy talking with them when adi nudged her and asked her to lay her eyes over darshan . Seeing his closeness with other girl she turned red in anger , she thought to herself , is this the same boy who kissed her last night and now here he is enjoying with someone else . Sushi darted towards him

Sushi - excuse me ( she pulled darshan away from the girl , and looking at her spoke up ) he's taken for the night , you can leave

Darsh - sushi what's wrong with you , we are just

Sushi put her hand over his mouth - just shut them up and come with me

Darshan's eyes widened , and sushi dragged him with his collar . She took him out of the club , and adi was waiting with car keys . She took the keys and adi went inside the club again . She took a blindfold and cello tape . First she put the cello tape over his mouth so that he won't speak , and then the blindfold and made him sit inside the car . She drove them to the place where she prepared the surprise . She took darshan inside a room and left removing his cello tape

Darsh - sushi , sushi where are we , just speak up na . Should I remove this

When he didn't hear her voice back , he panicked and removed the blindfold . And for his shock the wall in front of him , was filled with his pics . As his gaze looked around the room , he was standing in a heart shape , created with candles . He thought that usually boys do such stuff and here she's taking over the game . A smile appeared on his face but his eyes where still searching for the most beautiful person , but what came his way was just her voice

Sushi - you're searching for me in the wrong place darshan , just close your eyes and look into your heart , you'll find me . But wanna tell you something , " what rest in me , is the piece of you ". Would you mind if I ask you to close your eyes Darsh stood there closing his eyes .

Sushi came in front of him , and leaning to his ears , she whispered

Sushi - don't open your eyes till I ask you to and don't even try to speak

Darsh nooded , his breaths went deep bcoz of the her closeness . She took his hand in her and sandwiched them between her hands

Sushi - darsh , I'm sry . Sry for everything I did to hurt you , bcoz I did it all knowingly . Let me tell you everything first , darsh you know how I know about you before even coming here . But all those moments where you came close to me , dad saw them . After seeing it , he asked nik to come here , bcoz he thought that after seeing me and nik together the distance between us will increase . But when he found out that it didn't work , he asked nik to take me back to America as soon as possible . And he came up with the decision to send me back after semester ends . Darsh being his only child he's possessive abt me , and it's not just you but with every guy who would be around me . And in your case what happened is he saw love flourishing between us and that affected him . Dad asked me to stay away from you , and I was just following him because he's the only family I have . But last night when I talked with Kri and thought over the things I got to know that how wrong I was . I'm sry , that's the only thing what I can do right now . Hope you forgive me for doing all those stupid things

Darsh cut her in mid as it was too much to digest for him , he didn't liked her apologies - if you say can I speak , please . I want to see you , now

Sushi - okay , you can open up your eyes

Darsh open his eyes and saw that her eyes are moist , she's guilty for whatever she did . But he didn't liked to see her that way , her eyes were glued to the floor - look up ( he put his hand over her chin and made her look at him ) what are you sry about sushi , for hurting me , but it did hurt you too , right ? We were on the same route , travelling with same feelings . But now if we know that being together those feelings can end , may be can be lessened then why to think of the past . It was all meant to happen , it did . Why to cage ourselves within it , let's step out n see a brighter tomorrow .

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