Part 26 ...

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The next day in clg , sushi was walking towards the classroom when she felt a pull of strong arms . Yes it was darshan , he locked her between his one arm and the other covering her mouth so that she can't shout . As he looked at her , her wide open eyes , that winged shape eyeliner making it look more beautiful , he just felt like drowning in them . The more he looked at her , the more he felt loosing himself in her

Darsh - susmita listen to me without any moment and I'll leave you or else the more you struggle to get out of my grip the more closer you will get to me ( after hearing what you he said she stops struggling to free herself ) , yesterday whatever happened , I didn't asked them to lock the door , in fact they were not knowing that you are inside the music room . They thought its just me who was there , and that's the only reason why the locked to door . You can ask Kritesh if you want to . And , whatever happened between us ( she bite his hand ) ouch

Shweta - don't you dare speak abt it , and you know what i just don't even want to look at your face . You know what at a point somewhere I thought that may be what I think abt you is wrong , but you proved me wrong . Cheap , that must be a right word for you

As he hears it , he looses his calm . He bang his hand on the wall

Darsh - just stup your mouth . If I would have been cheap then on the first day itself I wouldn't have tried to not kiss you , and ya yesterday we were alone in the that room , then just think what were the possibilities . Miss Susmita you're smart , beautiful , intelligent but you know what your thinking is third class . From the first day itself I liked you , I thought that no , may be you're the one what your don't show to the world . But I was wrong , you can just be selfish and self obsessed . I don't know what is your problem with me , but ya change yourself or else you'll loose everything

He left from there but his words pierced her heart , he just spoke without thinking . He said that he likes her but then why didn't he tried to understand her after what she spoke . Shrugging the thought she went for class

After the class they were asked to wait for sometime as principal wanted to do some announcement . The class was complete noisy , but after what happened between sushi and darsh . She wanted to clarify herself , she never thought abt anyone else but today she was concerned with Darshan's thoughts regarding her . She got up from her seat and went to darshan

Sushi - I want to talk to you , now

Darsh - miss susmita , you shouldn't be with cheap boys

Sushi catch his hand and pull himself with her , the whole class observed them . She made her way out of the class and took him out where no one comes

Darsh - I didn't spoke up there doesn't mean I can't speak

Sushi turn and keep her hand on his mouth , they were standing too close . That closeness this time affected her too , his eyes which shows loves for her , they showed pain of whatever she said to him . His messy hairs were breaking her insides , and his nose is the cutest part , I swear . They way he is , the white shirt , folded sleeves , neck buttons opens which show his perfect collared bones . His hot breaths touched her hands and she can sense the irregularity in them

Sushi - I'm sry , for whatever I spoke abt you in morning . But whatever you did yesterday was making me weak , making it me feel all those things which I stay away from . That's the reason that anger is got poured up in me . You said that you like me , then didn't you thought that I'll feel bad at whatever you spoke abt me . You didn't even tried to understand me , and you say you like me . Darshan before entering here , every freaking day I just heard complaints abt you . Dad used to talk more about you and used to forget everything abt me . He has always treated me like a princess and suddenly everything changes just bcoz of you . And that reason is enough for me to hate you . One last thing , darshan don't ever say you like someone when you say don't know anything abt her

She turned to leave , but darsh pull her and her hands land up on his chest . His hands wrapped around her waist , she's trying hard to not loose herself

Darsh - will you give me a chance to know you

Sushi - I guess we are better as enemies ( darsh smile ) oh *uck , plz don't do this ( she speak underneath )

Darsh hears what she spoke but he wanted to hear from her - you spoke something

Sushi - no

Darsh - okay , ab jab tumne cheap bol hi diya hai toh , I'm not taking back steps . Now I'll see till how far you can resist over darshan raval's charms

Sushi move away from him - you'll loose it

Darsh - let's see

Sushi - let's get into the class , sir wants to announce something

Darsh - oh hello , what will we tell everyone if they ask what were we doing

Sushi - you need not to speak , I'll handle it

Darsh - but ...

Before he could complete she pour water on his face

Darsh - wtf

Sushi - now they'll think that I pranked you again

They get inside the class and principal enters , everyone get up and greet him

Principal - the intercollegiate cultural fest is going to start next month , and the selected students for each category has to perform ( one by one every category name is announced , and the last category remains ) so for the music category the students who gonna perform are the dip zip band ( they all shout ) with susmita rathod

Sushi - dad one sec

Principal - I would love if you you call me sir here

Sushi - sry sir , but I won't perform with them

Principal - this is the institution's decision and you need to follow it , I will rest it . You all can go

Everyone leaves the class except darsh and sushi , darsh asked his friends to wait for him outside , and sushi was still in the class bcoz she was not happy with the the decision . She has to tolerate that moron

Darsh - destiny plays well ( sushi shoot him death glares ) what , destiny is by my side

Sushi - you're becoming a pilon now

Darsh - when you don't get bhaav from your person , you need to do that right ? So when are we starting the rehearsals

Sushi - in your dreams , bcoz I'm not going to perform with idiots

Darsh - if I'm an idiot , then why you got attracted to my voice

Sushi - I have to leave , bye

Darsh stand their smiling

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