Part 34 ...

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Next day everyone came up at sushi's house but she was nowhere , nik welcomed them and offered water and all . They all were chit-chatting but Darshan's eyes were searching for sushi . Nik saw his restlessness

Nik - darsh , sushi is getting ready , she will be here in five ( darsh nodded ) or else , wait , I'll go and check for her

Darsh - Nik , you can just carry on , tell me where's the room . I'll get her

Nik - go up , straight at the end the right room

Darsh listened him , and climbing stairs went up . He was standing outside the room and was abt to knock when someone patted his shoulder , he turned to look around and found principal

Darsh - sir , actually that ... sushi ... she didn't show up ... so just came to call her

Principal - relax , you're answering me without me asking any questions and why are you fumbling ? Anyways , don't call me sir over here , you can call me uncle , as its not the clg and if sushi heard it , she will fire me with her anger

Darsh laughed - you mean she's the principal in the the house

Principal - you can say that

They both were laughing , when sushi opened the door . They both looked at her and tried to hide their smiles , sushi crossed her arms to her chest and leaned to the door

Sushi - I'm dreaming or am I dreaming ? The person who used to just complain abt darshan raval is laughing with him , how come this magic happened

Sushi's dad - Princess , this is because of you

Sushi raised her brows - as in

Darsh - as in miss sushi that it's between me and uncle , so stay out of it Sushi looks at her dad and he too blink his eyes

Sushi's dad - you both carry on , I have got some work

Sushi - dad you promised to be their , and now you're leaving

Sushi's dad - I know princess , but it's urgent ( he kissed her forehead and hugged her ) see you after your holidays , enjoy . And I have granted you these holidays as you promised it won't affect your studies

Sushi - I won't let that happen

Sushi's dad - I'll miss you

Darsh was amused to see principal sir's different side . Three of them went down , sushi put up the tilak on her dad's forehead greeting everyone he went off

Sushi turned to her friends , and this time darshan saw her completely from top to bottom . He gulped , as he has never seen her in such cloths . Like when last time they visited her house just then they saw her like that . She was wearing blue denim shorts and a white crop top . He averted his gaze before he overthinks . Sushi walked up to Kri and sat on the the edge of the couch circling her one arm around kri's neck

Kri pulled her down and whispered in her ears - sushi girl , don't get so close to me , look at his angry face ( sushi's eyes followed Darshan's direction ) may be he's thinking that he should be the one sitting here

Sushi - you're just thinking too much

Kri - oh really , like so there's nothing going on between you two

Sushi - Kri I have already told you , that I won't be here for much long . And still you expect me to let him get close to me

Kri - but then , last night

Sushi cut him in mid - I flowed up with the emotions , but I can't allow him to hurt himself when I'm nowhere around him . I guess that hatred for me in him would be better than love for me , bcoz when distance will increase , he won't be able to handle it

Kri - sushi you're thinking too much , give a chance to both of you at least

Sushi - I fear to even have that chance Kri

Before he could respond back , darshan stand in front of them

Darsh - I want some water

Sushi stood up with a jerk

Sushi - sure

She went to the kitchen for bringing water , and she asked aunty to put down the plates for breakfast . Till then darshan almost crushed Kri for getting close to her , she held the glass in front of him . Darsh took it while brushing his fingers with her

Sushi - breakfast is ready , let's have it

They all went to the dining table and sat over . Darshan's eyes never left her sight , she served everyone , and talked with all of them . Kri , adi , Dhruwal , Hardik , dharal , chinmay and nik everyone except darshan was visible to her . She served him too but she didn't spoke even a word to him

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