Part 24 ...

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Darshan is standing in the centre of the clg premises , and all his friends are hiding . They have given darshan a dare to pull off , whoever girl enters from the clg gate , then no matter who she is , darshan has to peck her lips . The entire clg drolls over him , so there must be no one who would stop darshan from kissing her . Whereas on the other side Darshan was praying that something happens so that he can get out of this situation . And at the same time a girl entered the clg , she was wearing a baby pink colour v-neck , full sleeves top , and royal blue ripped denim . She was holding a brown leather jacket and a few books in her hand , her hairs were freely flowing with the direction of wind . Darsh was lost in her beauty , her long eye lashes , her pink glossy lips and her smile which she carrying . Darsh to turn to his friends pleading to not pull off this dare , bcoz he was afraid what if that girl slaps him , his image in clg will break . But they all didn't gave a damm to it . Dharal saw darshan gawking at the girl so she went forward to stop him but his friends pull her over and put their hand on her mouth so that she doesn't spoil it . The girl was walking but her eyes were on the ground , darshan start walking in her direction and bumped with her . Her books fell , she bent and so darshan . He was still looking at her admiring her beauty . Darsh broke the silence

Darsh - I'm so sry

She replied without even looking at him - it's okay

Darsh take her one book , and she looks up to him for having her book back

Darsh - I'm sry for whatever I'm going to do

With that darsh catch the book in side and place his other hand over her lips . And leaning forward he kiss his hand . Her eyes were wide open , his touch gave glitters to her . Their eyes were locked , and darsh remove his hand making their lips touch . As he realise what he did he stand up in a jerk . Darsh handover the book to her and left from their . She made her way to the classroom , and her mischievous nature to trouble others turned on . Darsh didn't knew who she is , but she very well knew who darshan raval is ...

The classroom was empty when she entered and till everyone entered she sat down on a seat . And the last ones to enter were Darshan's gang . Darshan , Adi , Dhruwal , Hardik , Kritesh , Chinmay and dharal . As they entered her eyes glued to them , specially darshan . And darshan was still not out of what he did . He wanted to apologise but how to face her was the question . The moment professor entered in , coloured water falls on him and the class started to laugh . Darshan's friends looked at him

Chinu - kamine , if you planned something tell us also

Dhruwal - ya bro , it would have been fun to make fun of this bald professor

Dharal - darsh , why didn't you tell us first

He listened to them , but the thing was he hasn't done this . So instead of saying anything , he stayed quite . And professor's angry voice echoed in the class

Professor - Mr.Darshan Raval , when the hell will you behave like a good kid

Darshan got shocked hearing his name , bcoz he hasn't done any of these . And the same principal entered . He saw all this and called darshan over .

Principal - get out of the class right now

Darshan tried to defend himself - sir I know I have done mischievs , but I swear this time it's not me

Principal - and who else do you think can do this

Darshan - I don't know sir

Principal - fine , till my announcement you can stand here . After that meet me in my office

A piun comes up and cleans up the mess , and the professor goes to the change and clean up

Principal - students , their is a new student joining you all . Susmita Rathod ( sushi goes to him and standing beside him ) she's my daughter ( darshan's head snap to his words )

Sushi - dad , it's my first day here . Will you do one thing for me ?

Principal - whatever you ask for

Sushi - don't punish him , like for whatever he has done or according to him not done

Principal - you can go back to your seat . Hope you all have a nice company with her

He speaks up and leaves the class , darshan was about to go to his seat when sushi cross out his path

Sushi - you don't have the manners to say sry , at least keep up the manners to say thank you

And stand crossing her arms

Darsh look at her unbelievably - you have saved me from a thing that I haven't done , and don't worry I'll definitely find out who that person is . And about sry ( he go close to the her and whisper in her ear ) what happened was just an accident but I don't mind to make it a reality

Sushi's eyes widen with his words , darshan look at her , wink and leave to his seat . Sushi sit back to her seat . Everyone gather around her , but she doesn't like it bcoz they all are giving her attention as she is principal's daughter . In the afternoon break she walks in the garden and makes her way to a wooden bench . She sits their closing her eyes and feeling the air when a voice reaches her ears

Darsh - caught the culprit

She jerked with his sudden appearance

Darsh - relax girl , I thought that my appearance will make you happy . But I seem you are shocked

Sushi - what are you doing here

Darsh - nice question , thought to complete the incomplete task of morning And leans forward

Sushi push him back - *uck off , don't you dare

Darsh laugh - don't you think you should have thought before doing all that with professor , and how easily do you managed to out the blame on me . Thereafter in front of the class you asked principal sir to forgive me and got in good books of the everyone . You will definitely pay for it

Sushi - darshan raval , you seriously think that knowing all this I'll stop . Then you are such a dumbo , my dad very well knows that how much mischievous I'm . And I swear , more than you , but today's activity was definitely to get you caught up , for what you did in morning . It was dare to you na , but your friends don't know that you haven't completed it . Actually you know what if I would have slapped you right their then I would have been more famous na . But you know what , you are not worth it . So just get lost

She picks her bag and turn to leave when darsh catch her hands and pull her towards himself . Her hands land up on his chest

Darsh - attitude to me , not good . I'm not worth it , Miss.Susmita Rathod just keep it in your mind now that the boy who gonna kiss you will be me ( he leave her ) let the battle begin

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