Part 27 ...

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As she reach home , she go the study room where her dad usually is . She knocked the door and as his voice came to get in , she got inside . Her dad was sitting on the chair and reading a book . Before she could spell anything , her dad speaks up

Sushi's dad - my decision is not going to change

Sushi - but dad

Sushi's dad cut her in mid - it's now your decision whether your love for music is stronger than the hatred for darshan

Sushi - I don't hate him dad , it's just I don't like him . And performing with that moron , no chance

Sushi's dad - firstly mind with your language sushi , and love and hate are strong words . If you don't hate him then love should be choosen and not the thing abt disliking him . I just want to see the most naughtiest students of the clg creating magic on stage together . It's up to you now to obey your dad's decision or not

Sushi - you know that I can't say no to you ( she go and hug him , her dad place a kiss on her forehead , but she spell again ) why him , but just for you I'll tolerate him

Sushi's dad - now go , call him and tell that you're performing with him and no bunk for the studies

Sushi nod and leave , she was in her balcony thinking of whether she should call him or not . She thought that anyway tomorrow in clg they will meet so she will tell him that time , but other side what her dad said is also ringing in her mind . She took the phone and msg'ed Kritesh asking for darshan's number . As Kritesh saw the msg he called her up


Kri - tu thik toh hai

Sushi - what happened to me

Kri - then why the hell you want darshan's number

Sushi - bcoz dad asked me to call him and tell that I'm going to perform with him

Kri - okay , are you free

Sushi - ya , why ?

Kri - I'm coming to the pick you , now when you have decided to perform , then let's see how dip zip performs

Sushi - I have no kinda interest in seeing your friend

Kri - oh god sushi , don't come to my friend . Come to see their performance

Sushi - you won't hear me right ?

Kri - nope , so you're coming right

Sushi - do I have an option

Kri - will be their in an hour , bye

Sushi - bye

After kri's call sushi get ready and is sitting on her activa waiting for him . She called him but he didn't pick up the call , she thought that he must be driving so she cut the call . After a while Kritesh was their

Sushi - look at the time , so late

Kri - if you're ready on time then that's not my problem , now let's go instead of wasting your precious time

Sushi - yup , but where are we going

Kri - that's a surprise . If you will get to know you will kill me ( he speak underneath )

Sushi - you said something

Kri - nope , let's go

They reach to a place and stop in front of a house , Kri knows who's that house is but sushi don't . Kritesh didn't even inform darshan that he's bringing her to his house . They go to the door and Kri ring the bell

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