Part 64 ...

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Darsh - I guess sush we should sit and talk

Sushi nods and follows him to the room , everyone goes to the living area and start prep for dinner . Adi and nik both wanna know what exactly happened after they left that chinu isn't here with them . So Kri asks them to sit over couch and start narrating the story to them .

Meanwhile darshan don't know how to tell sushi what happened , sushi notice his freaked out face so she takes his hands in her and give a little squeeze and assure him with her eyes and darshan take a deep breath

Darsh - after you left the next day , everyone was hovering over me that its my fault that you left . I was going to Mumbai so I didn't bother , but chinu was too affected after you left . And after 4 months when I came back to visit everyone , he came up with the topic rather than being happy for me . He told me that it's worthless , all this success , fame , because I lost the most precious thing that I had ( he looked up in her eyes ) you . He said that I'm loser , and soon everything will be over as it started , and I won't have anyone in my life because of the ego I held up . When he said that I losed it , and I hit him right in his face , because no one had the right to judge my decision . And when they didn't even knew the bts of it . I know I was wrong but , I don't know I didn't try to correct my mistake . Probably he was right , I'm loser , neither did I said sorry to you nor him . I lost two precious people , and what I did was stand by my ego . I deserve all the hatred , not love

Sushi hug him - but if you know that you are wrong then it's never too late to rectify our mistakes . Call him darsh , he will get back , take the step . And may be deserved our hatred , but you deserve this love too . And he must be proud of you as much as anyone of us

Darsh - but what if

Sushi cut him in mid - no if's and But's , just do it . He was your friend , and I don't think he would have held a grudge against you this long . And he must be knowing that I'm back and we're together , so don't you think he will forgive you

Darsh - I guess so

He says and take his phone and dial up chinu's number

He dial the number and disconnect the call immediately before the ring goes . He keep the phone aside and clasps his both hands together , they are sweaty , and he start marching in the room . Sushi look at him and grab his phone , and connect the call to chinu , the call gets answered in 3 rings


Sushi - am I speaking to Chinmay Roy

( as darsh sees she already called , he goes and to her and plead her to disconnect it but sushi being sushi doesn't listen to him )

Person over call - yes

Sushi - hush !!! I thought you must have changed the number or something so I thought to check it once

Chinu - I'm sry , but who's it . I mean I guess this number belongs to someone else now

Sushi - it still belongs to that person , by the name it's saved in your phone . Darshan Raval , and I'm saddened to hear you didn't recognise my voice Mr.Drummer

Chinu - sushi , is that you ?

Sushi - ahan , finally . Tell me something , where are you right now ?

Chinu - in my house

Sushi - was I supposed to laugh ? You still suck chikne at your jokes

Chinu - oh hello , at least I'm better than you . And your answer , I'm in Mumbai , but why are you asking though

Sushi - do you know where darshan lives ?

Chinu - yes , but why

Sushi - can you bring up your ass here

Chinu - oh god girl mind up with the language

Sushi - look who's talking

Chinu sigh - whom I'm arguing with , but I guess you don't know that me and darshan

Sushi cut him in mid - I know you and your half girlfriend broke up , but I'm asking you to come over here for me , not for your half girlfriend

Chinu - you and your talks , I missed you man . Fine I'll be there , but I would be better that I don't see darshan . I'll speak up something and he will hit me again . So I guess better keep up the safe distance

Sushi - I have a better plan , how abt hitting him together . But filhaal I want you here and we can talk abt everything when you get here

Chinu - why are you doing this sushi , you can't fix everything , everytime

Sushi - I'm just trying to fix that messed up because of me , so better you find your way here .
And I'm hanging up the call , bye


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