Part 58 ...

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All the exams were conducted and all of them were sure that they will pass out with better grades . Darsh didn't care abt the results , it was important for him just so that sushi could stay in the town . He was waiting for the selection results , and the day clg was going to announce the results the same day he got a mail . Darsh didn't check it though and went to clg .

Principal sir called him to his cabin ,

Darsh knocked the door - may I get in sir

Principal - yes Mr.Raval you may ( darsh walked up inside and sat on the chair placed in front ) you passed out the exams , with good grades . Here's the result

Darsh took the sheet from him - I'll take a leave sir , thank you

He stood up when principals voice made him turn - leave susmita alone

Darsh - I'm sry , what

Principal - stay away from my daughter , all this is just attraction

Darsh - no sir , it isn't just attraction but love . If it was just attraction as you say then it would have got to its end till now . And sir , don't force her to always live her life with your rules and regulations and according to you . Let her make her own choices , let her be free . Be wrong and learn from it , fall and gather strength to get up , fail and joy in passing . You're a father who don't even know what her daughter dreams to become , but indeed put her under the burden of your own dreams . Sir I guess you need to be her friend than a father

Principal - be in your limits

Darsh - I didn't cross it yet , and I would never do that . Because sushi loves you more than me , and everything that she loves is important to me

Principal - your sweet talks can mesmerise her , not me

Darsh - my sweet talks didn't mesmerise her , the voice did . And I guess sometimes we fall for the most unexpected person . Sir sushi is waiting to know the results , may I take your your leave now

Principal - get lost

Darsh come out of the cabin , and sushi come to him

Sushi - what took you so long

Darsh - I'll tell you everything but for that you need to come up with me

Sushi - okay

Darsh ride her to the sabarmati riverfront with his guitar . It's was almost evening time , so instead of talking to each other they were silent , sitting next to each other and observing the sun setting down and how it changes the hues of the clouds . Something is wiredly pleasant abt the silence , it talks much more than words could ever do . The still water reflecting the hues of sky , the wind that makes your eyes twinch and feel its solace . The voices surround you , but the only voice that your heart wants to hear is his heartbeat . Darsh intervened their fingers , and looked at her , her face is glowing more due to the shining light that evening reflects

Darsh - sush , I passed up with good grades

Sushi - I know

Darsh look at her with a confused look - you know , as in you were just acting to be nervous

Sushi remove their intervened fingers and hit his head - idiot , he's the principal and my dad too but he never tells me these things . As per him they are confidential , I knew it because you literally studied . And hard work do pay off

Darsh - okay , can we go to the clg

Sushi - clg , like now

Darsh nod - but how can we get in

Sushi - that you leave up to me

They ride back to the clg , and sushi remove some keys from her bag . And open the back gate of clg , darsh take her to the music room

Darsh - you have duplicate keys

Sushi - nope the extra ones , I asked dad to give it to me . I come here often late night , the place that makes me write peacefully . And then you have music too to calm yourself down

Darsh - I want to read it

Sushi - what ?

Darsh - your writing's

Sushi - that we will decide later , first tell me why you wanted to come here

Darsh - a surprise for you

Sushi - surprise , okay . And what's that ?

Darsh - the song that I sent for the reality show audition

Sushi - and why you want me to hear it

Darsh - because it's written for you

Her breaths stop , did she hear him right ? He wrote and composed a song for her , and sung it too . This is like a sudden shock to her , she just go to him and embrace him in a bone crushing hug

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