Part 18 ...

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Sushi step out and take a deep breath in while stretching her arms out . Darsh without getting into the her eyes is clicking her pictures . Till the time is busy in admiring the beauty of marine drive , darsh gets to a stall and take one cutting . Sushi sit on the rock when darsh catch out the cup in front of her . She smiles and sip it and turning to him

Sushi - you won't have it

Darsh take it from her hand and have a sip - who said that

Sushi sigh - when you gonna stop having tea and coffee from my cups

Darsh - probably not till my last breath whenever you are with me . Sry let me correct , after now I won't let you go far from me . The distance between us would be of love and not of separation

Sushi - why do you think we gonna get together

Darsh - we both sitting like this together , sharing a cup of tea , you still think that theirs no chance of us being together

She smiles and look at the waves - darsh have a look at this waves , they come to the shore , hit it and go back . Right now imagine this wave as me which came to India to hit her target and then she will go back

Darsh - I guess someone is forgetting that her roots are Indian

Sushi - darsh I was born in India but brought up in America . I came to India just because dad wanted me to do my after schooling studies in India . And then I was back to America after ( she pause )

Darsh - okay so let's change your theory a lil bit . This waves are America , the shore they hit is India and the salt formed on the shore is you . And before you ask why salt , bcoz life would tasteless without it and mine impossible without you . Now when the waves hit the shore they leave the salt behind , so you will be staying here forever

Sushi is staring at him raising her brows

Darsh - I'm not that handsome

Sushi - obviously you are not , but the things you are talking , I'm quite impressed , like you got a lil sense of knowledge from uncle

Darsh - what do you mean by lil sense of knowledge

Sushi - nothing

And she kept staring at the rising figure of sun . She was staring at the sun , darsh was busy staring at her , they both stared at what they found beautiful .

After a while they returned to her place .

Sushi open the door , adi msg'ed her to get darshan . And she found everyone in her house . They all look at them , darsh go to the them and sit on the edge of the couch . They hug her one by one

Sushi - you all here

Kri - we weren't knowing that we are not allowed to enter your house

Sushi - Kri , it's nothing like that . Actually in the morning you all here that's why I asked , don't make me feel guilty

Kri go to her and side hug her - I thought may be I got my friend back but it seems that my besto is changed that she is not even getting that I'm just doing her leg pulling

Dhruwal - stop your stupid talks , Miss.Writer , so you started writing and you didn't even bothered to tell us . Make out a deal

Sushi - deal

Dhruwal - on the launch day when you will read it out , I'll be capturing you

Sushi - Mr.Director theirs a lot of time in it

Hardik - I'll play slight background music

Kri - and I'll help you from it's publishing to launch

Adi - one sec guys , what about me ?

Dhruwal act to think - I guess you gonna be out of the frame

Hardik - but Dhruwal bhai , everything is fine but what about darsh bhai

Adi - what about him , he is on the cover of her book

They all look at him shockingly , and sushi shoot death glares

Kri looks at sushi - darsh on the cover , like are you serious ?

Sushi - guys I'll freshen up

Kri stops her - faster bcoz today you and darshan both not gonna work and we all just gonna enjoy ( he look at darsh ) and we have talked with him Naushad bhai so no need to worry

Darsh nods and sushi gets to her room . Adi too get to freshen up , Kri looks at darsh and find him lost , so makes his way to him

Kri - what happened

Darsh look at him and move his left and right - nothing

Kri - then why this smile is not reaching to your eyes

Darsh with full power - kamine , I'm perfectly fine

Kri - and you think I'm going to believe you

Darsh - leave that , you guys wanna take me out without a shower They all look at him and burst out in pearls of laughter

Kri - you want to take a shower , seriously

Darsh - *uck you all

And he march towards sushi's room

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