Part 7 ...

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Sushi ( I finally met him , after years , my heart did miss a few beats . And after a time of frozen silence , my eyes had a question , " did I ever meant anything to him ? " . He was standing there , unmoved , staring at me . Their was a hint of smile on my face , as I kept staring right back into his hazel brown eyes . I was angry , that betrayal was somewhere still alive in my thoughts , I wanted answers from him . I was fuming inside , and soon , my eyes gave away my pain . Tears started rolling down , as I stood in front of him . After a few moments , words left from my teary lips ) --- hi , Susmita Rathod ( and I forwarded my hand )

Darshan ( after years my eyes met with her black eyes , the eyes once used to show love for me
, but I can just see immense pain in them . Her smile is still the same , soothing . But that waterline that built up was bothering me and when the tears rolled down , I just couldn't stop them . After years I filled up her eyes with tears again , the way I did five years back . I wanted to wipe out her eyes but everyone was there . The waterline built up my eyes but before anyone notice it I let it dry in eyes . And when my favourite sound reached my ears I felt lively , like my heartbeat is back . Her forwarded hand was an opportunity ) --- hi , Darshan Raval

Sushi ( he hugged me , the tears went unstoppable with it . His hug still carries up that warmth . I felt like home after ages , don't know what I am feeling right now . But it just felt to stay their forever , like I just belong their . His raised heartbeats , that uneven breath , I missed everything , every bit of him in this last five years . But as soon as the flashback came in front of my eyes , I moved back from him )

Darsh ( she still smells the same , don't know why but after seeing her how can I control over the thing , so I hugged her . Her raised heartbeats , deep breath , this happens with her everytime I touch her . Her knees used to get weak when I used to get close to her . I missed her , but what I did to her after that I didn't had that much strength to go in front of her . But as she moved back my thoughts broke )

Abhi - omg !!!!! Like Miss.Susmita Rathod is crying , that too after meeting a singer . I thought you hate music and musicians . But if you are crying then their must be something special in his music

Palak - seriously abhi , like none of us thought that she would react like this , so we can say Darshan Raval is hell lucky to have her ( as those words left palak's mouth adi interrupted )

Adi - palak , at least hear what you are saying

Palak - oh lover boy , chill out . I meant as a fan , not better half

They are busy in their arguments and someone busy staring at the his beauty for life . He smiled the widest seeing her in blue . She used to hate this colour when he used to wear it or insist her to wear it for him . She looks the best in it , her earrings that are complementing her look , her eyes which are sparkling always and shines when they met his . Her curled hairs which were flowing freely with the wind were driving him crazy . But what yet the thing that completes her look is missing , her smile is missing . Everyone get out of their trance when vishal came up

Vishal - guys the time is finished , you all can leave

Rohan - it was such a pleasure meeting with you . Thank you so much

Darsh - anytime brother

Palak and geet hugged him and abhi shake hand once again . They turned to leave , when adi stopped them

Adi - guys , you all leave . I'll bring her , just five minutes

Abhi - sushi , whatever you say but you know what you guys will end up being together

As darsh hears it , his heart felt a thud . Adi and sushi look at each other and then at darshan . They can sense his doubt filled eyes .

Adi - just tell me one thing why your thoughts end up just at this point . And whatever will happen with us we will handle it , and you guys gonna witness that we not gonna end up together

As they left adi hugged darshan , a smile appeared on his face and why won't it after all he is meeting his best buddy after years . Darsh hugged him back , and his eyes shown up his happy emotions . A smile crept on sushi's face seeing adi happy . She is knows that he misses his buddy a lot , but just bcoz of her they both didn't met in years

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