Part 42 ...

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Sushi - how can you find positive's in every situation . Like

Darsh put his finger over her lips - it's just the way we see , and now I don't want to talk over all these rubbish things , but indeed over the most important thing . My so many pics , this candles and all , why all this , like just for an apology or is there something else to say

Sushi - I'll tell you when you'll let me speak

Darsh - oops , sry ( he hold his ear )

Sushi - you're cute ( she pull his cheeks and kiss them , while backing off she pull his nose )

Darsh - not my nose

Sushi - it's sexy ( darsh frown ) okay , I'm not a romantic kinda person . I'll tell it my kinda way

Everytime I think of you
You make me smile
Your smiling face comes in mind
Those curved pink lips
That imperfect beard
Your sexy nose with the nose mark Your deep hazel brown eyes
Those long eyelashes
That messy hairs
Which make me forget
Every bit of me
I felt incomplete
Like something is still missing
But then heart whispers
What rest in me
Is the piece of you
I few words will follow me
Whenever I see you
My lips will curve in a smile
To tell you

I looked at darsh and found him just staring back right in my eyes and say nothing , I thought that I guess it was that bad , that , he don't even want to respond . I blink my eyes which were steady till now and here he comes back to the world

Darsh - I'm sry , I was just got lost in your words ( he playfully hit her forehead ) stupid girl , if this isn't romantic then I don't know what is . I'm just curious to know , you spoke it now or you prepared it ?

Sushi - I just spoke whatever came up in my heart

As I spoke , I felt the pull of his strong arms and he hugged me like there's no tomorrow . The warmth that it carried was something indescribable . He left me

Darsh - I knew that you write , but never got to know that your writings are this beautiful . Ab tumhari diary padhni padegi

Sushi - and you think I'm gonna show it to you

Darsh - who's going to ask your permission

Sushi - it's not that easy Mr.Raval

Darsh wrapped his hands around her - when I have you by my side , then everything is easy Miss.Susmita Rathod ( sushi push him away ) what was that for

Sushi - you didn't revert back to what I said

Darsh smile and before she notice he wash it off his face - and what exactly you want to hear

Sushi slap on his chest - I told I love you to you , and you ; leave it I just don't want speak with you

She turn around , darsh smile at her innocence , bcoz she never act this way . All the way he has just seen a girl who is mature enough to understand everything . He go close to her and wrap his hands around her and nuzzle in her hairs and then slowly make her turn

Darsh - I love you too

Her eyes twinkle with his words , and without wasting any further second she hugged him . Her tears made their way out from her eyes . Darsh rubbed her back and then made her look at him

Darsh - what happened ( sushi just move her head left and right ) sushi , I know you're happy and also tensed , but don't worry everything will be fine ( she smile and darsh wipe out her tears )

He pull her more towards himself and decrease the remaining distance between them . His hands rest on her waist , and traced her lips with his finger . Shivers run down her spine , first time she's being a nervous freak . Darsh leaned a bit and in anticipation she closed her eyes and hint of smile appears on Darshan's face . He lean to her ears and brushing his lips to her ears he speak up

Darsh - the words which left my mouth in anger on your first day of college , came true but with love

He speak and close his eyes , and his lips crash and make contact with her soft and rosy lips . Darsh hands curled her waist to pull her more towards himself , and sushi's hand wrap up around his neck , there is huge difference in the situation between last night and today . The trust , love and respect is shown up in their kiss . Darsh broke the kiss and move back , they both are panting for breath . Sushi's cheeks are flushed , as darsh look at her , she bury her face in his chest and darsh wrap his hands around her . Darsh is abt to say something when they hear adi , nik and kri's voises .

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