Part 12 ...

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As those words left her mouth , it pierced my heart . I never thought that it had hurt her to such core that it would get so difficult to gather out her shattered pieces . But whatever happened , that time my passion towards my dreams was foremost thing for me . I know leaving her was my choice but both of us just let it go away . I know it did hurt her , but it wasn't easy for me too . How would it be , bcoz my beats were leaving me . She was my easiest hello and the hardest goodbye . But I thought that may be somewhere their is still hope , but her words seems like slowly and gradually she wants to break me into pieces . I won't let you go away again , not without trying to lessen your pain . Between every heartbeat of mine , is a heartbeat of yours and I won't let detachment come between us . What hurts me is that it changed from everything to nothing , just like that . But I'll try up sush till my last breath that this singer and writer will end up being together


The words I told , I meant them bcoz I still feel I'm a wrong choice for him . He deserves someone who is passionate like him , a strong independent girl . Not a coward like me who couldn't even fight for her own passion . I know I can't see him with anyone else or even imagine that but still he should move on . In his absence , those cold nights , I felt death a lil closer than life . I know he still have hopes about us , but I'm just scared , that I will trust again and I will be hurt . My soul shivers to smile now because my heart has cried too much . I simply want to be alone now . He won't leave without trying to lessen my pain , but I he need to take steps forward leaving me and those memories back . Its hard but needed for him . Right now I'm living in an oblivion world and I want to face the real world . Is it possible to not love him at any point , is it ?

My thoughts broke as his voice reached my ears ,


As those words left his mouth , she got chills . Shivers run down her spine , and their eyes locked .

Adi walks out after a certain time , as he steps out he finds them so close to each other , and lost in their own world , looking deep down into each others eyes , like drowning in them . He smile seeing them , as after years he has seen them like this , a perfect couple . He don't want to to disturb their moment , but he has no choice too . He walks in their direction and stop

Adi - I hope you guys not gonna kiss each other

As his voice reach them , they separate in a jerk . Sushi shoot him death glares , and darsh smirk looking at her

Darsh - I guess I should leave

And he left hugging adi , sushi was lost in her own world that she didn't even pay attention to his going figure . As he left a different looked at her . He thought as if his death is on the way , bcoz sushi isn't reacting back , he gathering all his courage shake her and as she gets her senses , she looks up for darshan , but when finds him nowhere asks adi

Sushi - where's darshan

Adi - he just left in front of you

Sushi - shit , I'm going . Will be back soon

Before adi could ask where she is going she just left . Darsh drive himself to his house , he open up his room and throw off his shirt over the bean bag and get inside the washroom . He looks up into the mirror and her words hit him , " no one does the same mistake again darshan " . He on the tap and splash water over his face . He run his hands over his hairs . Meanwhile sushi reach to his house and ignoring the watchman she goes to his apartment , and rings the bell .
Siddharth open the door

Sid - yes miss , whom you wanna meet

She moved him aside and get inside the apartment . He tries two stop her but she didn't , she stops as she smells his perfume . She gets inside the room and lock the door so that no one can enter in . She turns and finds him shirtless , and within blink of an eye she turns back . Darsh smile seeing her , but what trigger him is , why she came up till here ? What brought her here ?

He take slow steps towards her . Seeing him again like this her heartbeats are already raised up and she can feel him coming towards her , she takes a step forward but his touch snatch her breath .

He placed his hands over her , her body heat up with his touch . He pulled her back and she collide with his chest . His wet body , the water tripping from his hairs , everything was making her knees weak .

Darsh whisper in her ears ( his deep breath touched her neck and shivers run down her spine ) - why are you reacting like you are seeing me like this for a the first time

Sushi - leave me darsh

Darsh - finally , you called me darsh and not Mr.Darshan Raval or pilon

Sushi - leave me

Darsh turn her and her hands land up on his chest . The water tripping from his hairs fall over her face and her eyes twinch . His body heat up , after seeing her .

Darsh - open your eyes and look up sush

She is trying to get out of his grip but couldn't make out , indeed in handling her Darshan's hands touch her bare waist and their eyes lock

Sushi - pilon

Before he could speak , Kri's voice comes over and he started banging the door

Kri - darsh , are you fine

He leave her and open the door , his all friends get in

Kri - are you fine , sid said that ( his eyes fell on sushi ) sushi ( without wasting any time he go and hug her the tightest , darsh smile seeing his happy face ) what , wait , when , when you came to India ?

Sushi - Kri relax , calm down , take deep breath ( and he follows as she says it ) I'm here from last 15 days .

Dhruwal interrupted - you're are here from 15 days and you didn't even bothered to inform us

Sushi - it's not like that Mr.Director

Dhruwal - Miss.Writer , won't you hug me

Sushi - never ever , you have any doubts

Hardik whisper in darsh ear - is this the reason why last night in the concert you were hiding your tears

Darsh look at him unbelievably - guys you all are toh fine but someone is hell confused right now

They all look at Siddharth , who is looking at them as if they are kumbh ke mele mein bichede yaar . Sushi make out her way to him ,

Sushi - Hi , Susmita Rathod and you need not to introduce yourself Siddharth bhavsar , am I right

Sid - ya

Sushi - I have heard your gujarati songs and hindi too but staying out of your country the language is what you miss the most . And let me tell you , don't believe in their words like whatever they say about me to you

Sid chuckle hearing her - okay , so then what should I call you . Bcoz everyone said different names

Hardik come in between - it's easy sid bhai . For darsh bhai it's sush , for Kri bhai it's sushi , for Dhruwal bhai it's Miss.Writer , and for me it's susmita

Sushi - you can call me whatever you love , and how are you rockstar . Like don't forget me okay , bcoz tere bina is already a hit . Many girls drowning in your voice

Hardik - plz , you have forgot us all after that day

Sid - guys plz stop this suspense for me , like tell out complete thing or don't confuse me more

Sushi - chote listen , I was far by distance not by heart connection

And hugs him , kri and Dhruwal too join them . Darsh is smiling his widest seeing them . This is what he loves the most about her , she just makes everyone hers in moments . Sid too joins them

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