Part 4 ...

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Sushi was standing there thinking how can she forget him , that's something impossible to do for her . She can forget herself but not him . And adi is also one reason why he will always be with her , she still remember

" I was waiting for my cab , while a pulsar stopped in front of me . First I thought it must be by mistake but as darshan removed his helmet her lips crept into a beautiful smile . Darsh ask her to sit , but she was confused bcoz Mr.Fattu Raval is doing this daring . I was still standing with a what look , he smiled , " sush , will you come on a date with me " . As he spoke he shuffle his hands through his hairs . I was completely blank , and it's the first time he didn't spell out my complete name Miss.Susmita Rathod . I asked him , " what's sush and all " he replied back getting down from the bike and coming a step closer to me , " everyone else calls you sushi , some susmita , a few miss writer , so I should be different from all of them na . So after thinking for whole night , I thought sush is what just I will call you , no one else . Now will you answer me , will you come on a date with me " . Was I supposed to say a yes , obviously bcoz I was waiting for him to ask me out from years , and this dumbo finally did it "

As darsh parks the car , he steps out of car and locked the door . He upraises his hoodie , so that no one recognise him and halts towards the entrance .

My trance broke when palak and geet come to take her . She smiles at them , and suddenly her heart started beating faster , her breath got uneven . Bcoz of wind her hairs started flowing freely . She felt his warmth around , but she shrugged the thoughts and gone with them to the entrance . They were paying the bill when adi puts up his hands over sushi's shoulder .

The cafe had a rotating door . Adi takes her with him and she steps out , and the same time darshan steps in . He felt something wired , so he turned to see but Adi hands were wrapped around her and she was beating him playfully , darshan sigh and go and sit on the last table . She too felt something but when she she turned it were just her friends and no one else .

As darshan sits up , he finds out a book with a bookmark over it . The cover of the book read as , " THE ONLY STORY A NOVEL JULIAN BARNES " , darsh open it and read the first line , " would you rather love the more , and suffer the more ; or love the less and suffer the less ? " . He smiles but the pain can be easily seen in his eyes . He thought whether the reader feels it or just for the sake of reading read it . But suddenly he took the book in his hand and it smelled like vanilla , and suddenly he spell out ," sush used to smell exactly the same " and the same time manager comes up ,

Manager - I'm so sry sir , its one of our customers . She daily comes here , can I plz ? ( he handover it )

Darsh - what's her

Before he could complete someone gets to know its darshan raval in the house . And people gather up . The manager tries to stop but darshan being darshan asks them to come over and everyone gathers around him .

Sushi gets in the car when she asks about her book as she didn't find it . She hurriedly rush into the cafe when she sees the crowd gather over the last table , she moves forward when manager calls her name out , she turns and finds her book with him . She go and take that and asks why the crowd it's gathered , the manager is about to tell when adi comes and drags her . Darsh felt her presence around , he looks over but again just her going figure comes in his vision . Darsh thought that he is thinking too much so he shrug the thoughts .

Sushi - adi , what are you doing . I wanted to see who is it

Adi - we are getting late , I don't want to miss the sunset at juhu .

They in the car and everyone asks whether she is coming for the concert or not , and adi replied up that he will bring her there . Sushi thought over it , like she wants to know whether he has moved on in his life leaving her behind or not . It's not she's scared to face him but she's scared to go through that pain again . She's praying deep inside that whatever she's thinking should not come true . He can't do this , and what if he has already moved on . The fear to loose him completely is bothering her

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