Part 47 ...

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Adi - you know I won't get angry on you , and now when I won't be there , ye sawal hi paida nahi hota

Sushi - oye hello , senti master . You are leaving the country , marr nahi raha hai . And I'm toh always there to trouble you , though you're here or somewhere else . So now listen , I will give a letter by this evening , and tomorrow in the morning you need to give it darshan

Adi - one sec , you live with him . So why are you asking me to give the letter

Sushi - if you will hear me out completely then you will get to know right . Adi the aim of coming back here was to publish my book , but somewhere from the time darshan again entered my life , that motive is disappearing somewhere . I need some time away from him , and with myself . Adi this book is my dream , ya I want to be with him but not scarifying my own dreams . He's not the barrier but somewhere my heart just do things what he loves . So if I need to complete the book I need to be away from him , till the time I don't complete my book . I don't want him to know where I am , even I'm not telling you this where I will be . Because I know you will spell the beans to him . That letter will help him calm down , and understand my point

Adi - sushi just speak with him , like running away is not the option

Sushi - Adi I'm not running away , but this is what he needs to get used to . And you know that after a few months I need to get back to my job , so I don't have much time

Adi - fine , but how will any of us contact with you

Sushi - you need not to worry abt that , darshan will receive a letter everyday and after every few days you guys too

Adi - why letters

Sushi - bcoz that lost art carries emotions that phone calls or msg's won't do ever

Adi - you're impossible

Sushi - I guess I know that

They both burst in laughter , and after chit-chatting for a while and having there coffees they leave . Sushi searched for darshan but he was no where to be found , she was waiting for him in the room while reading the book , and slept . Darshan got late , and he saw her . He made her sleep properly and kissing her forehead he slept in the other room . They both slept , but darshan unaware abt the fact that morning will start without her

Sushi got up at 5 in morning and seeing the blanket and pillow she got to know that he came . She got ready , and before leaving she went to the room next door where darshan was sleeping . She sat on her knees in front of him , she can't touch him as he would wake up . She knows he will understand , when he reads the letter out . Her eyes travel to his feet and notice that he's still wearing his shoes . She hit her head sighing , he take care of every small thing when she sleeps and forgets to take care of himself . She remove his shoes , and put on the blanket .

Darsh cuddle the pillow and pull up the blanket . Sushi thought he would wake up but he didn't , so she bent down and kissed his forehead and left . Adi was waiting for her in the parking with her car , he hugged her and gave him the letters that he is supposed to give out to everyone including himself . He tried to ask where she is abt to go but she didn't let out even a word . As sushi left , adi went up and while watching TV he slept over the couch . It was around 12 when cold water hits his face , and he wake up scared . Everyone was laughing looking at his expressions , darsh sat down beside him and putting his hand over his shoulder speak up

Darsh - still in sleep

Adi - *uck off , we are not some 18 year old kids darshan . Please behave

Darsh - what's wrong

Adi - nothing , I just need to freshen up

He get up and get inside a washroom , and flash some water over his face . He's afraid to see Darshan's reaction , because he is known with the sadness that he went through when they both separated . Though he knew that it wasn't completely his fault but still he always blamed himself that sushi isn't with him . This time the case is different , that he knows sushi loves him and she just gone for few months , but yet she won't be around him and no one amongst us will know where she is . After wiping his face with a towel and preparing himself to spell out everything . As he open the door darsh is standing there waiting for him . Adi ignore him and gets back in the living room , darsh follow him

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