Part 62 ...

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Darsh closed the gap between them and hugged her in a bone crushing hug . He moved back , still holding her in his arms , and kissed her forehead

Darsh - love you forever

Sushi look at her watch - dad must be coming up , he wants to speak something with you

Darsh nod and they both were waiting for her father to come , their friends joined them . After a few minutes sushi's dad walked in

Sushi's dad - firstly congratulations darshan for your selection in rawstar . And now just a question , and I just want to hear the answer , no if's and but's

Darsh - okay , sir

Sushi's dad - you have to choose , your music or sushi . If you go to Mumbai , I'll make sure that sushi never ever sees your face again . So decide , you love your music more or susmita . I want my answer now

Darsh was shocked to hear him , he never ever imagined that her father will ask her to choose , between his dream and her . It's not like sushi is less important , she is equal to him but then what to do in such a situation . This show is his step for future , and that he has imagined with her . But how to get through this situation , what will sushi think if he chooses his dream and not her . It was just like he was stuck between a cliff and a well . Darsh stepped up to sushi

Darsh - I'm sry ( his eyes were filled with tears , after speaking this to her he walked up to her dad ) sir , sushi isn't a thing to choose or not . But right now I know that there is nothing more important to me than my dream - my passion for it .

He spoke those words , and left the music room . Everyone else gathered around sushi , and adi walked up behind darshan .

Adi - you very well know she will go to New York , don't you think you should rethink over your decision

Darsh pushed him to the wall - I know adi what I'm doing , I don't need you to tell me . Fuck off

Adi saw a different person , not his buddy when he spoke that . He got back to music room and looked at sushi , it felt like she already knew , like it didn't affected her

Sushi's dad - I already told you , that you loved a wrong boy

Sushi - no dad , my choice was correct . He will come back for me



Adi finally convinced me to get back to India , God damm five years , its been 5 years that I left India . I was not sad , the day darshan said that he chooses his music , I knew it but I was in a hope he will get back to me . But he just left , not even turned back and looked at me . I waited to call him till rawstar came to end , but my every call to him was unanswered . Every text sent to him was remained seen but unanswered , it took all 365 days for me to understand that he left . His forever too was just an illusion , I failed to understand him . I used to call him and text him all 365 days but no reaction . Dad tried his best to help me to know the fact that he won't ever come back , but I wasn't ready to listen him . I detached myself from every person , specially Kri , the only person that I gained I loosed him too . In all this what I gained was adi , he stood against darshan for me . I was in my own shell and adi and nik were the people who helped me get out of it . Everyone thinks that I still don't know that adi loves me , but they don't know that he confessed it long back . He even said to me that he never ever want to lose a friend over love . But actually the truth is , he never said it because of darshan . Now his name doesn't effect me , actually the whole of him . Indeed all I carry in my heart is betrayal , hatred for that one person . I know that I can't love anyone else , ya I do hear him without telling to adi but I end up crying . May be adi knows it , and I know he won't stop me . Sometimes I feel I'm the reason why he's single , like he deserves much more better than this . He miss him , but never ever by even mistake he takes his name in front of me . This decision is tearing me apart from inside , encountering with him is not even my last wish . I never ever want to see him ever again , I have being through hell these last 5 years , and now I don't want to suffer but live my life . Nik isn't coming with me , and he has already done so much , now it's time to let him be . So India it is , I'll be there soon


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