Part 23 ...

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Adi dropped sushi at the place she wanted to go , as she asked adi to the leave and that she will be come back in the night , she was sweating as she opened the door and entered in . Adi came to her and was about to go hug her when she stopped him by showing her hand

Sushi - Adi at least look at me , I'm sweating badly and you want to hug me

Adi - sush that doesn't matter to me , I just want to hug you

Sushi - adi no , I want you to take a shower

And she leaves for her room , she opened the door , after taking bath comes outside while shuffling her wet hairs . She got to her desk , and open her lapi . And she starts typing ,
At the centre of next page ,


" Is it necessary to have a physical encounter with someone so that we can say that we met with someone ? But what if I say I met him , when he was completely unaware of me , unaware about who I am . My dad used to think that I'm a rich spoiled brat , but keeping her studies as her priorities . But from the time he met him , his perception changed towards me . The first time he told me that he thinks I'm decent I almost got a mini heart attack , bcoz he never praised me . One sec , he loved me like hell , but my mischievous nature was something he was completely aware of . Girls are always their dad's princess , and may be I was more bcoz what is mom's love I'm unknown with it . I met him , not physically but through words . As in to say , he was trending topic in my house . And not in front of me but over the call , when I wake up and before I get to sleep dad used to talk about him , how he is a troublemaker for him . I literally got to know everything about him just by his talks , and everyday I used to pray to never ever make us cross our paths . But destiny plays up its role , that first meet of ours will always be unforgettable . You can try to not let that happen but it just happened .
DARSHAN RAVAL , a name which will forever stay in my mind and heart . Friendship with me you was far away , but we definitely became a enemies after our first encounter . "

Sushi closed the laptop screen , and rested her head back on the chair closing her eyes , when someone tapped on her shoulder , she turned back with a jerk , and left a breath of relief as she saw adi

Adi - what happened , why you got hyper

Sushi - Adi , who comes up like this . You scared me ( he laughed looking at me ) stop it kamine . So what made you come here at this time

Adi sat on her bed - nothing , it's been long that we talked . So just

Sushi go and sit beside him - I'm sry adi , our evening chit-chats have stopped from the time we came to India . And then darshan and all

Adi cut her in mid - why are you sry , its not your fault . Circumstances has lead that way , so how's the book going on

Before she could speak , they both hear out noises . And then within next blink her room was filled with Dhruwal , Siddharth , Kritesh , Hardik and via balcony Darshan Raval . She looked at him amused . Kritesh moved adi and sat beside her and other side before adi could sit darshan came . Adi made his way to the chair , Siddharth sat on the hanging chair and Hardik and Dhruwal on the bean bags present their .

Sushi - what you all are doing here

Kritesh cross his hand over her neck - your bestie is in the house , atleast ask for water
Sushi - bestie right ? ( Kritesh blink ) kamine then go and have it

They all laugh looking at Kritesh , and darsh's eyes caught something else . The words on the laptop screen , " OUR FIRST ENCOUNTER " . Before darshan could read it further sushi shut down the lapi .

Sushi - so what will you guys have tea or coffee

Everyone decide up with coffee as they have to stay awake all night . She made her way out to kitchen , followed by darsh . And everyone else was busy in the memories that they made .

Sushi put a bun of her hairs and take out the milk and coffee powder , and keep on the marble counter . She on the gas and keep up the water for boiling , when her eyes land up on darshan

Sushi - why you came down

Darsh - to help you out

Sushi - darsh it's just a coffee , I'm not building a taj-mahal

Darsh - oh god , I wanna be with you . That's the only reason

Her heart flutter to his words

Their existed silence between them , sushi's gaze was fixed on the coffee and Darshan's on her . Her tied up hairs were bothering him , when they freely fall and when her hair bangs disturb her coming up on the face , he loves it . Darsh took a step forward and made her turn to him .

Catching up her gaze he removed the hair stick . The coffee was about to fall up when adi came and off the gas . Their eye lock broke and they both looked up to him

Adi - guys , you can continue your romance later

Adi took darshan with him and sushi came up with the coffee mugs

Kritesh - I just so missed this , sushi your coffee is just heaven

Darsh - why so much trouble to her Kri , I'll take the pleasure to kill you and send you to the hell

Dhruwal interrupt - you all remember their first meet

Hardik - bhai how can we forget that . Darshan bhai kissed a unknown girl

Darsh - one sec , so when this topic has come out . Let me clear out the things for all of you . I didn't kiss her

Sushi - he is a way smarter than you all think

Darsh with a smirk - if you say I can show you my smartness now also

Siddharth - I would love to hear their love story

Darsh - hatred story sid bhai

Siddharth - as in

Sushi - as in to say , we both have troubled each other to such extent that rivals also should not do

Darsh - exactly

Siddharth - that's interesting , so who's going to start

Darsh - I'll , like I and sushi can tell you everything

Darsh look at her , and she's already looking at him . They smile , bcoz their meets were never casual , they were blast . They haven't met each other like normal human being , but every damm time some mischief was necessary . And at the end the blame used to come up on darshan , just bcoz he had that kinda image in front of everyone and sushi used to plan up things that she gets catch up . Darshan used to love her smartness , but hate her for spoiling his image in front of everyone . It's not just sushi who used to do it but darshan too , just to show her tit for tat always works out . But during this hate game when they started loving each other they are still unaware of it ...

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