END ...

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She took the steps forward leaving his hand and assuring him with a smile that she will be fine . But she moved back and wrapping her hand around his neck she pulled him closer and pecked his lips . And walked up with confidence , and then darshan was called up on stage but he was just lost in the moment that happened a few minutes ago . Ado came to him and put his hand on his shoulder

Adi - buddy , they are calling out for you

Darsh came to his senses - I'm sry I'll just go

He walked up and the book was launched , the cover page released up . LOVE WILL FIND A WAY

A guy sitting up with guitar and a girl sitting facing him . Sunset hues in the background , and a glass jar with fireflies .

Sushi was asked to read up a chapter and speak a few moments . She took the mic and let out a deep breath

Sushi - I don't know what I should speak or say because everything that I ever wanted to speak is written in this . I know words are not enough to speak our heart out , but may be we never want to speak everything but share the bits of our happiness and as well as pain . I started writing without knowing whether I'll be able to finish it or not . Just like taking a chance in unknown , I don't know people will like it or not but what I know is that this is what I always wanted to do . Write , just keep writing , about everything and nothing , about the joys and the sorrow , happiness and pain and that each emotion that is shown and the ones that are deep buried inside our hearts , the words which we speak and also the words that never make their way out . It just means so much to me that you all came up here , thank you so much from all my heart . I guess I won't speak up much and read out the a chapter of this book

She speak this and sit on the couch placed up , she took a copy of the book and opened up a page . She was about to start reading when all lights went off . Complete darkness , and suddenly fairy lights , lighted up . Sushi's eyes sparkled seeing them , Darshan's eyes were stuck to her , as she was looking more beautiful in this atmosphere

He bent down and kneeled up on his left knee , sushi gasped seeing him . And pehli mohabbat started playing up in the background , she stood up and was about to make darshan stand but he stopped her with his eyes . He pulled out a box , and opened it , a diamond ring studded up in the box

Darsh - I don't know what to say ( he bite the corner of his bottom lip ) sorry for that . Actually I rehearsed up but right now I don't remember any word of it . I don't know if your answer would be a yes ( and shown up his puppy eyes ) but no worries you will still be my girlfriend , right ? I mean I just wanted to ask , will you marry me ? You know right , like not now but whenever we both are ready .

Sushi is trying to process his words , because all of this is so shocking to her . She never imagined he would ask her that , and that too like this and on this occasion . She's got complete awestruck , with all this . She come to her senses when Darshan's voice again reach her ears

Darsh - sush my knee is paining , answer fast

She laughed and that brought a smile on his face too

Sushi bent down and playfully hit his head - idiot ( and touch their foreheads and looking deep into his eyes she spelled ) yes

As she spoke them rose petals started falling up on them . Darsh slided the ring in her finger and stood up , and everyone was hooting up them .

Sushi's smile was wider than ever , she looked up at him and hugged him and whispered in his ears

Sushi - last chapter ( she took breaths ) this was the last chapter of book . You proposing me for the marriage , I wrote it as a fictional end to this story , and here you go making it come true . I just love you so much , thank you for everything . Everything that you have done for me and for fulfilling your own dreams and passion . Thank you to keep your music before me , thank you for letting me go with your heart full of pain . Thank you to teach me that our dream comes before our love . Our passion separated us and our passion brought us together . This book was all about that ,
Passion - not for love but for dreams . I love you

Darsh - I love you

After the book launch , proposal , reading up a chapter and Q and A , it finally came to an end . Sushi planned a surprise for darshan , and she needed to reach up the place before 12 , to wish him happy birthday once again before the day ends . She put up a blindfold and take him to a place , she help him get out of the car , and walk up a distance . Dark black sky with twinkling starts and the moon shining to its fullest , cold winds and the silence . A small mat was placed up and a hot air balloon ( actually a wishing lantern ) was kept there . She removed his blindfold , but asked him to not open his eyes . When her voice reached to open his eyes he did and saw her walking from a distance to him and a cup cake with a small candle in her hand and singing happy birthday . She walked up to him and stood in front of him , and her hand so that he can easily blow up the candle . Darshan blew the candle and removing it he took a bite of it

Sushi whined - not fair , you should offer me first

Darsh - but now that I eat its much sweeter

Sushi frowned - haha , very funny ( she spoke and turned her back to him )

Darsh - oh go

He made her look at him and offered her the cupcake , sushi opened her mouth . But instead of feeding her he attached his lips to her . And her lips started moving with his , he bite her lower and lip and darsh enter his tongue and explore her mouth . They shared a long passionate kiss and after a time break it . Both of them were panting for air , sushi's cheeks were flushed . And Darshan's smile not ready to leave his face . They sat down on the mat , and sushi gave him a marker to write his wish over the lantern . He took the marker and he wrote

" let our passion - not for love but for dreams be the same "

Sushi look at him so he speak up - till the time our dreams are with us and our we follow our passion , we are together . That fire in us should always be enlightened , it should end with our last breath

Sushi smile and they both togetherly blow up the balloon and hug each other like a promise to love each other till eternity


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