Part 14 ...

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Sushi is sipping her coffee and lost in those words which made her their way out through darshan . She was wondering why always its darshan to be the reason behind every single thing that happens in her life . Every single thing is interlinked with darshan in a way or other . Why don't it change from everything to nothing ? Why I cat stop caring about him ? Why he still affects me ? And these questions are eating me from inside with every breath . It hurts , it hurts a lot . Her chain of thoughts broke when adi barks in her room

Adi - I'm sry

Sushi look up to the him - for

Adi - for whatever palak spoke

Sushi - and you took them seriously , indeed I should be the one to tell you sorry not you , I'm sry to speak out all those things

Adi - just leave all that , why you went to buddy

Sushi - adi I got the plot

Adi - that's fine but ( he paused ) come again

Sushi - I got my plot , the second step

Aditya hugged her and she hugged him back - I'm just so happy for you , but suddenly

Sushi - the worst part of my life , gives me the best . Don't know why he stays the constant thing in each step of my life . I got what I wanted to write , but again through him . I don't know do I have him , he is still the same . I can experience that initial craze once again . Its hard to trust him again . I have felt something in real , and just thought to pen that down

Adi - so when are starting it then

Sushi - let me think of the plot completely adi

Adi - when it's started you will get it , hope to read the first draft soon

Sushi - first draft , don't you think you are thinking too much

Adi - Miss.Writer we are here for that , right ?

Sushi - adi I met everyone , Mr.Director , Kri and chote

Adi - the man with beautiful legs

Sushi - stop it , don't call him that

Adi - what else do you expect me to call him

Sushi - he is a star adi

Adi - so you see darshan as a star , or a person who loves you unconditionally

Sushi - a person who used to love me unconditionally , used to

Adi - I guess we shouldn't go in the depths , you continue with your storyline . Abhi and everyone we are going out

Sushi - leaving me

Adi - they want to talk and you know , what

It's night time and everyone left with adi , the silence existed completely that even her deep breath were heard . She clasped her hands together and opened her lapi and started Microsoft Word . Created a new document and then instantly closed the application , she shut down the lapi and move her hands through her hairs . She started taking deep breath in , her hands started sweating , and her legs shivered a bit , nervousness was clearly visible on her face . She got up and went in washroom , she looked up in the mirror and splashed water hardly over her face .

While wiping her face with towel she came out and put the towel over the the bed and she stood keeping her hands on her waist . She tied her hairs in a bun and sat on the chair and opened the lapi again . She opened one of Darshan's pic and started editing it using photoshop . She arranged his pic perfectly over the book cover and the text over it in capitals


And clicked enter and saved the pic . Then after gathering all her courage she opened Microsoft Word and created a new document and started typing . At the centre , on the top with capitals and bold font she type ,


And then at the center of page she wrote down a few lines which were as ,


She entered and the next blank page appeared and again at the center on the top with bold letters she typed out ,


and clicked enter . The writing slash appeared on the next line , she relaxed down on the chair , and made her way to out from the room . She made a strong filter coffee for herself . She came back in the room and stood in the balcony , and when she the cold breezing air touched her face . Her lapi buzzed and she see it's battery is turning low , she was still using her old apple macbook air 2010 for her writing stuff . She plugged in the charger and she sat down on the chair to write up further . She keep her coffee on the table and looked up to the laptop screen , but suddenly her head jerked as she heard some shuffling through the balcony

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