Part 53 ...

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Darsh made her sit on the front seat , and pulling the seat belt locked it and made his way to his seat . He was about to start the car when sushi spoke ,

Sushi - what was all that

Darsh - what ?

Sushi - come on darsh , you're not that innocent to not get what I'm talking . And after your actions today , like all of this is just unexpected

Darsh - the way you writers say , unexpected are the best . And abt my behaviour then you're the reason behind it . You just left all of a sudden leaving just a letter . 6 months , it's god damm six months that I haven't seen you . With each passing day it felt like somewhere I'm loosing you again . I know sush that you were there , but you know how bad your absence haunted me . The darkness used to kill , and again the loneliness that wave was breaking my insides . I had everyone around , but the thought that you're alone used to make me go insane . I was just involving myself in work , and more work , without any break . I was waiting for you to return and tell me that , you're never going to pull this stunt again . I came here thinking I'll shout on you , for doing something like this . But as my eyes fell on you , and when I saw that smile .

Everything was falling apart , and it was just you who was visible to me . I just couldn't think straight that time , and ...

He couldn't complete , his eyes were moist and his head falls down . The emotions that he was holding on hard , somewhere made there way out . After hearing all those words from him sushi too felt bad abt it . She make him look at her by pulling his chin up and removed the seat belt . She leaned forward and kissed his forehead , ruffled his hairs and slightly moved her fingers through his cheeks , and whispered near his ears brushing her lips to his earlobe

Sushi - I missed you , and promise I'm never pulling this stunt again . I love you

Her actions calmed him down , and as she finished he hugged her

Darsh - I love you , I just thought of taking you on a date . Like we have never been on a official date , so it's just a small surprise for you . I hope you love it

Darsh drive over for few hours , and then suddenly stop . He takes up a blindfold and tie it up on her eyes and start the car . After around half an hour they reach up , he gets out from the car .

Open the door for her and take her hand in his , and make her come out of the car . And then picks her up in his arms , sushi gasp

Sushi - what's wrong , darsh I can walk

Darsh - I know that you can walk , but yet I love you in my arms more

Sushi - wash off the smirk on your face

Darsh look at her - can you see me

Sushi - obviously no , but I know you well than this . Can we just go fast plz , I'm hungry ( she pouted her lips )

Darsh - control your antiques or we will lead somewhere else . And shut that mouth of yours , I don't think you want me to fulfill your hunger that way

Sushi shut her lips , and seeing her he laugh a bit . He finally put her down , and ask her to be where she is standing and not move even a bit . She was standing there folding her hands , when a familiar voice reached her ears . As the voice hit her ears , she remove the blindfold and turn to the voice . There's a big screen placed , and what playing was her dad's video . Her tears went down unstoppable , seeing him after almost a year . The video spelled these words ,

" sushi beta , and darshan

Firstly sry , to be the person who separated you guys , doing every single thingy possible for taking sushi away from you darshan . I guess being a father , I just cared for her . Sushi knows this , but somewhere she must also be hating me na . I guess I deserve it , but now all my blessings are with you both . Sushi I got to know that , you wrote your first book . Girl I'm excited to read it . This sinks my heart more , that I took your dreams off from you . I guess I just did wrong with you , in giving you all the love somewhere I didn't realise that it wasn't love but pure selfishness . But I promise my princess , hereafter I won't do anything wrong . Hereafter you will always be just happy . Darshan don't make her cry like I did , all the love to you son . Love you both , stay blessed "

Sushi tears started marking there way from the time she heard his voice . And after hearing his each word , the tears went unstoppable . Ya she knows that why he did all those things but she's feeling bad that she too doubted his love for her . The person who was her whole world , she doubted his love . She felt like her heart is sinking , that her dad got through all these things because of her . She wasn't alone , he was there to hold her . Before she falls , darsh held her ; and she hugged him like there's no tomorrow . He let her tears flow , because somewhere he know what she must be going through . She spoke between her sob

Sushi - I'm very bad daughter na darsh

Darsh - hey no , listen to me ( she breaks the hug , but her sobs are continuing . She looks at him with those tear filled eyes , darsh wipe her face ) you're the best daughter he can have

Sushi - no , he's the best father that I can have

Darsh give a small smile - yaa , true . But you see , you thought for a while that he doesn't care abt your happiness ? But still your love for him always overpowered over every other thought . You became a doctor for his happiness and chased up your dream too . Everything that comes up our way can't be best right , fights , anger , jealousy , every emotion makes the life imperfectly perfect . So your emotions were truer for that moments , and if that would have not existed then this love wouldn't have gotten multiplied . So don't think over that you're wrong , all the things were right at there places . And let me me tell you a news , dad told me to ask you about when you are you launching your book , so that he can be with you as a proud father

Sushi excitedly - did he just said that ?

Darsh nods , and she hugs him . Tears again flowing from the her eyes Darsh - I guess I need to be shirtless tonight

Sushi look at him with confused face - why

Darsh - it's already wet , and you're still crying . So better option na , be shirtless ( and wink )

Sushi - shut up ( while wiping her tears she get up ) btw who makes their girlfriend cry on date

Darsh get up - darshan raval , and your tears are precious . Few years back the tears were of pain and now they are the happy one

Sushi lean in forward and peck his lips - everything is written we just follow

Darsh - ya right , now let's go to the next place

Sushi - your gotta kidding me , like there's more

Darsh - yep

He again close her eyes and picking her up walks up to the next surprise

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