Part 15 ...

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She went up to the balcony and found darshan struggling to get in the balcony , as she saw him she freak out and go to him and pull him up . He just hugged her tightly

Darsh - thank god , I just thought I'm gonna be a dead soul

He was sweating badly , and his shirt was completely wet . I was still as he hugged me , when his deep breath touched my bare neck I got numb . He backed off and opening three to four buttons of his shirt he went inside my room and lowered the temperature of the AC

Darsh - get inside and slide the glass , its hot af

His voice brought her back to the world , she went inside her room and stood in front of him crossing her hands . He looked at her and then his eyes landed on the coffee . He got up and took the coffee and was about to sip the coffee

Sushi - stop

But his lips already touched the cup and he sipped in the coffee

Sushi - it was mine

Darsh - what's yours is mine

Sushi - and when did that happen

Darsh - why the hell are you using such a old lapi , one sec ( he get up and saw the lapi , he turned to her ) don't tell me you started writing

Sushi - no ... it's ... nothing ... like ... that ( while speaking she stammered a lot )

Darsh smile - so you started writing , speak up sush

Sushi - listen , it's none of your business . And stop calling me sush , it's Susmita Rathod , and firstly what are you doing here

Darsh - did you start writing

Sushi - darshan I said no , just leave

Darsh - firstly I'm not here to leave , I'm here to speak up to you . And when you barked up in my room and as you didn't bothered to answer me I too don't bother about your question . Just speak whether you started with writing or not , bcoz I don't believe in your lies

Sushi - as per your wish

She move towards the door , she was about to unlock it when he turned her and locked her between his arms

Darsh - sush , you left the most precious thing of your life bcoz of me . The words you have is a precious gift that you have got . I'm inside the complete guilt that I snatched all your happiness when I left you . I took away your words from you , that regret still lingers .

Tears made their way from her eyes but he was still to finish what he started

Darsh wipe out her tears , he turned when her voice reached his ears

Sushi - " Bekhayali mein bhi tera hi khayaal aaye
Kyun bichhadna hai zaroori ye sawaal aaye
Teri nazdeekiyon ki khushi behisaab thi
Hisse mein faasle bhi tere bemisaal aaye "
Don't blame yourself for everything always , like why you have to take all pros and cons on yourself . Darshan it was both of us , not just you or not just me . We both ruined it , and I'm the only reason that I stopped writing . But you know what , writing didn't leave me , while in Los Angeles I used to write up articles for clg magazines and newspapers . And then someone suggested me that I should give a try to write a book , I was confused , bcoz dad never wanted me to be a writer . But then adi said at least I should give it a try and not quit without trying . This time heart overpowered mind and I decided to come in India , for giving a try . And today in the the morning you gave me the most precious thing of my life , you gave the vision to my dreams . Mr.Darshan Raval , yes , I started writing

As those words reached his ears he hugged her tightly and waterline built up his eyes . He broke the hug and cupped her face in his hands , " I love you " . As those words hit her , shivers run down her spine , five years , it's been five years that she has heard those words through him .

Before she spell out anything he peck her lips and she stood still to her ground

Darsh - I just can't tell you how happy I'm right now ( he paused looking at her , and realised what he just did ) sush ( he tap on her shoulder , and she get back to me senses ) I'm sry

Sushi - I guess you should leave darshan

Darsh - sush , it just

Sushi shoved her hand - darshan , just leave

He walk towards balcony

Sushi - why are you going there

Darsh - you only asked me to leave na ( he said making cute pouty face , she smiled seeing him . Darsh take steps towards her ) let this stay the same . This is where my world lies , in you

Sushi - darshan , our world's lie in each other , but just not together .

Darsh - our passion's separated us and now our passion's will bring us together

They heard some sound and look at each other

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