Part 40 ...

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Kri - we thought you kind of have commitment phobia

Sushi - commitment phobia ( she speak slowly ) Kri , I just want him to be happy ( she paused ) without me . I know it's hard to push him away but not impossible , but I need to do it

Kri - tell me one thing , did you gave up on everything before even you started learning it

Sushi - no

Kri - then why is it , that you're being a coward here . Sushi I know there must be reasons , but without even fighting you're leaving this battle . Sushi you have seen his love for you , and I need not to tell you that . He will never be able to move on from you , he will love you till the last breath , if you're in his life or not , doesn't matter . Sushi just take one step towards him , and he will make you his forever . Sushi he's a dreamer , but not just to dream but to make his dreams come true . Don't do this to him and to yourself

Sushi - what abt dad , he's not

Kri cut her in mid - give darshan a chance , and then everything will be fine

Sushi - how can you be so sure

Kri - bcoz I know my best friend and darshan raval

Sushi hug him - thank you , I don't know what I would have done without you here

Kri - stupid girl , just go and sleep now

Sushi - don't tell darshan anything abt this , I'll confess in night till then keep the secrets in your stomach

Kri - it's difficult but just for you , will do anything

Sushi explain him everything , and they both get to their rooms . It's almost morning , sushi make her way to the couch and find darshan sleeping peacefully , but with worried lines on his forehead . She sit down on her knees and move her finger through his forehead and start speaking not loud enough

Sushi - I'm sry , I'm such a bad person na . But now I'll make sure that I don't hurt you anymore . I'm just waiting for the night , but till then sry for everything that I have done and for whatever I will do today . I hate you for being so nice , and hate myself for hurting you

Darsh heard it , when she moved her finger through her forehead he was awake but didn't opened his eyes . After speaking sushi leaned forward and kissed his cheek and left .

The complete day sushi ignored darshan and darshan too didn't bothered as he knew why she's doing it . They all decided to go club in the night , adi was helping Kri with the surprise sushi planned up for darshan . They were at the beach , after sunset everyone left to get ready . Sushi was still their , looking at the changing colours of the sky . Darsh was abt to get into his room when dharal stopped him

Dharal - your bags are in sushi's room , you can get there

She speak and handover the key to him , darsh gets inside and pick up something to change in for the club . He remove his shirt and throw it over the couch and get inside the washroom , he flashes water over his face , when he hears some noise . Sushi is unaware abt him being inside the room . She lay down on the bed with her eyes closed . Darsh come out and find her lying peacefully on the bed . He come to her and lean to her face when she open her eyes , her eyes widen and darsh put his hand over her mouth before she shout

Darsh - don't shout , actually dharal kept my bags here so mujhe yaha aana pada . She completely understand me but also she love to annoy and irritate me

Sushi signal him to remove his hand , darsh instantly do it . He stand up straight and sushi get up and close her eyes ,

Darsh - what happened , open your eyes na

Sushi - will you bother yourself with wearing a tee

Darsh look at himself and bite his tongue , he wear the tee and the jacket over it

Darsh - you can open your eyes

Sushi open her one eye to confirm whether he seriously worn out something or not , when she find him dressed she open her eyes and leaves a breath of relief

Darsh - are you fine ? Like whatever happened last night

Sushi - I'm fine , and it would be better if we don't talk over it

She look at him from tip to toe , the yellow tee , red shirt worn over out as a jacket , black pants , his messy wet hairs , she was drooling over him , she gulped hard . Darsh smile looking at way she's looking at him , but making a cold face he snap his fingers in front of her

Darsh - I know I'm handsome , but don't look at me like that

Sushi avert her gaze - self obsessed , tum khud ki taarif karke thak nahi jaate

Darsh - one should learn to love ourself first , only then we can love someone with all our heart

Sushi - whatever

She speak and get up from the bed

Darsh - aren't you getting ready ( sushi look at him with wide eyes ) I mean , for the club

Sushi - it has nothing to do with you , I'll look after myself

Darsh without even looking at her leave the room , she sit down on the bed and take a breath of relief . She is already finding it difficult to face him and then again ignoring him is getting tough for her . She got freshen up , and got ready wearing a knee length dress . She was standing in front of the mirror , curling her hairs when someone knocked the door

Sushi - it's open , you can get in

Darsh turned the knob and entered and sushi turned . Darsh was mesmerised seeing her , her curls , the wing shaped eyeliner complementing her look , the dyed knee length one piece , off shoulder with Bell sleeves , the bracelet in her hand adding sparks . She walked upto him and he didn't even blink . She snapped her fingers in front of him

Sushi - I know I'm beautiful , but that doesn't mean you keep staring me . Nazar lag jayegi

She was abt to turn when darshan hold her hand and pulled her towards himself . He put his one finger over her eyes so that a bit of kajal gets over it and then put that tika behind her ear

Darsh - don't worry , I'll protect you from everyone's eye ( he left her ) everyone is waiting , I just came to call you

Sushi voice make him stop at his place - I need your time

Darsh - it's good to hear , that you need it and don't want it

Sushi smile - so will you give it to me

Darsh - it's all yours , but

Sushi cut him in mid - I know your friends and music will always come first , after the club may be

Darsh smile and she knew its a yes , they both got down in the lobby where everyone is waiting . As they leave , Kri and adi tell her abt all the arrangements are done as she wanted . Just few more hours and she will confess her love to him . Darsh is too eagerly waiting for the few hours to end as fast as possible

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