Part 8 ...

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Adi - hey buddy , how are you ?

Darsh - buddy , I just so missed this . And how do I look

Adi - kamine you never gonna change na

Darsh - if I changed , then she won't love me

As sushi hears what he said , her face turns red in anger . Like what do he mean by she won't love it . She just can't bear it more , she holds adi's hand

Sushi - are you interested to spend your whole night here

Adi shockingly - what ?

Sushi - let's go , and ( she turns to leave but feels his touch over her hand . She turn and look at him and finds him holding her hand . Adi free his hand from her grip . They are looking into each others eyes )

Darsh - sush ( she frooze , that one word carries her whole heart and the person saying it , her god damm heartbeats . She wanted to speak , it was almost their , but then it dried in her throat , it died on her lips and in her eyes . Emotions where there but words couldn't catch them up )

Sushi turned to adi - I want leave from here , now

Adi stood to his ground , he looked up to darshan who wants to speak with her , but he know that sushi is stubborn , she won't listen up to him . But he needs to do something ,

Adi - darshan , just five minutes

Sushi looks at him confusingly - adi are you out of your mind . I don't want to speak with him , and why should I , who's he

As she said this darshan pulled her , her hands landed up on his chest . His intense eyes were looking in hers with full of passion , his closeness was affecting her deep down

Darsh - sush I'm sry , I'm sry for

Sushi cut him in mid - not every end has a new beginning darshan , some are simply the end . And we ended up that night where you left . You left , raised to heights , but you know what I'm still their , trying to fix up my broken pieces . You seriously think that your one sry , will fix up everything that broken down with many scars over it . I'm collecting those broken pieces and trying to make out my dream through it . But I won't be blame you for this bcoz somewhere , it's my fault too , it's just that passion turned the tables

The pain was still clearly visible in her eyes . Adi just couldn't hold on more seeing her like this , and he couldn't ask Darshan to leave her . Adi looks at darsh , and through his eyes he just asks him to leave her . Darsh loosen his grip over her . And she moved away from him within the next blink . Somewhere he was prepared , he knew that all this hatred is on his way , he deserves it but yet it did hurt him . He don't know how to fix up the things that are ruined but he surely knows that , that was not the end . They will come back to that phase , when you don't have to explain . You just look at that person , eyes locked in eyes . And there is no confusion , just absolute trust .

Darsh - it was never an end sush , we will walk through those memories , which never gonna fade and built up our castle . We will live those days were we will be enough for both of us , when worries won't surround us , when each others smile will be everything , and each others laughter will be beautiful rhythm for us , I'll do my best to end this chaos

Sushi smiles sadly - just in your dreams

Darsh smiles - you got me , darshan raval live his dreams sush

Sushi - don't call me that

Darsh step closer to her - Miss Susmita Rathod , it's just darshan who rules up over your raised heartbeats

Sushi - you still not changed , such a ( she pause )

Darsh - why you stopped , speak it up . Sush I'm waiting to hear , it's been god damm five years I haven't heard you say that

Sushi hit his leg - you are such a pilon ( and leaves from the their )

Darsh - ooch ( and he started smiling like stupid )

Adi look at him , and he asks him to go behind her . Vishal comes to him and see that he is bent and holding his leg , he gets confused seeing him

Vishal - darshan are you fine , what happened

Darsh - I wasn't fine till now , but now I'm completely fine vishal

Vishal - let's go then

Darsh - ya

Adi goes behind sushi and stop her catching her hand

Adi - what's wrong with you , why you hit him ?

Sushi - and why you care so much ?

Adi - sush come on , like don't be this rude to him

Sushi - don't call me that , my name is susmita

Adi raises his hand in surrender and they get inside the venue and don't know how their friends managed to stand exactly in front of the stage and then lights go dim , and focused up on the mic

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