Part 65 ...

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Sushi gets outside of his room and tells everyone that chinu is coming over , everyone gets excited and hug her like she achieved some target that was out of there reach . Darshan is watching them from a distance , he is happy , of course he is but he's more nervous . It was difficult to face sushi after making her feel like a betrayal , and it's even harder with chinu because he has known me his whole damm life . He gets inside his room , sushi know something is wrong so she marches to his room ,

Sushi knock on the door and darsh look at her and speaks - you can get in sush , you need not to knock
Sushi - I just thought I should knock , you know like I don't wanna see something like kaash aisa hota

Darsh try to smile at her attempt to make him smile but he fails badly

Sushi - what's wrong , aren't you happy that he's coming here

Darsh - no ( he almost shout ) it's nothing like that , I just don't know how to face him . That's it

Sushi wrap her arms around him and darsh pull her to himself through his one hand so that her head is resting on Darshan's chest - darsh , he knows you . And he will understand you , I trust you on this that you won't lose him this time

Darsh - I'm really lucky to have you , I love you ( he say and kiss on her forehead )

They all are chit-chatting in the living area , when the bell rings . Siddharth gets up to open the door and he sees chinu standing there . He hug him and then lead his way inside , but before even letting him get inside everyone hovers over him except sushi . She was standing at a distance and looking at them adorably . A smile appearing on her face through corner of her lips .

Chinu look at her , and when everyone is done he walk up to her

Chinu - you have grown so elegantly beautiful girl

Sushi smile - don't you think your wife would get jealous as you are complementing someone else

Chinu - nope , she knows you . And if you wouldn't have gone away then I would have married you ( he speaks up and wink , and embrace her in a bone crushing hug ) I missed you girl

Sushi - do I have to lie too that I missed you

Chinu - nope , bcoz I know you did . Where's the angry bird ?

Sushi hit him in his chest - that angry bird is your friend

Chinu - hmmmmm !!! But I still remember that hit on my face . So for me he is a angry bird , and don't stop me if I hit him

Sushi - one sec , you are not going to do that

Chinu - oh , caring girlfriend , move aside . And let me remind you that you are the one who's trying to sort this out . So you need to bear with the consequences , then though it be smacking his face

He says and storms into Darshan's room , sushi rush behind him . Darshan looks up from where he is sitting , he looks to me rather than chinu . Chinu looks at him and follows his gaze upto me

Chinu - if you are done with carrying up your eye romance then can we speak

Darshan's head snap to him - act...ual... ly ( he fumble )

Chinu - OMG !!! The Darshan Raval and fumble , that too in front of me . Strange

Darshan get his taunting tone , darsh look at sushi and ask her to leave . She passes a smile at both of them and goes out of the room

Darsh - I'm sorry , for whatever

Before he could complete , chinu smack his face . Darshan is shocked with his action and his punch was strong enough to make his cheek complete red and giving a bruise at the lip . As he recover from shock and stand up straight , chinu hugged him

Chinu - hisaab barabar , I don't need your sorry ( he break the hug ) sry to damage your handsome face . But just wanted to show you how hard you hit me . You are such a lucky bastard , I'm happy that I was wrong . Don't ever lose her again

Darsh - I won't

Chinu - better you don't , or next time I'll dig your grave and bury you alive

Darsh - that is so mean and evil

Chinu - I can be sometimes , because its not like only you have the right to be so

Darsh look at him and his postures , and hitting him in his stomach and kissed his cheek and spoke up - I missed you chikne , so stop this fake attitude in front of me

Chinu - leave me kamine

Darshan cleans up his face and And they both get out of the room .

Everyone is busy arranging the dinner at dining and they all share smile as they see both of them walking as friends again

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