Part 57 ...

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Sushi convinced her dad to complete her 11th and 12th in ahemdabad , he agreed bcoz he wants to spend time with his daughter . After the exams , sushi's dad called her , and handed her some suspension letters with a warning and asked her to deliver them by her own . Sushi , Kri and dharal were only one to paas out and darshan , chinu , raj and Dhruwal didn't paas out the exams . Their was a warning letter , that after a month a exam will be conducted and if they didn't paas out then they will get detention from clg . Sushi know that why he asked her to give up the letters . She went to chinu , raj and Dhruwal and now it was Darshan's House . She walked up to the door nervously , and with shivering hands ring the bell . After a while darshan opened the door , saw her and dragging her out he closed the door

Darsh - don't talk abt the letter in front of mom and dad

Sushi - so you expect me to lie in front of them

Darsh - yes

Sushi - and why do you think I'm gonna listen to you

Darsh made his cute gabbu face - please

Sushi - stop making cute faces , but this is the first and last time I'm lying for you

Darsh hugged her - I love you

He took her inside - mom , we are in the room , studying up and Kritesh and buddy will be here in some time

Darsh and sushi went inside his room , sushi obviously wasn't happy to lie . Darshan locked the room door , and came to her

Darsh - I'm sry , you need to do all this . But you know I want to do music and study is far away from me . If dad will get to know abt detention thing he won't let me do music

Sushi - you have to study , idk how you will do it . But you need to pass the exams any how

Darsh - but sushi

Sushi cut him in mid - darshan dad is observing you , and I'm not asking you to have good grades but just the passing one . It's important for me , if you fail I will be flying back

Darsh - I won't let that happen , promise

Sushi smile

For the next long month , everyone gets busy to put up the sense of knowledge in darshan , chinu , raj and Dhruwal . They all just didn't study but practiced music too , as it helped them relax their minds . It was damm difficult for cracking the sense in darshan , bcoz he was never serious . Sushi was the only person who could handle him but unfortunately she wasn't there everytime . But they did study alone , and making out easier ways for darshan to remember the things . They were spending time together and their love was growing . Just a day before the exams someone told darshan about rawstar , he wanted to give a chance in unknown . Their wasn't much time to record a audio and send it . And in this he got late to the exam , sushi was angry on him and not even wanted to listen anything . He came out of the exam , and found nik , adi and Kri there but not her . Darsh walked up to adi

Darsh - sush , where's she ?

Adi - buddy she's angry , you got late . She's in the music room

Darsh without wasting another second ran towards the music room . He could just hear the guitar , he opened the door and saw sushi playing it . It was a melodious tune of pehla nasha , her eyes were closed while playing it . She sensed his presence around and opened her eyes . Darsh walked up to her , and sushi got up to go . He catched her hand , and pulled her to himself
. Her hands land up on his chest and darsh wrap his hands around her waist

Darsh - you don't even want to hear out what happened

Sushi - I'm not interested in your explanations

Darsh - sush , I'm not giving justification of my actions , but it was important . For us

Sushi - for us , I told to you clearly the very first day that my staying here depends on you . And you're being careless abt these things

Darsh - l wasn't careless , it's just it was important . I'm sry I got late , but I can't leave my music behind for anything . I was recording a song to send it for a reality show , and it was deadline today . So I just got a bit late

Sushi - fine , good luck with it and I hope you wrote the exam well

Darsh nods

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