Part 35 ...

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Sushi - guys I'll get my bag

They all darted outside and started their cars , darsh went behind her . She stepped in her room when she heard the door knob shut . She turned around and found darshan closing the door .

She lifted her bag and went up to the door

Sushi - let's go

Darsh didn't move aside - what's wrong

Sushi - what's wrong , nothing

Darsh - ohh god , when will you stop telling lies . Last night you were all okay , and suddenly what happened that you're again behaving like before ( before she could speak he picked her up in the his arms , sushi gasped in shock ) don't you try to speak out a word or else I won't think before seizing your lips shut ( she gulped looking for straight in his eyes ) and this vacation will end with both of us being together

He opened the door , and lead sushi downstairs and to the the car too . She tried to open her mouth but darsh gave a hard look to her and before she even speak she shut her lips . Dhruwal , dharal , Hardik and chinu left in one car . Darsh asked Kri to drive and to adi to sit in the the front seat . Nik got to one corner , darsh kept her down making her stand straight and got into the car . Sushi's eyes pleaded adi to let her sit in front but before he melts in her emotions , darshan pulled her inside and locked the door behind . He took her bag from her hand and put it in the back . She looked away with anger , darsh smiled at her instincts

Darsh - I'm sry

Sushi looked at him - a sry can't fix up the things darshan

Darsh - fine ( he catch his ears ) sry , but I just help it when you try to ignore me , when you listen to your mind and you let your mind overpower the feelings your heart carry

Sushi - I'm like this darshan , and it would be better you get that in your head

Darsh leaned forward and kissed her cheek , she looked at him with her eyes wide open and gives him a deathly look

Darsh - calm down , why giving me such deathly look . Remember we kissed on the first day of the clg , so this is normal right ?

Nik interrupted - you both kissed

Darsh - didn't sushi tell you , actually it was just a dare then . But I don't mind to make it real

Sushi start hitting him , when darshan catch her hands and pull her . His gaze was intense , shivers run down her spine with his gaze . Kri , adi and nik start coughing and they both avert their gaze and they all start laughing . They were enjoying their journey with songs and paying games , after a while adi slept and following him nik too . Sushi was looking outside the window , and she too don't know when she slept . Her head rests over Darshan's shoulder , and her hand over his heart . Darsh was admiring his beauty for life , her hair bangs comes up on her face , and she sniff . Darsh tuck her hair bangs behind her ear , and plant a kiss on her forehead and he rest his head over hers , and he too slept . After travelling for hours they reach up the hotel and Kri waked him up , Darsh didn't bother to wake sushi up , he picked her and took her to the room

Sushi and dharal where in the one room , Kri , adi , darsh in one and chinu , nik , Dhruwal and Hardik in other . Darsh laid sushi on the bed , and covered her with the blankets . Dharal never liked her and here darsh asked her to share room with sushi . She keeps her bags their and went to other boys . Darsh was still there , sitting on the the couch . Sushi woke up when she found him laying on the couch , she thought he slept , she darted towards him , and sat down on her knees and thought abt her talk with her dad last night after coming from the fest


Sushi knocked the door of the study room , she heard her dad's voice for asking her to enter in . She got inside when her dad signaled her to settle on the chair . She sat on the chair ,

Sushi's dad - do you love darshan raval ?

Sushi's head jerked up to his question - dad ... ( she stammered and couldn't frame out the words )

Sushi's dad - is it that hard to spell it out sushi , if you love him just say it . He was holding a your hand , and the way he was looking at you , his eyes showed up just love for you . Before coming here you took a promise from me that I won't stop you from going back when your clg is done . I agreed bcoz I wanted my daughter to be with me . Sushi darshan is not a bad guy but think twice before you decide anything . Bcoz music can't be a career choice sushi , when you will be raising heights , he will still be a struggler

Sushi cut her dad in mid - no dad , he won't be a struggler . Indeed he will reach to the heights that we can never imagine

Sushi's dad - it's just what he dreams sushi , I don't want argue over it . I just want you to maintain a safe distance with him . I'm guess I made my point clear , and I hope you got that

He spoke and left from their leaving sushi in the study room , Sushi to herself - he knows that I won't go against him

She smiled sadly and abruptly went inside her room , the one dream she thought will be true but it just shattered within blink of eye . Her pillow was soaked in tears

*Flashback ends*

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