Part 19 ...

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Darsh unlock the door and enter in , sushi turn and darsh freeze at his place . Her wet hairs , the crop top that she's wearing showing the curves of her waist , the ripped jeans , the earrings complementing her look more , and the slightly applied lip gloss making her lips look more tempting . While rubbing her hairs with a towel she walk up to him

Sushi - darsh ( he didn't react , she pat on his shoulder and he come back to senses )

Darsh - ya

Sushi laugh a bit and then bite her lip to hide her smile - you are fine , right ?

Darsh - what happened to me , nothing

Sushi - okay then , you wanted something

Darsh - ya , woh actually , I want to take shower

Sushi look at him surprisingly - I guess the sun rose from west today

Darsh roll his eyes - continue , you too do my leg pulling

Sushi - Mr.Raval if you will talk some unexpected things then this is how our reaction would be , right ? So today is your occasional bath day , but what's so special

Darsh - after years I'm gonna spend time with you all , spend time with ( he pause ) YOU

Sushi - and what you gonna

Darsh cut her in mid - adi's cloths ( he takes the towel from her hand and place it over his neck ) get the clothes plz ( and rush inside the bathroom )

Sushi to herself - wtf he thinks of himself , you'll will have to pay for this

She go to adi and brings out a blue shirt and jeans for him , and before leaving lock out the door . And takes adi downstairs with her , so that he don't find him out locked in bathroom .

Kri - sushi come fast , so everyone is here let's leave

Hardik - but where is darsh bhai

They all look around ,

Kri - Adi he came to you na , for taking shower

Adi cough - one sec , darshan and shower doesn't work out together . And more importantly he didn't came to me

Dhruwal - where the hell he is

And they hear his voice

Darsh - right at your back

Sushi turn and find him , and with him her friends too . They all laughed looking at her sushi's expression . And she gets to know how he came out . Darsh go and stand beside her

Darsh - I guess we should leave , or else we will get late

Adi - guys we will be back in night , I hope you are fine with it

They all nod and get back in their room . Kri , Dhruwal , Hardik and Adi leave , sushi step forward to leave but darsh hold her and pull her back . She collied with his chest , her back is facing him

Sushi - darshan leave me

Darsh - nope , the time I was locked inside , deserves a payback na

Sushi innocently - locked , and why would someone lock you

Darsh - don't play so innocent , you too know why would someone do that

Sushi - everyone must be waiting , leave me

She is trying hard but he's strong enough to hold her back , his hands encircle her bare waist and he turn her and pulls her towards himself . Her hands lie on his chest ,

Darsh - so payback time and don't worry you need not to do many things . Just one

Sushi - first leave me , and what is this payback thing

Darsh smirk - you have sit with me on the bike , just as earlier days . Remember holding me the tightest . That's it nothing much

Sushi give a forceful smile - and why you think I'm going to listen you

Darsh - so you not gonna listen

Sushi - never

Darsh - fine then

He pick her up , sushi gasp in shock . Darsh take her out , and they all look at them

Darsh - what , why are you guys looking at us like this

Adi - bcoz she is in your arms

Darsh - her leg twisted , so she can't walk properly na . That's why

Hardik - I guess this time soon , " I mean the real one not darsh bhai wala " going to call you bhabhi

Sushi pinch darsh and shoot death glares to Hardik , darsh shouts out louder - ouch ,

Kri - what happened

Sushi - are you fine , like why are you shouting like this

Darsh - nothing , let's go

Sushi - Kri , I don't wanna go with him

Darsh - and Kri she doesn't have a choice of going with someone else

Dhruwal - we all are leaving , you guys decide between yourselves what you want have to do . And they all leave leaving them alone ,

Sushi - wtf , I'll kill them all ( darsh was all smiling , sushi look at him ) what's so funny to smile

Darsh - you look cute when you are angry , shall we leave now

Sushi - do I have any other option

And they too leave for Juhu Beach

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