Part 2 ...

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Cold winds are passing , birds chirping and heavy rains . This season is what he loves the most , bcoz he gets time with himself . He is sitting on his hanging chair , and some John Mayer melodies paying in background . He has a hot coffee mug in his hand and he holds it on with his both hands and feel the hotness of it . He loves to enjoy rains but he has a concert tomorrow and he can't afford to loose his voice right now . The music stops suddenly , and chogada plays out loudly , he turns to see and find out batman and man with beautiful legs dancing very bad on the song , likewise to say the ganpati dance . But they surely spoiled up all the romance , in his mood . Hardik comes to him and takes him to the centre

Hardik - do you need a invitation now , " Mr.Darshan Raval , "

As he hears it he zones out , he remember the first time he went for the garba nightout with her . " I was not bold enough to go to her and ask for it , but she was , she came to me and without even bothering to ask me to excuse my friends , she held my hand and took me to a side , and very sincerely asked me , ' Mr.Darshan Raval , would you be my partner for the garba night which starts up today ' . And I was lost in her , completely . She snapped her fingers in front of me , and my trance broke . I looked at her , and nodded in a yes "

The chain of his thoughts break when the bell rangs . Hardik open the door and finds out everyone standing their fully drenched in water . They came inside and made the floor all wet . They rushed in my room and each one of them picked a dress to change . And none of them bothers to even ask and say up , " if you claim us as your brothers moreover than friends then why to take permission for wearing your cloths " . They all changed but kept their wet cloths all over my room . But in all this batman and man with beautiful legs were observing my expressions and laughing out . And when I shoot death glares they tried to hide their smiles but failed very badly . And suddenly it heard the voice of hair dryer , I rushed in my room and saw Kri using it . I made my way to him in that complete mess and grabbed it .

Darsh - use anything but not the hair dryer , next time I see you touching it also na , the very next moment your soul will rest in peace

Kri - Bhai you love this hair dryer more than me

Darsh fakes a smile - obviously yes

They all gather in the living room , and here their jamming starts . What other time would be better to check out all the new music , and hum it . Everyone has choices , and have a something unique in it , and it's necessary to look at each prospective . We discussed about the songs , their lyrics , music and the texture of the voices . But what is most important is the way they feel it and the way they compose it . Darsh loves this time , when they are all together . But somewhere his hearts search for that person who has never left him , but he did that without even thinking . But that time to make out a decision was necessary , he knows that she must be hating him for that , and will never come in his life back , unknowingly he sings up


Tears roll down from his eyes . Everyone look at him , a few have the idea why he sang it and others were blank . Darsh hurriedly gets up and goes inside his room , and bangs the door . Kri excuse all of them and tell that he will look after it . He gets inside his room , and finds him standing in the balcony . He goes to him and tap on his shoulder , darsh turn and hugs him .

Darsh - Bhai , what do I do . I can't take her out of my mind and heart . I know she hates me to the core now . And now she is so far away that I can't even get to her

Kri - darsh , move on . Its been years , just let it go . And it's better than these tears , she's gone , and for god sake just forget her

Darsh smiles - forget her , Kri it's easy for you to say it , but it's difficult for me to do it . How can someone forget to breathe , how can someone stop their heart from beating , and Kri my heart is already hers . How can I have control over it

He shrugs the thoughts , get ready and leave somewhere to get his mind on track

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