Part 16 ...

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They heard footstep sound towards her room , it was adi . He knocked the door , sushi was about to speak when darshan covered her mouth and signalled her to stay quite .

Adi - sush are you their

Sushi tried hard to get out of his grip and then she bite his hand Darshan shouted - ooch

And he moved his hand in air and pain was visible on his face . Sushi saw him and she just felt bad , why the hell she loose her temper over him . She made him sit on the bed and looked up to his hand and found nothing over it , she looked to him , and he was all smiling . She got up in anger , when darshan pulled her and they fell over her bed . Adi heard the voice of him shouting , so he banged the door and it was opened and he saw them on her bed . Darsh holding her tightly and both lost in each other . But the next moment they heard many voices , darsh and sushi looked up to the door

Abhi - what the *uck

Palak - I'm not dreaming , right ? Geet - holy *uck

Rohan puts his hand over adi's eyes , Adi jerk his hands . Sushi try to get up and fall again making their lips touch , darsh and sushi's eyes widened

Adi - shit

Sushi get up in a jerk and darsh too , theirs a awkward silence existing in that room . Darsh to end that

Darsh - I'll leave

He turned when sushi held his hand

Sushi - door is this way not through my balcony . And I'm not interested to read tomorrow's headline to be " darshan raval broke himself while escaping from ( she paused ) "

Darsh completed her - his girlfriend's house

Abhi almost shouted - girlfriend

Darsh to cover up - not girlfriend , I said girl friend

Rohan - ya right therefore it didn't bother you when you mistakenly kissed

Darsh - guys it's between US ( he pointed at himself and sushi ) so let it stay just in between us . I came here to talk something , but I'll talk with you later

He left and adi asked everyone to leave , sushi looked to him but he stayed quite . Sushi sit on the bed and his smiling face is coming in front of her eyes . She is trying hard to not drown but failing hard . Adi saw her lapi and open it and seeing darshan's pic he get shocked

Adi - this... book... cover... ( he stammer ) why Darshan's pic ( adi go and sit beside her )

Sushi look at him - I'm sry adi , it's didn't knew darshan was coming here

Adi - I know , but why are you explaining it to me

Sushi - what will they all think

Adi - and from when you started thinking about everyone

Sushi - adi they all don't know our past

Adi - and who said that

Sushi was confused - what does that mean

Adi - today in the resto


They all went out inside the restaurant bcoz adi don't drink . They take their seats and tell waiter to come after half an hour and look at adi with a " spell out everything " look . Adi takes the menu card in the the hand and rohan snatch it

Adi - bhai I'm hungry , let's order the food

Rohan - just bcoz of you I'm controlling my hunger and you want to eat food

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