Part 10 ...

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Vishal - should we leave

Darsh - vishal just five minutes ( and he sees adi coming towards the car , as he reaches near the door and is about to open it , darsh open it and pulls him inside and lock the door and while beating him speak up ) what took you so long kamine

Adi - bhai , first stop beating me , everyone is seeing yaar

Darsh stop and look at vishal

Vishal - now can we leave

Darsh - ya sure

They leave up towards adi's house where sushi and all his friends are staying up , darsh cross his hands over adi's neck

Darsh - now tell me from when are you in Mumbai , and five years , it took you damm five years to convince her to come back to India

Adi is out of his breath - bhai I'll die leave me

Darsh remove his hand and clutch his collar - speak up faster , or I'll dig your grave here

Adi - relax buddy , why so in a hurry , and I just hope after today's encounter she don't decide up to go back again

Darsh - she can't

Adi - I hope it bcoz first time she told that you deserve someone better than her

Darsh - someone better than her , that means I have to die single

Adi - dope , our choices match up

Darsh - our choices match up a way too much . Didn't you ever thought to confess it

Adi - Mr.Darshan Raval , in these five years I have got to know one thing that you both are one , in all ways . And no one can make out their space in your hearts nor anyone can replace it . This distance between you both just increased the love , care , trust , anger and hatred too but everything just for the betterment . She loves you like anything , but she hates you for not being their with her in these five years . She thinks that the paths would have been easier with you being by her side . She regret her decision of letting things slip out of her hands and not even trying to get back to you . And about you , if you haven't loved her with whole heart then you can wouldn't have sent me with her , without even thinking about yourself . I'm the luckiest person in this entire world as I have two of you . But remember Mr.Darshan Raval I'll always be her half boyfriend

Darsh - you have become sensible

Vishal interrupt their conversation - we have reached

Adi - I'll leave , sush

Darsh cut him in mid - don't you dare call her that in front of me

Adi - and you think I'm gonna listen to you

Darsh - take me inside the house , without getting in eyes of anyone else

Adi - one sec , what , are you out of your mind ?

Darsh - I'm perfectly fine buddy , right now Miss.Susmita Rathod must be on the terrace looking at stars and moon . She is admiring their beauty and I want to admire her , my queen for life

Adi - okay but tell me one thing , you just know me their , and the first doubt she will have about how you entered in will be on me , and what am I going to tell her

Darsh - you aren't going to tell her anything , I'll handle that

Hardik interrupt - bhai we have work on the track

Darsh - chuck it , it just went completely out of my mind . Adi I'll see you at 5 , for joggers park

Adi - yup

He hugged him and left , sushi was on the terrace when she heard the door unlocking sound , she turned and found adi holding two cups of coffee and trying to manage the door . His expressions are gross , and sushi just couldn't control and laugh out . As her soulful laugh reaches his ears he looks in her direction , and smile seeing her happy face . But his get distance from the door and the the door bangs on him

Sushi - shit ( She runs and to him and catch up the door ) are you fine ?

Adi - hopefully yes

She takes the cups from him and place it on the edge of terrace . She turns when she observe adi rubbing his head and with those painful expressions . She goes to him and while rubbing his head and blowing air over it she speak up

Sushi - I just don't get boys , one side you guys hide your pain with wide grins and other side the pain haunts you but still you just love to maintain that macho image in front of girls . Do you seriously think that your pain is hidden by doing this , just don't maintain your boy image in front of me

Adi - so you think you know me well ?

Sushi - nope , not as much as you know me and don't know why you hid it from me that you gonna meet darshan and I don't want any explanation so don't even give that Adi just nods , they have their coffee time and go in their particular rooms

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