Part 52 ...

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Darsh was impatiently waiting for the letter , usually it comes before he gets up from his sleep .

But today it's afternoon and it still didn't arrive . At around 3 they all received a msg

" hello kamino ( including darsh ) , I know you all are waiting for the letters . But sry now you won't get any , because your sushi is back . Guys control your excitement and meet me at juhu Beach at 6 in the evening . Baaki baatein waha , now goodbye "

Everyone after reading the msg , looked at each other . And their smiles reflected their happiness . After an hour they all left , for juhu beach . After reaching they all were searching for her and after half an hour they were out of breath running . They were breathing heavily , when small kids came to them with water bottles , they all looked at those kids but didn't got to know why they came to them

Darsh - who asked you to give this to us

Kid - she sitting there ( and points out at direction )

Darsh - thank you

Kids all together - spreadlove

Darsh smile at them , and ruffle his hairs and they all leave . His eyes fall on her , her face was glowing more with the sun rays falling on her . The blue jumpsuit that she wore , her hairs freely flowing with the wind . The earrings complementing her look , the bracelet in her wrist . He was still looking at her , after complete 6 months . And her smile melted all his anger , all of them went to her but darsh was still standing there . Adi and Kri came back just to meet her taking holidays . They both started to beat her ,

Sushi - guys stop , what are you doing . Marr daloge kya

Adi - you deserve this , isse jyada

Sushi - kamine , you knew I was leaving . Tu kyu Marr raha hai

Kri - bestie , you bitch . Who goes like this all of a sudden

Sushi - moron , like you all would have let me go , if I would have asked you

Darsh was just staring at her and letting her beautiful voice fall in his ears . Ya he decided to shout on her , for leaving like this . But how can someone be angry on her , when she's showing all antiques . He just couldn't stop himself , he started walking in her direction ...

She was speaking with Dhruwal and Hardik when suddenly she was shut by darshan . He didn't care where they are , and that he's surrounded by his friends . He just placed his lips over hers , she was shocked but surprisingly her eyes got closed . They all turned around , and darsh moved back , catching his breath . He was still holding her ,

Darsh - I love you

He spoke and kissed her forehead , she smiled at me him

Sushi - love you too

Before they get along more , all of them started fake coughing Darsh sigh - you can turn guys

Adi - sushi if you say , we all can leave

Sushi - no need kamine , and ask your buddy abt this not me . He's the one pulling stunts here

Darsh look at her - firstly you leave without telling me , second you didn't show up your face for 6 months , and third you want me to be patient after all this . And it's just a kiss

Nik - not done sweetheart , you kissed him

They all turn to his voice , and were surprised to see Nik . Everyone accept darsh ran towards him to hug him . It's not that he's not happy to see him , but the way he thought that his and sushi's cutoff should mean he don't have right to stay connected to the person he loves . Sushi told him everything in the letter , and he talked with dharal abt this . He didn't knew that nik was in India , but nik still didn't accepted the fact . Whereas dharal opened up to darshan , abt her feelings for him . In these last few months he even tried to convince adi to move on , but ended up achieving nothing . Adi clearly told him , that he would never be able to love someone else with all his heart , and he don't want someone else's to get destroyed . He's lost in his thoughts when nik comes to him

Nik - how are you brother

Darsh - perfect

Nik - sushi , you broke my heart , not done

Adi - broke your heart , how ?

Nik - I'm making her my friends with benefits you know ( and wink )

Before he could speak further

Darshan's hand was wrapped around his neck - I guess you don't wanna go alive from here

Nik - dude , leave me . I'll die

Darsh - not so quick Nik , and you know what I would have dig your grave but my friend won't like it . And till she comes you need to be alive

He leaves him , and nik look at him with utter confusion - your friend , why would someone bother abt me

Sushi - haww nik , I care for you . But ya there's someone who cares more may be

Nik - not possible in this life , that I would have someone more important than you . And someone who would care more for me . And if someone exist then I don't want anyone in my life

Sushi - stup up , now if everyone is done scolding me . Can we go to have dinner , I'm hungry

Darsh - nope , no one is joining us ( sushi look at him ) , you all can get home . Dinner's ready for you all . And she's mine for tonight ( she open her mouth to say something but darsh put his fingers on her lips ) shut them , or you know my ways ( her eyes widen with his words )

Without bothering for anyone to speak he picks her up in his arms and leave from there , leaving everyone there

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