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I stared down at the little white test that's just confirmed everything. I'm pregnant. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair as tears burnt the backs of my eyes. How am I going to tell Nick? How am I going to tell anyone? You've really fucked up, Demi.

"Dem, you okay?" I jumped at the gentle knock on the door.

"I'm fine, Dal" I hid the pregnancy test in my sweater pocket and then dabbed beneath my eyes.

"Can you hurry up then because I gotta pee? And you'll be late for school" I released a breath as I quickly freshened myself up. I kept my head down as I left the bathroom, sliding past Dallas who slid in straight after. I combed my fingers through my hair as I headed back into my bedroom. I grabbed my phone that instantly lit up with a notification.

O🖤: Outside DD 🤘🏼

I grabbed the pregnancy test from my pocket and hid it in the drawer on my nightstand. I grabbed my purse, shoved my phone into my pocket and then headed downstairs. I poked my head into the kitchen and lightly smiled at my mom who was sorting breakfast out for my little sister, Madison.

"Odell's here so I'm off" Mom walked up to me, pressing a soft and delicate kiss to my cheek.

"You not want any breakfast, Baby?" my stomach twisted at the term of endearment and bile instantly burnt my throat. The thought of breakfast made me feel suddenly sick to my stomach, there's no way I can eat anything.

"I-I'll just take an apple" I reached for an apple off the counter, knowing that I wouldn't be able to stomach anything else. I pressed a quick kiss to Madison's cheek as I pulled away. "Morning Baby Girl" she flashed me a wide grin causing milk to dribble down her chin. I softly laughed as I wiped it away.

"You need more than an apple, Demi" I rolled my eyes as I adjusted my purse on my shoulder.

"I'll see ya later" I completely ignored her scolding as I sent her a quick wave and I turned to leave. I slid my feet into my sneakers and left the house, the door slamming behind me. Odell was parked at the end of the driveway. He flashed me a smile as I slid into the passenger seat.

"Morning D" I dumped my bag on the floor and took a bite from my apple. "What's up?" I shook my head, glancing out the window as he pulled out onto the road. "You ain't normally this quiet" I bit down on my lip as tears welled up in my eyes. The car was silent for a moment until I sniffled. "Demi?" I turned to him, noticing the worry in his eyes as he took quick glances at me. "What's up?" I didn't plan to tell anyone other than Nick so soon but I need to tell someone. Odell seems like the best someone right now.

"I'm pregnant" his mouth dropped and his eyes widened as he stared at the road. "And I-I don't know what to do. Do I keep it? Do-Do I abort it? Do I put it up for adoption?" I quickly wiped the tears from my cheeks. I opened the window and threw out the apple core, feeling a sudden rush of nausea. I relaxed back against the seat as a silence settled around us once again, the cool air from the window helped slightly with my nausea. "O?" I stared at the side of his face, he still looked quite tense. His jaw was clenched and his knuckles paled as he gripped the steering wheel. His reaction means a lot to me.

"He didn't wrap it?" I swallowed down the lump in my throat. He sounded almost angry.

"No, he-he did. It-It must have broke, I don't know. Condoms aren't 100% reliable. Why didn't I start on the pill?" a single tear rolled down my cheek. "Please don't be mad at me, O" Odell took one quick glance at me. His face instantly softened as his eyes met mine. He turned back to the road, bringing his car to a stop just a moment later. "We'll be late for school."

"We're already late, D" I glanced down at my hands, beginning to twiddle with my fingers.

"I-I don't know how to tell Nick. We're only 17. I'm not ready for a kid" Odell slid his arm around me and he pulled me into a hug. "I can't go to college anymore. My life's over, Odell" I wiped my cheek as a tear slid down it, cuddling my face into his chest. "I-I don't know what to do. What do I do?"

"Your life ain't over, Demi, and I can't answer that question."

"How would you react if I was Jasmine? What-What would you do if she told you that she was pregnant?"

"I-I don't know. I haven't ever given kids much thought" I pulled away from his chest, pulling down the visor so I could check my reflection in the mirror. I dabbed at my cheeks as Odell continued. "I know I want them one day, but not yet. I-I have things I wanna do before then."

"Would you ask her to get rid of it?"

"No" I glanced to meet his gaze, it was like he didn't even need to give it any thought. "If it happened, I'd stand by her. I wouldn't leave her to do it alone. If Nick says that, tell me and I'll beat the shit outta him" I bit down on my lip as I softly laughed. "I fucking mean it, D. He may be a friend but you're my best friend, ya family, that trumps just a friend."

"Thank you" he nodded, lightly wiping my cheek.

"Fix your makeup and then we'll go" I reached into my purse and pulled out my makeup bag. "Don't understand why you girls wear all that shit" I laughed as I wiped my makeup off. Odell sang terribly along to the radio and scrolled through his phone as I reapplied my makeup. He didn't complain once that we were seriously running late for school. We've already missed half of first period, there's really no point in rushing.

"Promise you won't tell anyone" I spoke as I relaxed back against the seat, my makeup reapplied.

"D, you're my best friend. I won't tell no one" I flashed him a light smile. "Keep me updated on Nick though" I nodded, stroking a strand of hair behind my ear. "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be" I released a breath as I rubbed my palms on my jeans. I kept my eyes down on my hands as Odell pulled off down the road. I kept taking glances at him, laughing as he continued to sing along to the radio. He helped to take my mind off everything, even just for a minute. "You sound terrible" he laughed as I bit down on my lip, shook my head and I stared out the window.

"We can't all have voices like an angel" I rolled my eyes, my cheeks lightly burning at the compliment. My heart sunk into my stomach as he pulled into our high schools parking lot. He slung his arm around my shoulder as we walked up to the front entrance. The main corridor was deserted. Everyone had obviously already made their way to second period.

"LOVATO. BECKHAM" we jumped, turning around to find Mr Fitz, our carefree and laidback principle, stood in the doorway to his office with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Busted" I bit down on my lip to stop myself from laughing as Odell spoke under his breath. I followed behind him and towards Mr Fitz, ready for any scolding we'd get.


Welcome, you lovely bunch 🖤

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