Forty Nine

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"Wow, Demi. You look gorgeous" my cheeks blushed as I glanced down at myself. "What do you think of Momma, Ry? You think she looks pretty" she questioned Riley who was sat on her lap, watching Paw Patrol.

"Yeah" my heart melted at her smile.

"Thank you, Jellybean" she softly giggled and then squirmed off Dallas' lap. I sunk to her level as she walked towards me. She held her arms up indicating that she wanted me to pick her up. I settled her on my hip, smiling as she locked her arms around my neck and cuddled into me. "I love you, Baby."

"Love you, Momma."

"So, who are you even going out with?" I glanced to Dallas who was leant back against the couch. It's been nearly a week since Odell and I admitted our feelings to each other and we still haven't told anyone. "I didn't even realise you were seeing anyone" before I even had the chance to reply, there was a knock on the door. I gently lowered Riley to the floor who walked back to the couch. "Can I come?" I rolled my eyes at Dallas' excitement, my heart pounding against my chest as I walked to the front door with Dallas behind me. My stomach instantly filled with butterflies as I pulled open my front door and widely smiled at Odell.

"Hey D, you look gorgeous" I managed to ignore the gasp that came from behind me. Odell's eyes glanced over my shoulder at Dallas. I slid my hand along his cheek to grab at his attention and then leant up to kiss him.

"Fucking finally" I pulled away from Odell with a laugh as Dallas squealed. "Fuck, this has taken far too long" Odell wrapped his arm around me and held me against his side as Dallas pointed between us.

"Fuck!" our eyes moved to Riley who stood in the doorway to the living room, leant against the doorframe with her thumb in her mouth. "Fuck!" she giggled to herself. My eyebrows raised as I glanced to Dallas who flashed me a sorry smile. I shook my head and walked towards Riley.

"We don't say that word, Jellybean. It's a bad word" I sunk to her level and took a hold of her hands.


"Yeah Baby" hearing that word come out of my baby's mouth made my heart break. She needs to stop growing up and she needs to stop repeating everything that she hears.

"Dee say it" she pointed to Dallas, her little eyes full of confusion. It's rare I have to tell her off. She's a well behaved toddler. She very rarely gets a time out.

"I know, Honey, and Auntie Dee's naughty for saying it" my lips twitched into a smirk as I glanced back at Dallas.

"I sorry, Momma" I smiled as I leant to kiss her cheek.

"That's okay, Baby. You think Auntie Dee should go on the naughty step?" Riley giggled as she nodded. Dallas rolled her eyes as she walked to the bottom step of the stairs. I laughed, glancing to Riley who was still giggling to herself. "I love you so much, Beautiful" I pressed a kiss to the top of her head as she leant into me. It was when I pulled away from her that she noticed Odell and her face instantly lit up.

"O Dada" we're still trying to get Riley to stop calling Odell 'Dada.' She has however added 'O' to the beginning so he's now 'O Dada' instead of just Dada. Riley knows he's Odell but she still calls him Dada no matter how much we try to stop her. I just don't want Nick to find out. I don't want him to get jealous that Riley calls Odell her Dada. I pulled myself to stand as Riley threw herself at him.

"Hi Jellybean" she giggled as he lifted her dramatically over his head. He pressed a soft kiss to her cheek and then settled her on his hip. I bit down on my lip as I watched them together. The sight will never not make me smile. "You mind if I borrow your Mommy, Ry?" her attention turned to me.

"No, my Mommy" we softly laughed at her confusion.

"She is your Mommy, Gorgeous" Riley shoved her thumb into her mouth as she turned back to Odell. "But I wanna take her out" I laughed and rolled my eyes as he stuck out his bottom lip. Riley giggled as she pressed her hands to his cheeks.

"You, Momma kisses" she pressed her hand to her lips.

"Me and Momma do kiss" my cheeks instantly began to blush. I took one glance at Dallas who was smirking at me. I shook my head as I glanced back to Odell and Riley. "So, you cool with Uncle O taking Momma out?" I doubt she knows what he's asking but she nodded anyway. "Love you, Ry."

"Love you, O" she giggled as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. He lowered her to the floor and she instantly toddled to me. I slid my fingers through her curls as she wrapped her arms around my legs. "Momma, go way" she kept her head pressed against my thigh as she pointed at Odell.

"You'll see me tomorrow, Baby. You'll go to sleep and then when you wake up, Momma will be there" she dropped her head to the side slightly as I sunk to her level. "I love you so much, Riley Bree" I puckered my lips which she leant to kiss.

"Love you, Momma" I pressed a kiss to her cheek and then pushed myself to stand. I glanced up to meet Odell's gaze. He flashed me a wide smile which made my cheeks blush.

"You ready?" I nodded, smiling down at his hand that he held out for me. I slid my hand into his, not surprised at the way his touch made my body shiver. "We'll see you later, Ry" my heart burst as he gave Riley a wave.

"Bye bye" she waved as she stood beside Dallas who was still sat on the bottom step of the stairs.

"No staying up too late, Riley" she just giggled. Riley stood in the doorway with Dallas and waved at us until Odell pulled off down the street. "So, where you taking me?" his lips twitched into a smile as he took a quick glance at me.

"You'll have to wait and find out" he laughed as I rolled my eyes, releasing a breath as I glanced out the car window. "You-You really do look beautiful, D" my cheeks flushed as I bit down on my lip, glancing down at my hands as I softly smiled.


So, the next chapter is the last one 😫 but I promise there's gonna be a sequel 🥳

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