Thirty Four

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"Dadadada..." Riley squealed, kicking her legs as she sat on my hip. Nick had messaged to meet in a Starbucks not too far from his apartment. Riley gained some attention from others in the store as she vocalised her happiness. Many of them smiled at the babbling baby on my hip.

"Hi Princess" she leant into Nick. "Oh, I missed you, Beautiful" she giggled as he covered her face in kisses. I then glanced to the brunette sat beside him. "Demi, this is Harper, my girlfriend. Harper, this is Demi, my baby mama" I flashed her a smile as she gave me a wave.

"It's nice to meet you. She's gorgeous."

"Thank you" Riley was still babbling to herself, or more so to Nick who was replying as if he knew what she was saying. A year ago, I never imagined him wanting anything to do with her. It warms my heart to see them interacting now. I'm glad that I gave him a chance and I'm glad that he grew up.

"You wanna say hi to Harper, Ry?" Riley dropped her head onto Nick's shoulder as he pointed to Harper. The smile on my face grew as she gave Harper a shy wave. Nick pressed a kiss to the top of her head and then turned back to me.

"This is for you. It's from Riley and she actually did pick it out. Hopefully you'll like it" I handed over the wrapped present that he took and lowered onto the table.

"It's from my baby. I'm sure I'll like it" I laughed at Riley's squeal as he softly kissed her cheek. "Do you want me to drop her back at your hotel room? It'll probably be about 3."

"Just message me. I should be there though" he nodded. "You have the best day with Daddy and Harper, Beautiful" she babbled as I leant into her. She grabbed onto a strand of my hair and puckered her lips. "I love you, Jellybean" she squealed as I pecked her pout. "Message if you need anything, but she should have everything in the diaper bag" I pointed to the bag that hung on the back of the stroller.

"We'll be fine, Dem" I nodded, taking one last glance at Riley who was intently watching Nick as he softly spoke to her. I slowly backed out of the Starbucks, my heart aching as I left my little girl with her daddy and his girlfriend. It isn't like I haven't left her before but for some reason, this felt different.

Odell and Dallas were waiting outside for me when I stepped back out onto the street.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, they just-they look like a little family and it just-it made me think about what Riley doesn't really have with me" I shrugged, glancing down at my hands.

"She doesn't necessarily need that, Dem. She's got you, her loving Momma and that's all she really needs" Dallas gave my arm a light squeeze. "Come on, lets go do some shopping" my lips twitched into a smile as I glanced back up at her.

"Shopping?" we glanced to Odell as he groaned.

"Yes, Odell" we laughed as he rolled his eyes. Dallas hooked her arm with mine and then tugged me down the street. Odell was behind us, grumbling about how he didn't want to shop.

We wondered around a few stores on our way up to Central Park. I received a message from Nick as we were wondering around that had a photo of Riley attached. She was covered in yoghurt and had the biggest smile on her face. I was thankful for the update. We went up Top of the Rock on our way back to our hotel which was insane. The view was incredible. Nick dropped Riley off just after 3 and she slept for an hour afterwards. We headed out for dinner again that night and it wasn't until I settled in bed that I realised that I hadn't had a message from Jace all day. I decided against messaging him as I curled up to sleep. It was finally a day without his constant questions and accusations.

Riley had a unsettled night due to her teeth and it wasn't until Dallas pointed it out the next morning that I realised she had actually cut her first tooth. It was her left lower front tooth.

"Oh, Baby. No wonder your teeth hurt" I pressed my lips to her temple as I cradled her against me. She was softly whining as she chewed on her teething ring, large tears rolling down her rosy cheeks. "You're gonna be a fun baby today."

We met up with Nick and headed up to Central Park zoo. Riley thankfully wasn't too fussy and she managed to enjoy the day. She was so intrigued with all the different animals. It was nice to spend the day with Nick, and it was a nice surprise to see Odell and Nick actually getting along. Watching them both play with Riley on the little play park was also adorable, but it didn't help with my feelings for Odell at all.

I forgot about Jace until I received a message from him as we ate lunch in a little diner.

From Jace: You don't need to apologise. I'm sorry for being a dick. I hope you're enjoying New York and I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I've missed you baby 🥺

I know how quickly he can change. I don't think he's ever really meant any of his apologies.

Riley was awake the entire flight back and screamed on the descent. Nothing I tried helped to soothe her. She wouldn't take a pacifier, she wouldn't breastfeed and she wouldn't sleep. I was definitely the most hated passenger on the flight. I was thankful to finally get off the plane. Riley fell asleep on the drive back to our apartment which I wasn't at all surprised about. I was very surprised however to find Jace stood outside my apartment building. Odell had drove us back and he turned to me as he brought his car to a stop.

"What's Jace doing here?"

"I don't know" I climbed from the car and grabbed Riley from the backseat as Odell grabbed our luggage. Jace greeted me with a smile that I instantly saw through, it caused my heart to drop slightly into my stomach.

"Hey Man" Odell greeted, holding his hand out for Jace to shake. His gaze then moved to meet mine. I glanced around to avoid it, being forced to only when he spoke to me.

"Hi Baby, you have a fun weekend?" I nodded, lightly forcing myself to smile as he leant to kiss me. "I'll take Demi's stuff off ya, Man" I didn't want Odell to hand over my stuff but he did. "We better get that one into bed, huh?" he pointed down at Riley who was fast asleep. "We'll see you around, Man" Odell nodded as he leant in to give me a hug.

"Message me, D, okay?" I nodded my reply. He pressed a soft kiss to my temple and then disappeared down the corridor. Jace didn't speak to me as we headed up to my apartment. I fumbled with the key as I tried to unlock my front door. Jace's presence was beginning to make me nervous. I took Riley straight into her nursery and managed to take her from her car seat without her waking up. She hasn't napped at all yet today so I'm not surprised she's tired. As soon as I stepped out of Riley's nursery, a hand collided with my cheek.

"That's for ignoring my messages" his voice was low, it was threatening. Tears welled up in my eyes as my cheek stung. I didn't dare move. "I don't like doing this, Demi" I sucked in a breath as he pressed his forehead to my temple, his fingers fondling with the button of my jeans. "I just wanna know that you're safe, Demi. I don't ask for much, do I?" I swallowed down the bile from my throat as he pushed my jeans and panties down my legs. "Demi?"

"No" he pressed a soft kiss to my neck.

"You're special, Baby" I bit down on my lip, whimpering as his fingers brushed along my clit. "I try to make you happy, Demi. As long as you do as I say, we'll be good together. Don't make me hit you again, I don't like doing it" he pressed a soft kiss to my cheek. He caressed my jaw and brought my lips to meet his. Once he pulled away, he tugged me into my bedroom, lowering me down on my bed where he covered my entire body in kisses as if he was worshipping it. All I could do was softly cry. I'm now too scared to try and get out.


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