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It was my 18th birthday a week after Riley was born. We didn't do much to celebrate. I didn't feel up to doing much so we just invited family and friends over. Nick surprised me by turning up with his parents which Odell didn't seem to like. It's like I can't please either of them. Nick doesn't want Odell around and Odell doesn't want Nick around either.

A couple days later, Nick had to leave for college. He came over the day before to spend some time with Riley. He's moving to California for college which means he'll be on the opposite side of the country. I've seen him more in the last week, he's starting to prove that he wants to be around Riley but now he's leaving and it kind of sucks.

I didn't get to see Odell as much as I used to once he started at college so I was left spending most of my time with Riley. He moved out of his Mom's house and into an apartment in town so he's no longer just down the road. He's still with Clara and their relationship is only getting stronger. They seem so in love. I've never actually seen him look at anyone like he does with Clara. I want to hate her, but she's so fucking sweet.

"I can't believe she just fucking smiled at you" Odell laughed as I grumbled, slumping down on my bed beside him.

"You love your Uncle, huh Ry?" I rolled my eyes as he pressed a kiss to her cheek, her lips twitched at the corners.

"I think it's your beard" he lowered her back down onto the bed. "Does his beard tickle, Baby?"

"When did you last see Nick?" I released a breath, confused slightly with the randomness of his question.

"Before he left for college" I began to caress the back of Riley's cheek with my thumb. "We FaceTime every so often and I send him photos of Ry. Apparently he's coming home for Halloween but that's still in like 3 weeks" I shrugged, keeping my eyes on Riley who was sucking on her fingers.

"So Riley hasn't seen her dad since..."

"Stop" he held his hands up in surrender. "I don't wanna talk about it" I lifted Riley into my arms as she began to fuss.

"You don't like him again, do you?" my eyebrows scrunched together as I turned to meet his gaze.

"I don't wanna get back together with him, if that's what you mean" he nodded, glancing away from me.


"Why is that good?" I released an almost nervous laugh.

"He's an ass" I rolled my eyes as I glanced down at Riley.

"And I agree with you" I softly caressed Riley's cheek. "But he's Riley's Dad, O. I have to sorta like him" my heart melted as Riley's lips twitched at the corners. "That's such a beautiful smile, Jellybean" I pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.

"When do you go back to work?"

"Next week. It's gone too quick, I wanna just spend every day with this one" I gently tapped Riley's nose. "She'll get to spend time with her Nana, Papa or Dallas. It doesn't mean I won't miss her every second though."

I spent the rest of my day with Odell. We ordered Taco Bell for lunch and searched through some apartments for rent. That's my next goal, to find myself and Riley our own place. Odell said that there's a few apartments in his complex for rent so I booked myself in for a viewing, on a little two bedroom apartment. I want to give myself and Riley our own space. I'm just worried about being alone with her.

"Hi Baby" I smiled over at Mom as I lowered myself onto the couch beside her, wrapping a blanket around myself.

"I-I've booked myself in to view an apartment in Odell's complex. It-It's closer to work and..."

"Is that something that you want?" I bit down on my lip as I nodded. "Then I'll support you. You want you're own space, it's understandable, Dem. You've got Riley to think about."

"It's not that I don't love being at home, because I do. It-It's just I-I want Riley to have her own room and..."

"You don't need to explain yourself, Demi" I finally met her gaze and noticed the smile on her face. "You want me to come to the viewing with you?"

"No offence, Mom, but I think I'll take Dad" she laughed as my lips twitched into a smirk.

"Can't say I really blame you" I laughed as I cuddled myself into her side. She lightly caressed my side with her thumb. "I'm proud of you, Baby."

"Thanks Momma" I released a breath as Riley's cries filtered into the room from the baby monitor. "She's only been asleep for like 10 minutes" I pushed myself away from my Mom and I headed upstairs and into my bedroom where Riley was screaming in her crib. "What's up, Jellybean?" I lifted her against my chest, beginning to gently pace around my bedroom. She remained tense in my arms as she screamed. "Momma's got you, Baby. You're okay" I managed to check her diaper but she was clean and dry. I'd only just fed her before she had her 10 minute nap so I was unsure why she was so unsettled. "What's wrong, Riley?" I cooed, adjusting her slightly in my arms but it only made her screams worse. My heart broke the more she screamed. "You're okay, Ry" I could feel tears of frustration burning the back of my eyes. "Shh, Baby. Please" I held her head against my shoulder, beginning to gently bounce her. I caught my Mom in the doorway who flashed me a sympathetic smile. "I don't know what to do" a single tear rolled down my cheek.

"Don't get upset, Baby" she lightly wiped my cheek. "Come here, let's see what Nana can do" I allowed her to take Riley, tears slowly beginning to blur my vision. I took a seat on my bed, glancing to Mom when all I could hear was silence. Mom had Riley lying on her front, resting on my Mom's arm as she gently rocked her. She looked almost innocent.

"How did you do that?"

"It's a hold I used on all three of you girls."

"Maybe I shouldn't move out" I mumbled as I wiped the tears from my cheeks. "Maybe I can't do this by myself" Mom shook her head as she took a seat on the bed by my knees.

"You can do this, Demi" Mom leant to kiss my cheek.

"I can't even settle her, Mom" my tears poured down my cheeks. "I'm not good at this" Mom gently handed Riley over. I cradled her against my chest, beginning to caress her spine with my finger as she settled against my chest.

"You are good at this, Demi. Stop doubting yourself" I sniffled as I wiped my cheeks. "Riley loves you. You're her Momma" I swallowed down the lump in my throat.

"I don't wanna let her down."

"You won't, Honey" I pressed a delicate kiss to the top of Riley's head as she clutched my shirt in her hand. "I'll leave you girls alone. Shout if you need anything" I nodded, releasing a breath as I stared up at the ceiling.

"I love you, Jellybean."


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