Twenty Seven

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"Is Uncle O funny, Baby?" Riley's loud giggle filled the living area as Odell bounced her on his lap. She shoved her fingers into her mouth as saliva dribbled down her chin. "I think she's teething. I feel like it's a little soon though. You ain't even 6 months yet, Riley" she babbled as I caressed her slightly pink cheek. I dropped down onto the couch beside Odell, taking Riley as she leant into me. My heart warmed as she snuggled herself into my chest, continuing to chew on her fingers.

"I can't believe she's nearly 6 months though."

"You're telling me. I don't want her to grow up too fast" I pressed my lips to the top of her head, caressing her spine with my fingertips. "Nick's coming home at the weekend. We FaceTimed him yesterday, she was so smiley and giggly."

"You think she understands who Nick is."

"I don't really know. She gets just as excited when she sees you, my parents and Dallas. I don't think she fully understands just yet. I'm glad she remembers him though" Riley lifted her head off my chest and she giggled as I pecked her lips. "I love you, Riley Bree" the sound of the buzzer pulled at my attention. "I wonder who that could be, Jellybean" I adjusted her in my arms as I slid off the couch. "Hello?"

"Hi Demi, it's Jace" my heart began to pound against my chest. I haven't spoke to Jace since his Mom's birthday, that was 4 days ago. He hasn't even messaged to apologise for his Mom's behaviour, her words were completely unacceptable.

"Erm, come up" I pressed the button to unlock the main downstairs door and then I turned back to Odell.

"I'll get going" he flashed me a smile as he pushed himself off the couch. "I don't wanna make anything awkward."

"You wouldn't, O. Thank you for keeping me company."

"Any time. Message me" he gave me a brief hug. "Bye Jellybean" she giggled as I gently waved her hand. Odell pulled open the door and stepped out into the corridor just as Jace appeared. "Hey Man" he gave Odell a nod and then turned to meet my gaze. I was confused by the look he gave me. He looked almost jealous. "See ya around, D. Bye Ry" I waved Odell off, laughing as Riley babbled back to him. I pressed my lips to her temple and then turned to Jace.

"What's he doing here?"

"He's my friend" I scrunched my eyebrows together as I adjusted Riley in my arms. He didn't reply, he just stared at me. "I-I think we need to talk, Jace" he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he nodded. I stepped back into my apartment with Jace following behind me. He closed the door as I headed towards Riley's bouncer. She babbled as I lowered her into it and I strapped her in. I passed her a teething ring which she happily chewed on. I pressed a kiss to her forehead and then I turned to Jace who was stood awkwardly by the couch. "We need to talk about your Mom's party."


"Because your Mom called me a whore."

"And I told her that you ain't one" I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off before I could. "What did you expect me to do, Demi? I backed you up. I didn't agree with her."

"I'm always gonna be a teen parent, Jace. That's never gonna change. I can't change the fact I had my daughter at 17. Your parents don't like me because of that. I don't think this is ever gonna work" his jaw clenched and his eyes flashed with something I couldn't quite figure out.

"You breaking up with me?" I tried to swallow down the lump that formed in my throat. "You ain't breaking up with me" my eyes widened slightly. "I ain't letting my parents ruin this. No" I stumbled slightly backwards as he took a few quick steps towards me. For a moment, I forgot how to breathe. "Demi, I don't care that you're a teen parent and I don't care what my parents fucking think. It's my life" I was trying to slow down the pounding of my heart. "My parents will get over it" he cupped my face in his hands and pressed a kiss to my nose. "You don't need to break up with me cause of my parents."

"You-You promise they-they won't be an issue?"

"I promise, Baby" he pressed light kisses along my cheek until he reached my lips. I found that I tensed slightly under his touch. I silently cursed myself for reacting like that as I slid my hand along his waist and I forced myself to deepen the kiss. I shook my head and squirmed from his grip as his hand moved to my ass. "Sorry" I glanced down at Riley who had fallen to sleep, her teething ring clutched in her hand.

"I-I'm gonna put Riley in her crib" I didn't wait for a reply as I gently unclipped Riley from her bouncer. She whined as I lifted her into my arms but she quickly settled against my chest. I quickly got her settled in her crib. She thankfully didn't wake and I left her to sleep for a little longer. Jace was relaxed back against the couch, flipping through the tv channels. He glanced up at me and flashed me a smile.

"What you think about watching a movie?" I nodded as I walked towards him. "Thinking we could order takeout."

"Sounds good" I took a seat on the couch beside him, bringing my knees into my chest.

"I also thought we could cuddle" I glanced to meet his gaze, biting down on my lip at his pout. I softly laughed as I moved to cuddle into his side. It took a moment for me to relax. He had his arm wrapped around me, his fingers drawing light patterns on my hip. "So, what you wanna watch, Baby?" it took us a while to agree on a movie. Once we had finally settled on what to watch, we ordered takeout. Riley slept until we were about an hour into the movie. I quickly fed her in her nursery and then settled her on her play-mat, in that time our takeout had arrived. We finished off the movie as we ate and then Riley began to fuss. I cradled her against my chest, caressing her back. She giggled as I repeatedly kissed the top of her head. The sound made me smile.

"You're so giggly, Jellybean."

"Where'd the nickname 'Jellybean' come from?"

"Odell called her it before she was even born and it kinda stuck" I shrugged, keeping my eyes on Riley who had started to babble to herself. Jace didn't reply. I took a quick glance at him and noticed that his jaw was slightly clenched. "Do you have a problem with my friendship with Odell?" my eyes moved back to Riley as she squirmed slightly. I adjusted her in my arms, beginning to caress the side of her face as she stared up at me, her lips twitching into a smile.

"I can't say I like it."

"Well, if we're gonna date, you're gonna have to get used to it. There's never been anything between Odell and I. You don't have any reason to not like it" he released a breath as he glanced to meet my gaze. "I'm faithful to the person I'm with. I wouldn't cheat on you" he kept his eyes on me. "Do you trust me or not? You've gotta trust me if you wanna be with me. We can't have a relationship without trust."

"I trust you" I nodded but wasn't too sure I believed him.


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