Twenty Two

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We turn into a cringe family at Christmas as we all wear matching pyjamas all day. This year however I kind of found it cute and I think it's because I have Riley. I love that we're wearing the exact same thing.

I now wear a boot and no longer have to use crutches. It does make it easier to care for Riley alone, it means I have both arms free. I could move back into my apartment but I still don't feel confident being alone with her entirely.

I fed Riley and then headed downstairs. The only other person who was awake was my Dad.

"I'm surprised Maddie isn't awake yet" he laughed as I adjusted Riley in my arms. She began to kick her legs.

"Hi Princess" she giggled, her fingers in her mouth. "Your Mom's getting her up, along with Dallas" I passed Riley to Eddie and then headed to grab myself a glass of orange juice. Riley's giggle filled the kitchen. "You excited for presents, Riley?" her giggles turned into squeals. Eddie had Riley stood on his thighs as he gently bounced her. "You're so beautiful" I smiled as I relaxed back against the counter. I took a sip of my orange juice and then the sound of thundering feet made me smile. It was less than a minute later that Madison ran into the kitchen, her excitement was instantly contagious.

"Can we open presents?" I laughed as she jumped around the kitchen. "Please? Please?" Mom and Dallas appeared and Riley squealed, bouncing on Eddie's legs in excitement.

"Hi Riley" Mom cooed, taking Riley from Dad and covering her face in kisses. I smiled at her loud giggles. "Somebody's a happy baby this morning" she settled Riley on her hip.

"I think the energy of Christmas is contagious" Mom laughed as she glanced to Riley who was staring up at her. She then glanced to me and giggled, her fingers shoved in her mouth. "Shall we open some presents, Ry?"

"Yeah!" Riley jumped at Madison's loud squeal. We all laughed as I took Riley from Mom and settled her on my hip. We followed Madison into the living room who was amazed by the presents in a pile by the tree. I glanced to Riley who just looked confused. I laughed as I kissed her temple.

"You'll understand one year" I combed my fingers through her hair. I took a seat on the couch and settled Riley on my lap. We allowed Madison to open her presents first. There was wrapping paper all over by the time she had finished. I helped Riley to open some of her gifts until she got bored and cranky. Her favourite present was a stuffed worm toy that she fell asleep on the couch with. She slept as I opened my presents, waking up 20 minutes later with a whine. "What's up, Jellybean?" she settled as I cradled her against my chest.

Once all the wrapping paper was tidied away, there was a knock on the door. I really hope that's Nick. He messaged to say he was home and that he'll come to see Riley at some point on Christmas Day. We weren't expecting anyone else so everyone instantly turned to me.

"I hope that's Nick" I glanced to Riley. "Shall we go and see if that's Daddy?" she just stared at me with her mouth open. I managed to push myself up from the couch and I adjusted Riley against my chest as I hobbled to the front door. It was in fact Nick and Riley began to kick her legs at the sight of him.

"Hi Baby" I allowed him to take her, she giggled as he briefly lifted her over his head. "You've grown, Riley" I smiled as I leant against the door. This is what I wanted for my daughter.

Nick stayed for around an hour, helping Riley to open the presents he'd brought for her. It's safe to say that Riley has been truly spoilt this Christmas. My Mom and Eddie started on dinner once Nick left and I put Riley down for a nap. I grabbed my phone off charge before I left my room, biting down on my lip and widely smiling at a message.

From Jace: Merry Christmas Gorgeous 😻

My stomach erupted with butterflies. Jace and I have been speaking everyday for the last couple weeks. Odell still isn't aware that we're speaking and I feel kind of bad for not telling him. I'm going to have to tell him when the date happens, right?

To Jace: Merry Christmas 🎄

I took a seat on the edge of my bed, glancing briefly to Riley who cooed in her sleep. I dropped back against my bed, suddenly able to feel how drained I am. I released a breath and curled up with my pillow, smiling as my phone buzzed.

From Jace: Hope you got everything you wanted!!

To Jace: There's one thing missing 😉

I could feel my cheeks beginning to burn.

From Jace: And what would that be?

To Jace: How about that date?

My lips twitched into a wide smile as I sent the message, my heart pounded against my chest though out of nerves. The three little dots appeared and then disappeared, it just heightened my nerves, it didn't help at all. The last date I went on was with Nick and it was to the bowling alley almost a year ago. I've been single for nearly a year.

From Jace: You free Friday?

That's in two days. Oh my god.

To Jace: Yes 😊

I'm gonna need to get someone to watch Riley.

From Jace: I'll pick you up at 7. Your place?

To Jace: Yes. How should I dress? I got a boot 😂

I've still got the boot for another couple of weeks. I've been seeing a physiotherapist who's starting to get together some activities to help me build my strength back up.

From Jace: Casual. You'll look hella gorgeous anyway 😻

I bit down my lip as my cheeks burnt once again.

I ended up falling to sleep and I woke to Riley's little noises over an hour later. I rubbed at my eyes as I climbed out of bed, a smile forming on my face as I leant over Riley's crib.

"Hi Jellybean" a gummy smile spread across her face. "Did you sleep good?" she cooed as I lifted her from the crib. I pressed a kiss to her cheek as I settled her on my hip. "Can Momma check your diaper, Beautiful?" I hobbled over to the bed and gently lowered her down onto it. She was damp so I quickly changed her. My stomach grumbled as I stepped from my old bedroom and I could instantly smell dinner. "Momma's hungry, Baby" I could hear noise from the kitchen so I headed into there, smiling at my Mom and Eddie. It was Riley that managed to grab their attention as she squealed.

"Hi Riley Bree" Mom pulled a tray of potatoes from the oven. "Did you both have a good sleep?"

"I needed it" Mom laughed as she flashed me a smile.

"Dinner's ready so I hope you're hungry."

"I'm starving" I pressed a kiss to Riley's cheek and then headed into the living room where Dallas and Madison were playing with Madison's new barbie dolls. I took a seat on the couch, lowering Riley onto the floor. She pushed herself up onto her hands, giggling as she lightly kicked her legs.

I strapped Riley into her bouncer and placed her beside me in the dining room as we ate. I tried to keep her entertained but she managed to do that herself with her worm toy. She kept cooing and almost babbling to herself. It was adorable.

"Dal?" I questioned after we'd finished dinner, Mom and Eddie were washing up and Madison had gone to play.

"You okay, D?" I cradled Riley against my chest, glancing to her and smiling as she pressed her hands to my cheeks.

"J-Jace asked me out on Friday" I tried to keep my voice quiet, flashing Dallas a glare as she went to squeal. "Shut up!" she clamped her hand over her mouth as I rolled my eyes. "Would you be able to look after Riley at mine?"

"Yeah, of course but why yours?"

"I-I think I'm gonna head home tomorrow. I need to get back to looking after Riley and I haven't been home for like a month" Dallas nodded as her smile widened.

"My sister's got a boyfriend" she laughed as I rolled my eyes, nudging her in the side. "Your Momma's got a boyfriend" Riley's loud giggles filled the dining room as Dallas tickled her.


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