Thirty Six

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I'd been awake for most of the night with Riley coughing, crying and vomiting. She had refused to eat all day yesterday, the only thing she would have was breastmilk. She's only ever had a cold before. She's never been this sick.

"You're okay, Baby" her whimpers broke my heart as she cuddled her face into my neck. "Oh Riley" I cooed, lightly playing with her hair. She clutched at the back of my shirt. "Momma's got you, Jellybean. You're okay" I caressed her spine as I relaxed back in the rocking chair. She quickly settled against me, moving to rest her head on my chest.

I glanced up as the door to Riley's nursery was pushed open and Jace poked his head into the room.

"You been in here all night?"

"Yeah, she hasn't slept."

"You ain't either, Babe" he actually sounded concerned. He's had his kind moments over the last week for sure but he's suddenly become very critical of how I look. He hates if I wear anything that shows off my stomach or thighs. He claims that they're for his eyes only. "Why don't you put her down? I'll make breakfast, it is your birthday" the way he was acting had me unsettled. He hasn't been this kind in weeks.

"I-I don't think she'll settle" I pushed myself up from the rocking chair and moved to lower Riley into her crib. She whimpered in protest but did manage to settle herself. On one hand I was glad but on the other, I wasn't. This meant that Jace had an excuse to pull me away from her for a bit.

"Perfect" he reached out for my hand and began to gently tug me from her room. He cupped my face in his hands and then captured my lips in a kiss. "Now, let me give the birthday girl her present" his hands gripped at my hips as he led me back into my bedroom. I was constantly listening out for Riley so couldn't get myself in the mood but once Jace had started, he didn't care about that. He just cared about his own high.

Riley slept for a good hour before she woke up crying. I attempted to feed her some oatmeal but she just kept pushing the spoon away. Her cries of protest broke my heart but they seemed to just infuriate Jace.

"Can you get her to stop crying, Demi?"

"I'm trying, Jace, she doesn't have an off switch" I pressed my lips to Riley's temple as I attempted to soothe her, gently rocking her on the spot. "You're okay, Baby" I lightly caressed her back. I jumped at the sound of the front door slamming shut. I rolled my eyes and released a breath as it became obvious that Jace had left. It was actually a relief to not have him breathing down my neck. Once Riley had calmed herself down a little, I attempted to nurse her. She fed for around 10 minutes but it was enough to satisfy me. At least she's had something nutritious. She fell asleep straight after, her hand clutching tightly onto my shirt. I didn't dare move her.

A knock on my front door around 5 minutes later made me jump. For a moment, I worried that it was Jace but I very much doubt he'd knock. I pushed myself up from the couch, adjusting Riley in my arms as I headed to grab the door. Other than Jace the only other person it could be is Odell because I'd have to buzz everyone else up. Odell was in fact standing in the corridor, holding a rather large gift bag and clutching a pink balloon in his hand that had 'happy birthday mommy' written on it.

"I assume the balloon is from Riley otherwise this is a weird birthday" a smile instantly began to spread across my face. He laughed as he glanced up at the balloon and then nodded.

"Yeah, it's from Riley. Happy birthday" I softly laughed.

"Thank you" I reached to take the balloon from him. "Come in" I stepped out of the way and signalled for him to enter.

"Jellybean asleep?"

"Yeah, I've been up all night with her, she isn't feeling too good" a sad smile formed on his face. "She's managed to eat a little so I'm not too worried" I took a seat on the couch, Odell took a seat beside me and lowered the gift bag to the floor. "You really didn't have to get me so much, O."

"Some of it's from Riley, hence the balloon" my eyebrows scrunched together. "We didn't expect Jace to get you anything from her so Dallas and I picked some stuff up" my heart warmed. I reached for the gift bag but found it difficult with Riley clutched to my chest. "You want me to take her?" she whined as I gently passed her over to Odell. "Hi Jellybean."

"O" the saddest smile tugged on her lips.

"You feeling sorry for yourself, huh?"

"Oh ah mama" she tiredly babbled in reply, holding her hand up to Odell. She squealed as he gently kissed it. I love watching them together and as I stared at him as he conversed with my daughter, I imagined telling him about everything but something inside stopped me from being able too.

"It's your Momma's birthday, Ry. You gonna say happy birthday?" Odell adjusted her in his arms.

"Buff mama" my heart warmed. She then cuddled into Odell, her arms wrapping around his neck.

"She's really hot, D."

"I know. I hate that she's sick. It breaks my heart" we spent an hour opening my presents. I can't believe how much Odell brought me alone, never mind what he brought with Dallas from Riley. My favourite was definitely a painted canvas of a photo I took with Riley when she was a newborn. "I actually can't believe this photo was from a year ago" I softly laughed and then tensed at the sound of the front door opening.

"Hey Man, didn't realise you'd be here."

"Had to see Demi on her birthday" I flashed Odell a light smile and then turned to Jace who was walking towards me with a bunch of red roses in his hand.

"These are for my birthday girl" my lips twitched into a smile.

"Thank you."

Odell ended up staying for around an hour. I could sense Jace's annoyance but thankfully he didn't say anything. Riley perked up whilst Odell was here and suddenly wanted to play. She actually cried when he had to leave.

"I'll see you soon, Jellybean" she quietly babbled as Odell softly caressed her cheek. "Let me know about tomorrow, we can cancel if Riley isn't any better" I flashed him a thankful smile as I nodded, pressing a kiss to the top of Riley's head as she cuddled her face into my neck. I settled Riley on the floor with some of her toys once Odell left but she didn't seem interested in them anymore. She just kind of sat there, staring up at me and whining. It broke my heart a little.

"What do you wanna do, Riley?" she crawled towards me and I lifted her into my arms. I got her settled on the couch as she dropped to sleep and I went to find Jace.

"We still on for tonight, yeah?"

"I don't think so. I can't leave Riley with my parents, Jace, she's sick" his jaw clenched, it was obvious it was because of me. I wasn't agreeing with him and he didn't like it.

"I made plans, Demi."

"I'm sorry but I'm not leaving her for my parents to deal with, Jace, that isn't fair on her or my parents. She's my daughter" his hands balled into fists, his breathing seemed to get heavier as he stared down at me. I could see the anger clearly in his eyes. "What are you gonna hit me?"

"You want me to fucking hit you?"

"That's all you seem to do lately so..." I winced as I was slammed back into the wall.

"I slap you, Demi. I don't hit you. You fucking deserve it. You just gonna make me cancel plans I've had booked for weeks. It cost fucking money, Demi. I ain't made of that shit."

"I'm not leaving her with my parents, Jace."

"So, I just gotta cancel and lose the deposit? Nah, Demi fuck that shit. I'm sure I can find someone to take your place" he quickly turned and I watched him, holding my breath as he stormed towards the front door.

"Jace, what you talking about?"

"I ain't gonna get shit here with a sick kid so..."

"She's my daughter, Jace. I can't just leave her with my parents when she's sick. You're an ass" he stopped, his body suddenly tensing. I very quickly regretted those final words.


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