Thirty One

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"Do I really have to go out in this?" Dallas lightly laughed as I glanced down at myself. The only person who's seen me in just lingerie and anything less since I had Riley, is Jace.

"Dem, you look beautiful."

"Thanks I guess" I quickly glanced in the mirror. I'm only wearing black lace lingerie. It just about covers my intimate areas. Dallas went to answer the door after there was a knock. I quickly grabbed the robe from the back of the chair and I wrapped it around myself. Stood on the other side of the door was Henry, Dallas' boss. He's at least middle aged, his brown hair is starting to grey and he has prominent wrinkles.

"Demi, are we all ready?" Dallas glanced back at me, her eyes meeting mine as an encouraging smile spread across her face. I swallowed the lump from my throat and then nodded. "Awesome. Lets get started" Dallas' smile widened as she followed Henry out of the room. I bit on my lip as I followed behind them, butterflies instantly erupted in my stomach. There were several people stood around, all of them waiting to get started. I was ushered onto the set almost immediately, it just had a plain white backdrop behind it.

"Demi, if you could just stand on that 'X' for me" I nodded, moving to stand on the black X in the centre of the floor. "It shouldn't be too cold, so you okay to remove the robe and we'll get started. You don't have to be nervous, just do what I'm sure will come natural" I slowly slid from the robe, trying to ignore any negative thoughts in the back of my mind. I'm doing this for Riley. I'm doing this to be able to keep a roof over Riley's head. I found the constant flashing of the cameras to be quite blinding. "Turn to the side, Demi" I followed every single one of their instructions. "You're a natural" the longer the shoot went on, the more I actually started to enjoy myself. "Let's take a break so Demi can change" Dallas skipped up to me as I stepped off the set. I flashed a smile at the lady who handed me the robe back. I laughed as Dallas wrapped her arms around me and she lightly squealed down my ear.

"You were enjoying yourself up there" I felt my cheeks lightly blush as I nodded, beginning to change.

There were a few more lingerie sets I had to be photographed in before they called it a day. I got to have a look at some of the shots and I have to admit I was impressed. I think I may have found something I find enjoyment in.

I got a ride back with Dallas. The first stop was to our parents to pick up Riley who was overjoyed to see me. She was sat on the floor with Madison who was building a tower of blocks. It took her a while to notice me but once she did, she began to wave her arms at me.

"Hi Jellybean" she squealed as I lifted her into my arms and I covered her face in kisses. "I missed you" her beautiful giggle warmed my heart. She shoved her fingers into her mouth causing saliva to dribble down her chin as I settled her on my hip. "Do your teeth hurt, Baby?" she whined as I lightly caressed the back of her cheek. I took a seat on the couch as my Mom stepped into the living room.

"Hi Baby, how was the photoshoot?" I nodded, cradling Riley against my chest and lightly caressing her spine. She was quietly babbling to herself as she snuggled into me.

"I enjoyed it. I think I might look into finding a modelling agency. It'd be more money than the book store."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" I flashed her a smile which widened as she leant to kiss my forehead. "You do whatever makes you happy, Baby" I managed to loosely wrap my arm around her.

I had to feed Riley before we left as she had started to fuss. It meant that she fell asleep in the car on the way home though. I hate getting her out of the car when she falls asleep because she always wakes up screaming. She hates being woken up.

"Is that Jace?" I glanced towards the main entrance to my apartment building.

"Yeah, I didn't realise he was coming over" Dallas brought the car to a stop by the sidewalk. "Thank you so much for today" she flashed me a smile as she glanced over at me.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" I unbuckled myself and then slid from the car. As I had predicted, Riley screamed as I removed her from the car seat. I waved Dallas off, cradling Riley in my arms as I headed up to the front entrance.

"Hi Baby" Jace spoke louder as to be heard over Riley's screams. I flashed him a light smile.

"Hi. I didn't realise you were coming over" he shook his head as I unlocked the door and stepped inside. I adjusted Riley in my arms, lowering her head onto my shoulder. She thankfully began to calm down as she relaxed against me.

"I did message."

"Oh, my-my phone kinda died" he followed behind me as I stepped onto the elevator. "Is Riley asleep?"

"Not quite" I began to trail my fingers along her back. "You been at work today or..." his voice was a different tone.

"Erm, yeah kinda."

"Kinda? You keep saying that a lot" I briefly glanced to him, my heart stopped for a moment as our eyes met. He looked almost like he was accusing me of something. "I stopped by the bookstore. You weren't there, you actually didn't have work today" my breath caught in my throat. I couldn't even force myself to look away from him. "Where were you?" before I had the chance to reply, the elevator doors opened. I felt like I could finally breathe as I stepped off the elevator and I headed towards my apartment with Jace right behind me. It was silent between us as I unlocked my front door and I headed into Riley's nursery. She thankfully remained asleep as I got her settled in her crib. I took time to gather my thoughts before I headed back out into my living room. "Where were you?" I jumped at Jace's sudden question. He was stood by the couch, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I-I was at work, just-just I-I wasn't at the store" his eyebrows raised as he stared me down. "I was at-at a photoshoot."

"For what, Demi?" I never told Jace about the photoshoot because I didn't know how he'd react. I guess I should have just told him after I'd agreed to do it.

"For Dallas' boss" his eyebrows raised.

"And what is it that Dallas' boss sells?" I found myself taking small steps backwards as he walked towards me. I started to feel intimated under his stare. "Demi?" his voice dropped, it was obvious he was growing impatient with me.

"He-He sells lingerie" I watched as his eyes darkened.

"Lingerie?" he repeated. "Nah, you ain't modelling lingerie. I ain't having some pervert ogling my girlfriends naked body. You're fucking nude, Demi" I shook my head, finding some courage from somewhere to defend myself.

"I'm not nude, Jace. I'm wearing lingerie. In no photo do you see my nipples or my..." a loud slap echoed off the walls. It took a moment for me to realise what happened. The stinging of my cheek made my eyes instantly well up. I was frozen.

"Baby, I'm sorry" I didn't even move as he pressed his lips to my cheek. I kept my eyes on the wall as my vision continued to blur with my tears. "I-I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry" he almost hesitantly slid his hand along my waist. "I'm sorry" he began to press light kisses down my neck, continuing to repeatedly apologise. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry" I couldn't reply. I remained frozen to the spot.


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