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Riley's giggle made my smile widen as we played on the floor. She was laying on her back as we played with her teddies.

"Riley, that is such a beautiful giggle" her little legs began to kick as a gummy smile spread across her face. "You're so beautiful, Jellybean" I leant to kiss her cheek and a squeal left her lips as she pressed her hand to my cheek. I took a hold of her hand and pressed a soft kiss to it. She continued to giggle, the sound filled the living area.

There was a sudden knock on my front door. I scrunched my eyebrows together, not recalling ever buzzing anyone in. My heart pounded a little as I glanced back down at Riley.

"Let's go and see who that is, Baby Girl" I pushed myself to stand and lifted Riley onto my hip. She gripped my shirt as I walked to the front door, pulling it open to reveal Odell. "Hi" I greeted him with a smile but then noticed the tears on his cheeks and his red, puffy eyes. "What happened?" Riley kicked her legs as she cooed, holding her arm out to Odell.

"Clara broke up with me" my jaw dropped. "Don't even fucking ask" I furrowed my eyebrows as I moved out of the way for him to enter. "She wouldn't even tell me the fucking reason. She just kept saying that it was her and not me. Fucking lies" Riley dropped her head onto my shoulder as I gently swayed her. "I could feel myself actually fucking falling for her and..." my heart physically broke. I tried to blink back the tears I could feel wanting to force their way forward. "I don't understand" his fingers combed through his light curls. "Fucking over it" he dropped down onto the couch and stared up at the ceiling. I watched as a single tear rolled down his cheek. "I'm done. I'm done with relationships" I released a breath as I adjusted Riley on my hip.

"You can't just..."

"Yes, I can. I'm done with women, they're too demanding and shit. I don't need that. I'm over it" his eyes burnt into mine. He's serious. Riley began to whine after a moment of silence. "Hi Jellybean. Did I not pay you any attention?" his lips twitched into a light smile. "You're the only woman who can't piss me off."

"Hey, I'm a woman. When have I ever pissed you off? And I ain't demanding, Asshole" his eyes moved to meet mine. I rolled my eyes at the way his lips twitched into an innocent smile. "And don't swear in front of my daughter" Riley kicked her legs as I handed her to Odell.

"Hi Little Beauty" she squealed as Odell pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. "Don't ask me anything about her. I ain't answering any questions" I nodded my understanding.

"Got it. You want anything to drink?"

"Water's fine, D" I nodded as I headed into the kitchen, lightly smiling as I listened to Odell talk to Riley. I grabbed Odell a water and myself an iced tea. I can't believe how much my heart hurts with his words. There'll never be a chance for us now he's over relationships. I may as well try and force myself to move on if nothing's ever gonna happen. I ain't one of those people who just want sex. I want a relationship.

Riley managed to boost Odell's mood and it was nice to see him smile even if it was just because of Riley. We spent the rest of the morning together until I had to head into work.

"What am I gonna do with her?" Dallas was supposed to look after Riley as my parents are both at work but she's just rang to say she doesn't feel well enough to take care of her so I'm left with no one to look after her. I start work in an hour.

"I can stay here with her, if you want?" I glanced to Riley who was fast asleep on Odell's chest.

"Do you even know how to take care of a baby?"

"You showed me how to change a diaper, you've shown me how to warm a bottle. What else does she need?"

"A lot. Baby's are hard work, O" he lightly laughed as he glanced down at Riley. I rolled my eyes at his smirk. "She can't just sleep until I get home. She won't sleep tonight" he shook his head as he caressed Riley's back.

"I know, D" I released a breath as I dropped back against the couch. "Demi, if you don't go into work, you won't get paid. Riley kinda relies on you. It'll only be for like 5 hours. We'll be fine" I bit down on my lip as I watched him. "If I have any issues, I'll ring you. We'll be fine, won't we, Ry?" I rolled my eyes again as he softly whispered to Riley. I can't deny that he is amazing with Riley but I've never left her alone with him. "You trust me, right?"

"You know I do, O. It's just..." I cut myself off as I watched Riley. "Please, ring me if there's any issues."

"I promise. Now, go and get ready for work" I pushed myself up from the couch and headed towards my bedroom. "Shall we have a party, Ry?" I shook my head and was met with his soft laugh. I quickly got changed for work and by the time I left my room, Riley was awake. She was leant back against Odell's chest and seemed pretty chill. A gummy smile formed on her face as she noticed me.

"Hi Beautiful" she cooed, shoving her fingers into her mouth. "You gonna be a good girl for Uncle O, Jellybean?" she cooed as I caressed her cheek. "You sure you'll be okay?"

"We'll be fine, D. I'll see you at 8" I leant to kiss Riley's forehead. "Say bye, Momma" Riley giggled as Odell waved her hand. I lightly smiled as I gave her a wave.

"Bye Baby. I love you. I'll see you later" I blew her a kiss as I headed towards the front door.

I kept texting Odell when I could, just to check up on Riley. He sent me so many photos. I smiled at every single one. The book store was quiet, there really wasn't much going on and it just made me miss Riley that much more.

I was stood on the ladder stocking away some books when I heard a deep voice.

"Hi Demi" I jumped, turning around to face whoever it was so quickly that I fell backwards off the ladder. A light squeal slipped from my lips and my eyes tightly closed as I waited to hit the floor. I didn't though, I was caught by whoever it was that spoke to me. "I got ya" my eyes shot open and I was suddenly staring into Jace's dark brown eyes.

"J-Jace?" I scrambled from his arms, smoothing out my uniform and then combing my fingers through my hair. My heart suddenly began to pound against my chest.

"You okay?" I nodded, trying to ignore the sudden pain I could feel creeping it's way up my ankle. "No, you're not" I winced as I leant against the bookshelf. "Where hurts?" he seemed genuinely concerned.

"My ankle. It-It probably got caught when I..."

"We should probably get it checked out" I silently stared at him for a moment, the pain in my ankle was so bad that it actually just felt numb. "I'll take you to the hospital. Feel like this is my fault" I shook my head as I softly laughed.

"I'm a klutz" he softly laughed, glancing briefly down at the floor. "You really don't mind?" he shook his head as he held his hand out. I slid my hand into his and then wrapped my arm around him as I hobbled along beside him.


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